
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Nine Years...

Robert B. Goodrich
6 June 1928 - 28 February 2010

Seems like only yesterday that I was talking to him on the phone.

It also seems an eternity since I was able to talk with the man.

I miss you Dad.

Still hurts, always will I suppose.


  1. My dad passed in 1990. And I miss him more every day. All the crusty old farts here remind me of him and have helped me cope.

    Stay sane, go home and hug your wife.

  2. My dad passed in 2011; so many things I still want to ask him about.

  3. My dad passed in 1996 - my mom in 2004 - I owe them so much, and just like Rev. Paul, there are still lots of things I wish I could ask them. Not a day goes by without me thinking of them, and they still remain an inspiration in so many ways. I was very blessed to have such great parents, and to be born in such a great country!

  4. Mom went in 94, dad left in 06... They were on the outs for 20 years, one house, 2 individuals. They had just started to walk back together when mom left in a surprise exit. Dad drifted for 12 years, then followed on. "Gathered to their people". That always gives me some comfort. But I do miss them both.

    What Beans said.. When I'm a bit maudlin, I hug extra hard... (minus the ethanol, natch)

    1. Gone to be with the ancestors, that works for me as well.

  5. Lost mine in the eighties. I am now next apparently. I love the picture - there is a wonderful familial resemblance. God's sense of humor asserts itself when we look in the mirror after the age of sixty.

    1. I used to see my Dad when I looked in the mirror, but my granddad is starting to make an appearance as well!

  6. 1985. Undiagnosed sleep apnea probably. What a loss for his grandchildren who barely knew him.
    We had been somewhat estranged and were just starting to reconnect.

  7. Bittersweet for me. He and my mother divorced when I was in second grade. She died from lung cancer when I was thirteen. She also had full custody and her "parting shot" decree was that I should go live with her brother's family. That worked out well enough for me, but is also meant that I didn't really get to know my dad until I moved to his place to attend college. There is just a huge gap that isn't there.

    But I did get to know him and we were close. He had long since re-married, and he later lost her to cancer. As a widower, he was able to come visit us and get to know his grand kids, for which I will be forever thankful. He passed away in 1989. Afterwards we found out that his cardiovascular health was far worse than he let on. He wasn't big on hospitals, and had survived stomach cancer. I'm certain that he had made up his mind to just ride the river, come what may, and I was OK with that.

    RIP, dad. You stayed the course where lesser men might not have.

    1. Some want to go the way they want.

      We have to respect that, hard as it can be at times.

  8. Mom died in 2014, Dad died in 2016, the intensity is still there but the frequency is lessening as time goes by. You're a good son Sarge to post this for him............

  9. My mom died of lung cancer at age 62, just months after retiring, and is very much missed. My daughter doesn't really remember her. My dad, who I'm somewhat estranged from due to his actions and a bad divorce, has had 2 multiple-bypass surgeries, 3 heart attacks, and 4 amputations from diabetes. He's like a Timex watch.

    1. I didn't feel like writing it last night, but sometimes life isn't fair.

    2. NO, it's not. In fact, usually it's not.

  10. My dad had almost the exact same dates. Sure miss him.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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