
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Some People's Kids

So just before hitting the sack Tuesday night, I had the dreaded Windows updating message on my monitor. It happens, I don't turn auto-updates off because I work with software developers, heck, I technically am a software developer but I spend my time now testing and assessing OPS, Other People's Software.

I know the pressures that managers put on developers and I know that a lot (most?) software goes out the door to the customer with all sorts of bugs and features that aren't quite ready for primetime. In reality, we, the consumers, are beta testers for most of the software we buy (actually we rent it, but that's a quibble).

So I let the computer update itself, but I'm a professional, don't try this at home.

Anyhoo. When I got home from work on Wednesday I fired up the computer after dinner and saw that screen above, for about a minute.


It's at 100% complete and it's still updating? Uh, boys and girls, 100% means effing complete, m'kay?

First World problem, I know, but it truly is irksome.

In other news, I did this for one day -

Yup, I had to turn off Any Mouse comments. The anonymous misogynist who can't apparently get a date, who keeps posting a link to his (I'm assuming it's his) useless "blog," (it has one post, a very stupid and hateful post) will not cease and desist. I suppose I could mark Anonymous as spam, but then I'd still have to delete the idiot's attempt to comment.

Unfortunately it does block a lot of you who are actual commenters (John Blackshoe, Tennessee Budd, and a few others), so I relented and turned Anonymous comments back on, to wit -

If you tried to comment and could not, my apologies, you should be "good to go" again.

If the idiot misogynist returns, I shall delete his comment and consign this prat to the outer darkness, where I hope "it" stays. DO NOT COMMENT UPON OR OTHERWISE ENGAGE WITH THIS EE-JIT, PLEASE. (I'd call him a troll, but that's an insult to trolls.)

I hate doing that but damn, some people's kids.


  1. Was wondering if said ee-jit was the reason why for the extra step yesterday, well helps to keep one on one's toes eh? Had to scrounge up my list of pass-words though. Oh.... currently 48 F now while in Hibbing it's 29F.....brrrrr!

    1. 48? 29? Dang!

      Summer is taking it's time getting here as well.

  2. Yup, do love win10. Especially update Tuesdays, never know how many hours it will take to get my beasties back to mine again. And the activity light, holding you up from what you want to do, eh. Near a record cool for us, last night, but neat sunrise, should of had a camera, but, coffee calls.

    1. Oh dear yes, update Tuesdays, gotta "love" them.

  3. I figured you were on top of things, Sarge. Another set of eyes and ears never hurts, so I added a note to my last comment. As LL said over at his place, sometimes the urge is over powering to reach down the phone line and jerk them into the room for a more "direct discussion".

    What Jim b. said about Win 10. "You vill do it und you vill like it!". Still running Win 7 Pro here. Not looking forward to what's coming.

    1. Oddly enough I like W10 better than W7. Of course, the only place I used 7 was at work, they enjoy making things painful in the name of "security."

    2. Win10 isn't as bad as people make it out to be. Seems to be more stable than some previous versions, especially that one version no one wants to ever talk about that came out somewhere around 2000 AD...

      And the chatter from Linux users is that system(s) has gotten big enough that jerks and hackers are starting to really affect it.

      Could always go with Apple stuff, but then they control all rights, will screw you over as soon as you get complacent, don't support their own stuff that's the least bit out of date, and I can't afford it anyways so who cares.

    3. Concur on the Apple stuff. A great system initially though far too expensive.

      You can't pay me to use an iPhone or an iPad. I had an iPod, think it's still supported? Nope.

      Foxtrot Apple.

  4. Ah the memories... Of writing batch files to run updates to our CPM based doctors' office software. Off of 8" floppy discs. Now, those were the days.

    1. Oh man, that takes me back! You're singing the song of my people.

    2. First time I saw a computer in real life some Tech Sergeant was chasing a couple million in programming as it unrolled across the floor of the computer room on the USS General Hoyt S. Vandenberg.

      Not sure if it was actually that expensive in late '60s money, but that's how my dad described it.

      I remember having to stop listening to cassette tapes in order to load a friend's TRaSh-80.

    3. I can picture that rolling computer, that would be hysterical. As long as it wasn't my computer that is, or my Tech Sgt for that matter.

    4. It was a dark and stormy night/morning, round midnight, at the Computer Lab at that university in Lubbock. I was working on a program and one of the obvious Doctoral (read UberNerd) candidates was there also. This was in the days of the punch card and Fortran or COBOL as your programming options. One would take his punch cards (precisely sorted as that was the order instructions were processed at the time (I know Beans, I dodged the TRex on the way out of the building) to the high priestess who would burn incense over them to purify them before loading them into the IBM 360. Sometime later, you would come back to the window with your receipt and get your card deck and printout back. If the printout was very thin, (3 pages a header with your job # a page with error messages and a footer with Job #) you knew you had a typo or an instruction out of order. Well, I'm headed up to pick up my program and the UberNerd is ahead of me. Now his program was several hundred punch cards long and bound by rubber bands. The high priestess hands him his deck first as it's large and unwieldy then hands him his output. Three pages. I can feel his pain. He turns around, coke bottle glasses starting to fog over from the moistness in his eyes. He lets out a pathetic sob and hurls the deck of punch cards across the room.
      As the Cards leave his hand, I could see that he instantaneously realized the error of his ways as he takes of chasing the card deck across the room. Alas, he is just slightly behind it all the way. Finally it impacts the wall and the impact is too much for the rubber bands to maintain chronological integrity. There is a veritable blizzard of punch cards raining down for several seconds.
      Being the charitable sort that I am I stifle any comment, turn to the high Priestess and hand her my receipt. She hands me my deck and printout which is many pages long. She then says "Looks like your program was successful. Do you want to celebrate and throw your cards in the air also?" She and I had a good laugh at that.

    5. Hahaha, great story! I feel the dude's pain, but throw the cards? Never.

    6. A shoebox with a good lid is your friend. Ask me how I know...

    7. And here I thought that bingo meant a low fuel state.


  5. With all due respect to your anonymous regulars, even ones who write their nom de guerre at the end, it's not hard at all, (or "dangerous" or whatever reason they choose to remain anymouse), to create a "fake" or extra google account that is only used for this blog, and never checked otherwise. Google won't get any of your statistical data since the account is essentially empty.

    1. I know, but you know how some folks are about Teh Google.

      I'll just have to delete the misogynist when it comments, eventually it will tire and go away.

  6. Spent a long weekend in the Northwest, where it went from rainy 60s to the 80s and, in my eyes, beautiful panoramas of the Olympic Mountains, Mt Rainier, and lots of green. Then drove home and found temps from mid 90s on up in Oregon.
    It was 104 when we got home.

    I turned on my pc yesterday afternoon.
    I think I will go loo to see if it’s finished updating.

    1. Yeah, it's gonna be a while...

    2. Yes Skip, it got to 100 degrees ( by some reports ) where I live in northwest Oregon.


    3. Now that's hot! What was the humidity?

    4. Fortunately, the humidity was relatively low. Today is only in the low 90s. Nice is the shade but a bit warm in direct sunlight.


  7. I guess I was lucky not having trolls (other than my ***hole brother, but that's another story). But I turned off anonymous comments because I was getting 300 spam comments a day. :-p

    Still get the odd spam comment, but it's from registered Google accounts which means that the spammers have to work at it.

    1. Yup, at least they have to work at it to get over the Borepatch ramparts.

      I'm doing okay with spam, seems the spammers (other than the misogynist) like my older posts. Which seems pretty lame. All comments on posts over a week old go to spam.

    2. My wife, who was still dabbling on Farcebook last year, had locked her ****ing ***hole brothers out of her FB account, so they had other people try to ninja into my wife's account as 'friends.' Then they'd get the people to post a blast message saying all sorts of rude things.

      I think I finally convinced her (Mrs. Andrew, my wife) to quit playing on the Book of farce as it wasn't worth the pain and suffering she was going through.

      Sorry you don't get along with your ***hole brother, Borepatch. It sucks to not get along with family, like '50s tv shows tell us we should be able to.

    3. On Facebook (which I use as it's great for keeping in touch with the kids and grandkids) I have a "one strike" rule. Piss me off once, you're gone.

      I don't tolerate fools willingly, and FB has a lot of them, but not in my circles. (Private groups are the bomb, be a jerk, the admins will boot you.)

  8. I've restricted commentors also and am leaving it. I do wish they would allow us to block individual sites. I have an occasional troll who feels it is his duty to correct my beliefs and save the world from fascism or something. He has now taken to advise me that my posts suck and are boring...why thank you very much, would you like me to stop rather than have you go out of your way to read them. Anyway this asshats comments will never see the light of day on my posts. FU MIKE from Montana!!

    1. I'll have to keep an eye open for that one.

      I hate that - "Your blog sucks!" - So why are you reading it? Dumba$$.

    2. Well, OAFS, your blog does suck. Not a single picture of a plane posted in a day. I mean....

      Yes, I'll go sit in the corner on my hands.

      As to actual trolls, dunno what power they get out of trolling, but then again, don't know what power they get out of living in mom's basement or belonging to (p)antifa either.

    3. It's a mental illness thing, I guess.

  9. It is a cruel digital world when your scribbling don't command a large enough audience to attract "Anonymous". Look at the assaults on your blog as an indicator of your success, annoying as they may be.

    1. The silver lining, good point WSF.

    2. Ah, the blogging version of ticks and leeches from delving into the woodlands and swamps of the internet. Makes sense. Unfortunately.

  10. Sarge, as you are an expert (know more than me) on computers, why does mine tell me "Updating, do not turn off your computer" and then my computer is turned off? It does not complete updating until I turn it back on.

    1. For the changes to complete, the computer has to restart. Why it has to shut down is beyond me. In theory it can do some loading of updates, then shut down and restart to complete the updates.

      In theory.

    2. My experience with Win10 is that it does update, shut down, and then restart, except when it gets stuck and you have to Gibb's slap it by unplugging, popping out the battery and physically turning it off, then rebatterying and replugging it in and manually restarting.

      I have an older HP laptop and have gotten to the point I just, once a month or so, turn it off and force the update and then do a deep disk cleanup. Then again, I do a basic disc cleanup about once a day, else my system runs too slowly. I know I have too many programs running in the background, but am leery to start whacking them as I fear repercussions.

    3. One of the reasons I don't own a laptop is that right there.

      Haven't had Win10 get "stuck," I have mistakenly killed power during an update. It handled it okay, nothing lost.

  11. I was wondering what was up with the lurker. Responded once, and realized that was just acknowledging the twerp and had you kill the comment when you killed his/her/its comment.

    Oh well, it could be worse. It could (looks out the window) be raining...

    1. I noticed that he left a comment over at c w's place.


  12. ZERO plans to go with Win10 here. Time to retire this Win7PRO laptop back to the Amateur Satellite Service and get another Linux boxen for my Daily Driver. The Wife is mostly using her phone and tablet these days, so her PC is rarely used.

    Had the same vile spammer hit me repeatedly. I just recycle the bits he sent to the bit bucket.....

    1. Win10 ain't that bad, Linux doesn't work for me at all at home, I use it at work, it's good for certain things.

      One uses what works.

      The misogynist is hitting a number of blogs trying to get attention. Pathetic soul.

  13. Well, Sarge, you must be doing a pretty good job of housekeeping. I haven't seen any of this delta india papa sierra hotel india tango apostrophe (for the OGF) sierra comments. Given half a chance, I'd root for nuking them from outer space, just to be sure.

    1. Well, I check on the blog throughout the day, when I see the delta india etc., I open fire. I doubt that the jackwagon will get the hint, that sort never do, but no doubt they'll move on to some other form of mischief.

  14. For my part, Sarge, I have joined The Dark Side.
    My new job issued me a "smart" (ahem) phone, & requires that I use it. Since the damned thing is, at the very least, going to be on my property, I've decided I may as well use the evil spying bast--I mean, Google--account, and am now commenting via that. I do applaud your efforts on behalf of those who have not yet succumbed to assimilation. Good man!
    --Tennessee Budd


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

NOTE: Comments on posts over 5 days old go into moderation, automatically.