
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Gah, The Stupid, It Burns

I used to be something of an optimist, I felt that roughly 75% of the Earth's population were morons. Not bad people mind you, just not all that bright. Now I'm not claiming that I'm a genius, far from it, there are days when I'm numbered among the ranks of the Great Moronic Hoard, that would be the GMH, and no Paul, I haven't added it to the Acronym Page yet. Maybe later, POCIR.

Anyhoo, I kind of noticed that you folks, based on the turnout for yesterday's post, aren't all that enamored of armored fighting vehicles, or tanks. At least not the clunky and weird early examples of same, nor do y'all seem particularly interested in the obscure foreigners who were involved in the early days of the tank.

Fair enough, I'll stay away from tanks, for a while at any rate.

So while reading the folks over on the sidebar, I came across this gem over at Borepatch's place. Go ahead, go on over there and read it, it's quite good.

Based on reading that, and other things that come over the transom in my day to day reading, observing, and listening, I'm now convinced that fully 90% of the world's population are morons. What's more, a larger and larger number of them (than I originally thought) are indeed actually evil as well.

Bastards. Many of whom seem determined to run for President of these here United States.

It's why we can't have nice things.

I'm going to go read my book, maybe watch another episode of Age of Tanks, but I won't bore you with that.

At least not today...


  1. A timely link to post Sarge. The more stupid people that survive the more stupid people they produce. Personally I think your ninety percent is a bit low. As to intentions ya...... evil walks on two legs and the Internet provides a means of instantaneous dispersal of information/rumor. The time is now to buy cheap and stack deep.

  2. Please, don't write to get comments. I read the post but had to bug out for a trip to Del Rio that I knew was gonna go long. I didn't take the time to post. Keep writing on your passionate subjects. I'm not going anywhere.

    When I think of tanks, I immediately jump to "Tommy Cookers", "Zippos", and other horrible things I've read and seen. Early tanks were weird, but kinda fascinating. I never knew they had that wheel idea. That was off the wall. If they'd put boots on those "feet", that would've look neat.

    New subject perchance??:

    1. Ah I was just funnin' with y'all.

      I will keep writing about the things I enjoy, I just need a way to start today's post.

      I started watching the third episode of Age of Tanks, felt like a Soviet propaganda film, so I shut it off. "Well, we were kicking the Japanese's asses in the Far East then the Americans nuked them and they quit. Then surprise, surprise, surprise Soviet scientists developed their own atomic bomb (with stolen data from traitors in Britain and the USA).

      Netflix sometimes can't help themselves. Beans might be right.

    2. Of course I'm right. I'm Beans after all!!!

      Hates Netflix, giving Barky the Magic Moonbat his own show was bad.

      But what is it with companies actively courting conservative customers to only reveal themselves, once they become rich and famous, as leftist dirtbags? Dudes, exactly how did you get to be so darned rich? Capitalism? Right? Suck it!

  3. I did spend time yesterday looking for the alleged United States Patent of Oberleutnant Burstyn, but failed to find it.

    I intended to report that result but I simply forgot.

    And I was going to say, "Tank you for the post."

    1. Good one John.

      I don't think he had a US patent, the US simply turned down the British request for one.

  4. First of all: Tanks:
    Ok, so I am a girl, and, no, tanks aren't the first, or even second, thing I go wandering around wondering about. Having said that, I did read the last few posts about tanks, and, just like when you write about planes, I learn new stuff. And that is ok. Besides, that photo with the wheels with feet were kinda cool.

    Did I leave a comment about it--no--but just cause there aren't a bunch of comments, doesn't mean folks hate what you are posting about. It is YOUR blog. Write about what YOU want! If I don't like it, or am not interested, I can change the channel!

    That is what makes America great! We have choices--options--a variety of various items to peruse. And, no one dictates that we can only read/write/think/talk about any one it tanks, or planes, or drums, or classical or rock or jazz music, or, or, or whatever...or at least not until recently. All the wonderful variety and diversity that is always being the thing to strive for.

    Second: Yes, it does seem that the mental aptitude does seem to be declining rapidly these days. I told someone just yesterday that current items I have seen in/on the news really would point to where NOT to send your kids to college to learn something economic theory. Supply and demand. Inputs and Outputs and systems. And, generally, stuff about life.

    Than I thought a little more, and it may just be that I am getting older, and having had more life experience than some chick who is only 28 or 29 years old who thinks she has all the answers. Every young person, fresh out of college, (who has never been in the military where, from what I can see, they do teach/impress firmly on you that you know nothing, so STFU and only speak when spoken to and let the adults talk) is convinced that they have ALL the answers to ALL the world's difficulties. I have seen this in freshly minted new nurses, and even more so in new doctors, where the ink is still damp on the diploma.

    For me, the most perplexing thing is this "sudden" urge of politicians to tout how their platform will "significantly transform America". All I can think of is "Good Luck with that!" Sarcastically. They must think we have never heard that promise before, nor seen what results when folks pushing that are elected. Fool me once, shame on me...And what is sooo very wrong with America that it needs to be "transformed". If it is sooo very wrong and in need of being changed, then why are so very many folks trying every way possible to either legally, or illegally, to get in, to come live here. In a place that "needs to be transformed"??
    If socialism is such a wonderful way to run a country, there are certainly plenty of countries around the world where those folks could go to. How many illegals are landing on say Cuba's beaches, or China's??

    So, yes, looking logically at the chaos that is going on around us as we go about our normal lives, it does seem that the next generation are not as mentally sharp as those of us who have come before. Certainly there are plenty of ideas floating around out there where I cock an eyebrow and say "Seriously?!? You want to do WHAT?!?! You might want to re-think that!" But maybe I am just a grumpy, cynical old lady who needs another cup of tea this morning.

    (kicking the soapbox back in the corner) :)

    1. Um, I didn't mean to sound needy, "Wah, nobody read my post," but it sure came across that way. Sorry. But thanks for caring.

      I get the young'uns thinking they have all the answers, but how do we explain Bernie and Fauxcahontas and others of that ilk? Aging old Commies who want to drag us down to the level of Venezuela? I know they don't believe that, but are they abysmally stupid or patently evil? (I lean towards the latter.)

      Great comment Suz, I think it's longer than my post, which means that I did my job. Whatever that means.

      And yes, I live for comments, I am needy that way. ;)

    2. They are either patently evil, promoting socialism while getting a third house comes to mind as an example, or their handlers are. Sometimes that nutbag Alex Jones starts to make sense.

      As to Lizzie not-Borden, well, she knew she lied, lied and lied, and didn't expect to get caught, or if she did, she could shed it off like Hillary or Bill C. But for some strange reason OrangeManBad has a way of making talking points stick to his enemies' foreheads, like he uses super-sticky post-it-notes or maybe nail guns to make the talking point hold on those greasy oily slippery suckers.

      Nail guns... Hmmmmm.. Only if I'm wearing a MAGA hat and blackface... (SARCHASM ALERT!!!)

    3. Hahaha!

      Nailed it. (Pun intended.)

    4. So AOC is too young to know any better, and Crazy, Lizzy, Nan and company--I think they are just having some beginnings of dementia or smoked too much of something back in the day, or they are missing their Hippie protest days. I remember back in the 60's there was a lot of talk about several items that keep coming up in the NGD. Maybe back then, they got smacked down, but now they are the old, experienced voices in the room...hmmm, term limits are sounding better and better...

      I was wondering the other day exactly why it is that Crazy Bernie keeps getting re-elected. Back in the day, Vermonters' were kinda hippish, but these days there are a lot more capitalistic operations going on in VT. I know that the incumbent has a much better chance of getting back in again, but, I think it is about time to turn over the seat to some younger person.

      And I am sorry about talking so much. Early AM my fingers are just wide awake. I will strive to not be so talkative.

    5. Ah but we like it when you get talkative Suz!

      Well, Bernie started poisoning the well in Burlington, which has always tilted left, then the rest of Vermont lost their minds I guess.

      Bernie the Commie is actually from Brooklyn, NY, no doubt they kicked him out.

    6. AOC is not too young, she just believes the socialist bullscat. After all, how else will she be able to pay her student loans on a bartender's pay?

      McCarthy, one of my personal tragic Greek-style heroes, was correct in his 'witchhunt.' Dangit.

    7. It was in the best interests of the Communist Party to discredit McCarthy. So their minions in the government went after him.

  5. I feel that I go back and forth across the Mendoza Line of Moronity on an hourly basis. I do hate when I have to spend valuable reading time looking up foreign phrases that they expect me to know. What I do know is I do not have the ear nor the tongue for any language other than my broken American. It was all i could do to get by the requirements for French in high school. I gave up on college level Spanish. I hesitate to call it English, definitely not the "King's English". BUT, I'm aware of my level and strive everyday to improve and add to my knowledge base.

    1. Mendoza Line of Moronity, love it. Shall we call it the MLM? (Again Paul, not on the Acronym Page yet.)

      Man, I've talked to you in person, yur Eenglissh is purty gud. ;)

      Seriously, there are days I feel like I shouldn't be allowed out of the house without adult supervision, other days I don't just feel like I'm the smartest person in the room, I probably am. (I have more of the former than the latter, believe me.)

    2. Sarge, its a daily struggle listen and reading with those on both sides of MLM. I don't know which is worse, dealing with the uneducated or the stupid and ignorant educated who think they know what they're talking or writing about but it is readily apparent they do not. At least with the uneducated they sometimes are open to listen and learn. I feel bad at times that MiLady has to listen to me scream at the TV when someone attempts to expound on their knowledge and level of intelligence but only exceed in displaying just how little they actually know on the subject.

    3. Probably why I just gave up on television a few years ago.

      I'll watch the local news every now and then to keep informed of the weather, local sports, and staying abreast of local issues that may impact me and mine directly. National news? Propaganda, both sides, it's a quest for ratings and advertising money, nothing more.

      It's scary watching the so-called elite blathering on the telly, so I don't.

      (Also The Missus Herself got tired of me yelling at the TV.)

  6. Stupidity? No, uneducated, yes. Environment sciences helped clear our skies, so not all is bad, some is needed. Such as only salt, on our highways, what was wrong with the old clinkers from the power plant? Now spreading beet juice, mixed with salt, so our cars can rust out faster, durn. I like my 01 f150. And the diversity of opinions, makes such interesting readings into a myrid of subjects.

    1. I'll give you some of that James, many are simply uneducated or (worse) poorly educated. But far too many people are just downright stupid, willfully so. Given a fair to middling education they still cannot think for themselves. It's a human trait I think, most folks are followers, not leaders, so they're willing to be sheep and follow the one who promises them the most free stuff. I mean wouldn't it be great to have everything provided without stressing about it? Slaves have all they need, food, shelter, clothing, and a job. No worries man. But is that good? I think not.

      Yes, some environmentalism is good so we don't poison ourselves, now can we get the effing Chinese to stop poisoning themselves and Asia?

      Diversity of informed opinion is good, uninformed drivel is not. Maybe I spend too much time monitoring social media. Makes one pessimistic it does.

  7. Blogging should be fun or you should be getting paid for it, if you like tanks then go for it!

    1. It is fun, most of the time. I do like whining, I did a little of that today. Sorry.

      Or there will be more tanks, I like them too much. :)

    2. Hey Sarge, what about current tank editions? Any interest there? Wouldn't mind seeing them get the Sarge treatment.

    3. Don't worry Nylon12, we'll get there, eventually. I really want to look at the Abrams versus the Leopard 2, apparently the Turks don't know how to use their tanks and the Germans don't know how to maintain theirs. Is the Leopard a dog, or are the Turks incompetent tankers? An area I'll look at someday.

      We'll get to the modern stuff one of these days.

    4. Well, the Poles love their Leopard 2s. And, unlike Germany, can keep them running. And, unlike Turkey, can upgrade them themselves.

      The Turks are still very much in the Middle East concept of tanks. Drive them really fast. Stop. Shoot. Wait. Shoot again. Run.

      It is the Middle East way of fighting. Think Bedouins on horseback. Huge horde of cavalry that is used to overwhelming the enemy by numbers and runs away as soon as resistance is met. It goes back to the reason so few Crusaders put such a serious hurt on so many non-Crusaders. Tanks should be fought like heavy cavalry. Run into your face, over your face, crush the enemy, forward, always forward. Anything else gets cavalry killed.

    5. I think you're on to something there Beans.

    6. Well, as you pointed out, Rommel's deputy did the whole l'audace toujours l'audace thing and Patton kicked his ass. Srsly, one has to have an accurate measure of the foe before committing all to the battle. Montrose was just this man, you know.

  8. Must disagree. Not a psychiatrist and haven't stayed in a Holiday Inn in several years. Most people lack the confidence to stand on their own and become sheeple. Delusional, but not stupid. Why expose yourself to criticism when you can adhere to group think and be accepted by others. Think of your time as an NCO trying to get people to take any initiative beyond what was the accepted norm.

    1. In the Air Force being an NCO was a LOT easier than being an NCO in the Army, DAMHIK.

      But you might be onto something there WSF, delusional but not stupid. I'll have to think on that but it sounds plausible and would explain many things in modern society.

  9. First off... “Tanks” a lot for yesterday’s post.
    I keep forgetting to say “Hi!” whenever I drop by, which really is daily.
    Sometimes it’s from the koobecaf link, sometimes from blogger, other times from the sidebar at WHTPFIHC.

    I don’t have to go far to observe the GMH.
    Just watching the folks drive in my neighborhood is enough to raise the blood pressure.
    As for renewable energy, if you can afford it, fine.
    Go for it.
    Just don’t impose it on everyone else and, for chrissakes, don’t friggin’ flaunt it.

    It’s truly sad that the elites judge everyone else based upon their own standards.

  10. I have to keep reminding myself not to assume that a person is just stupid. They may be actually evil. This is especially true when the stupidity seems to be rampant in a specific group of people.

    On the other hand, Hanion's Razor has validity also. ("Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." )

    And on the tertiary hand (regarding my lack of comment yesterday) "It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt."

    All out of hands now, so....Tanks!

    1. I figured you were still trying to figure out how to blow the turret off of a tank which doesn't have one.


    2. If it catches fire and stops running, that's a win.

      I did expect a classic juvatistic comment such like "I like tanks, on fire." Missed it, the comment that is.

    3. Re: juvatistic comment

      Hhmm, I need to think about that, I love the concept, we need to expand on that.

      As to catching fire and stops running, I like it. But it's so satisfying to see the turret go skyward, looks like a big frying pan from a distance...

      But that's just me.

    4. Well, on the slab-siders having the ammo cook off and blow all the hatches open works. Just as I don't have to see the occupants try to imitate Johnny Flash from the Fantastic 4.

    5. Now that right there was pure Beans.

    6. I can't believe Juvat is unfamiliar with the Gripping Hand..........and NO! Not that one.

    7. And for Beans, when I was in elementary School in Fort Riley long ago they had a book in that library in school which showed the Desert War and just exactly how the graves registration soldiers pulled the bodies out of those burnt and cooked off Shermans and Matildas with black and white photos from the war showing the process. Hard to believe it was in a school library but then, the First Division just came home from Vietnam at that point and maybe it took awhile for anybody to notice.

    8. Well, at Kwajalein, the school library had several books with all sorts of gory pictures. Like ones showing US troops running fuel trucks up to bunkers and pumping them full of gasoline. And the one with the burnt jap head on the front of a Sherman, and other 'cool' pictures.

      The Junior/Senior High library I used (junior high was directly south of senior high so they shared the library) had some really good (meaning disgustingly gross and horrible) books on the Holocaust.

      I am sure that the 'Sanitizers' cleaned up all that good history. 'For the Children' of course.

    9. Cap'n - Perhaps we need to run some training here at The Chant, get the staff up to speed.


    10. Ah libraries, where one went in school to get truth, at least in my day.

      We had some of the same books when I was nobbut a lad.

    11. Beans - I remember the roasted skull. Gory, nowadays those guys would have been pilloried.

    12. Payback back then was a bitch, usually in the form of a flamethrower. I've seen film of flamethrower tanks just hosing down any palm tree top within range. Very common for machine gunners to hose tree tops, too.

    13. Reconnaissance by fire, literally in the case of a flamethrower.

  11. Kind of goes back to the issue of some folks being real smart about some things, but not knowing what they don't know yet thinking they know everything important. And then they are lacking the reasoning skills and life experience to suss out what those things are, and being too closed minded to even attempt to see what the other points of view may have to offer. Couple that with the arrogance of thinking they and their associates are smarter than others since there are a few things they are good at but not appreciating that their skills don't necessarily translate to other fields of endeavor (like Hollywood and NY elites who think they know better than everyone who doesn't think like they do). and apologies, I posted a couple of things that may be of interest about tanks under yesterday's post - should have put them here since there was a sub thread on tanks ...

    1. I saw your comment on yesterday's post Tom. Good stuff, expect a post about that particular topic when I post about tanks again. No, you won't have to wait too long.

  12. "In the Air Force being an NCO was a LOT easier than being an NCO in the Army,..." Having been an NCO in both, I don't recall there being much difference, certain differences in the lower ranks excepted.

    I usually try to only comment when I feel I have something to add to the discussion or when being difficult by disputing something in the post. Or when ragging on Andrew. Yesterday's post pretty much covered everything which I think I know about the areas covered, so no comment.

    Thanks for the post.
    Paul L. Quandy

    1. My point is that in my two career fields in the USAF, the airmen were all pretty self-disciplined, didn't need to yell at them. Much.

      Rag on Andrew (Beans)?

      No... (That was my surprised face.)

    2. The only yelling I recall doing in the Army ( CalARNG ), was at a 2nd Lt.; although it was pretty low level yelling. However, it did start with " Don't you EVER..." and went on from there.


    3. Whu… Whut? What did I do? What did I do now? Man....

    4. I have never yelled at one of my officers. Usually just a word would suffice.

      If they didn't listen, the colonel would do the yelling.

    5. I just look guilty. Honest..

    6. ...there's smoke. The enemy of my enemy isn't my friend. Sometimes smoke just exists. Existential guilt in this case. I carry the guilt of generations and of all the bad things in my past that I am guilty of. Some days it is difficult to not drown in the past-guilt.

      But... what did I do?? I swear, that's gonna be my last words when I die.

  13. "Quandy" So, how many times have I commented about the need to proofread? Seems I can't even spell my own name correctly.

    Paul L. Quandt

  14. Tanks for the tanks.

    I like tanks, and I've watched Age of Tanks on Netflix. As with Beans and others, I think that the progs who do Netflix shows tend to show an overabundance of love toward all things communist and Soviet - but they do hate Russians, because they're not communist and they're now a Christian country. It's a progressive attitude. What more can you say?

    1. I like tanks. You like tanks.

      We all like tanks.

      Well okay, juvat likes cooked tanks...

    2. The real question is how much BBQ sauce does juvat like with his cooked tanks? Also, what kind of wine do you have with cooked tanks?

    3. What type of whine? Well, being a fighter pilot it's probably a whine on the level of a 3 year old being denied extra candy. "Waaaahhh, Uncle Sammmm, the Apaches (attack helicopters) and Warthogs (A-10 Thunderbolt II attack jet) took all the good targets... Waaaaahhhhhhhhh…"

    4. And Sarge, I like tanks on our side. Just like I like planes, trains, ships, guns and so forth on our side. On their side? Targets, flying targets, floating targets, rolling targets, fixed targets, underground targets, undersea targets... They all burn one way or another...

    5. Suz - Personally I'd go with Frank's Red Hot. I put that sh!t on everything.

    6. Beans the 2nd - Don't forget the lamentations of their women as we drive what isn't burning before us.

    7. In poor taste commenting, but it's "Rape, Pillage and then Burn."

  15. Well, Sarge, I suppose I'm one of the oddballs--as is pretty much the usual, for me. I liked yesterday's post. I'm a history buff, & enjoy learning new/old things.
    When I was a boy, I really wanted to be a tank crewman--so, of course, I wound up in the Navy. (Scratches head, shrugs.)
    Do more of those posts anytime, for all of me, but I reckon I'm outvoted.
    By the way, do you own, or have you read, "Treat 'Em Rough!", by then-Capt. Dale E. Wilson, USA? Rather informative, & entertaining at times. Fox Connor sounded interesting; I'd have liked to know more about his career.
    --Tennessee Budd

    1. Dang, I have to find that book.

      (Ditto on the tanks, and I wound up in the USAF.)

    2. I'd be happy to loan it to you, if you'd like. It's part of my library (ignore the derisive laughter in the background--it's only 2 walls' worth of shelves, but I call it a library, & I own this place). I'll send you an email.
      --Tennessee Budd

  16. Well now. Speaking of Armored Fighting Vehicles I have a personal story to tell. It seems the old man got a promotion to Brigadier and left being the head of the Large Calibre Weapons Labs in Picatinny to head off to Detroit and the Warren Army Tank Plant to take over the long troubled/failed to produce/ Army Fighting Vehicle. He arrived on the scene, as it were, and decided to name the beast forthwith and so he did, just like he named the best missile the Army ever had back when he was the Project Officer for it in the Pentagon (Hellfire) you may have heard of it. Helicopter Launch and Forget. It just homed on target nicely once you aimed and shot it. He named it after a famous 5 star general and former CoS AUSA. The beasts rolled out on his watch and he started making improvements even before it left the yard because the important damned thing was to get the AFV into the hands of the users and out of the hands of the Pentagon Air Force Colonel in charge of OT&E who insisted that the vehicle be fully fueled and armed so he could have a tank shoot it to see what would happen. Any claim that the damned thing wasn't a tank simply didn't matter to the idiot in charge of its OT&E. Kelsey Grammar et al made a really awful movie about it. I think it's interesting to note that the beast is close to entering its fourth decade of service with the AUSA and over 6700 were produced. I did read reports from the battlefield in first Desert War (ODS) that it's little cannon blew through the armor of Iraqi tanks out in the desert.
    Some of us know our fighting vehicles, even some of the quainter ones you could see at little places like the Fort Riley museum and of course those FV the Marines keep up at Camp Pendleton. My favorite remains the one I remember crawling on as a kid at Fort Sill. Little bitty tankettes the Germans invented in WWII. They had them in the playground at my school.

    1. it's? I meant its. I got whatever Paul Quandy has. It must be highly contagious.

    2. And a pretty damned fine little AFV it is, too. Cool father you have there, sir.

      As to the attack of Quandryitis, eh, it happens to all of us once in a while.

    3. Dangit, I meant "Quandyitis." Ahhh, it IS contagious!

    4. Cap'n - your Dad had a hand in the Hellfire and the Bradley? He did more for the country than any freaking congresscritter!

      Hats off to the Cap'n's Dad!

    5. Cap'n (the 2nd) - I didn't even notice the Quandyism.

    6. Beans (the 1st) - The Bradley is awesome, good name for it too!

    7. Beans (the 2nd) - I guess we're gonna have to go into quarantine!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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