
Praetorium Honoris

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


"Dumpster fire" - a metaphor for a chaotically bad situation. (Source)
I'm sure that most of you have a certain mental image when you hear the term "dumpster fire," whether it involves your favorite sports team, some institute of higher learning, your place of employment, or perhaps even government at some level. (All levels?)

To my way of thinking, most of the world right now is a dumpster fire. One could argue that it always has been, at least since Adam and Eve.
A: Wow, this place is nice and she's really cute. 
God: Yes, I made her just for you, this whole garden is just for you guys. Enjoy it, just don't eat from that tree in the middle of the garden. 'Kay? 
A: Sure Lord, we'll give that one a pass.
So of course, Satan, in the guise of a snake, convinces Eve that the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was just super good and hey, why don't you try a piece, no one will know?

We know how that worked out...
Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of us in knowing good and evil. Now, lest he reach out his hand and take also of the tree of life and eat, and live forever—” therefore the Lord God sent him out from the garden of Eden to work the ground from which he was taken. He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life. Genesis 3:22-24 (ESV)
Then you get brother slaying brother, and pretty much everything becomes a raging dumpster fire. God tries to halt this with Sodom and Gomorrah, just wiping those places off the face of the Earth. But no dice, that dumpster fire just won't go out, so yeah...
God: Noah, I need you to build an ark. 
Noah: What's an ark?
Forty days and nights of rain, all life wiped out, except what's on the ark. (Hey, wait a minute, where did that olive leaf come from?) A massive do-over, a Mulligan on a global scale man...

Sorry, I got carried away.

Anyhoo, dumpster fires and the state of the world.

There are parts of the world where things have always kinda sucked. Big chunks of Asia, Africa, parts of Europe, parts of the Americas, and parts of Europe as well. (What about the ANZACs Sarge? I dunno, ask the aboriginals and the Maori how they feel about the Euros grabbing up all the good stuff.)

As civilization advanced, things got better, unless you were a slave/serf/peasant. So yeah, maybe not. How about Western Civilization Sarge? You know, the Age of Reason, universal suffrage, Emancipation Proclamations and all that. Well, things still sucked for a lot of folks for a lot of years, like try being black in some regions of this country 50 or 60 years ago. Try being Native American at lots of points in history, even today.

But things got better, steadily better, especially after we'd wiped out the Nazis (the real ones, not the shallow punks that parade as Nazis these days), and after the Soviets imploded. Things were looking up.

But in typical human fashion some of us had to screw it up. Yup, looking at the Clintonistas and the Great Divider and his ilk. (W revealed his true colors when Trump was elected, old fashioned party politics over what's best for the Nation. So yeah, I like the guy but thought his Presidency kinda sucked. Can you say Iraq and Afghanistan? I knew you could.)

Now we have a new crop of fanatic leftist assholes (though I repeat myself) who want to re-stoke that smoldering dumpster fire so we can all hate each other again.

Remember the Cold War (which wasn't always "cold"), you know after WWII when the Commies and their fellow travelers lined up against the Free World? Well, since 2016 we've been in what I like to call a cold civil war. Elements of the government trying to overturn a legal election, elements of the government lying to bring down a duly elected President (whether you like him or not), elements of a certain party conspiring to impeach elected officials on no evidence whatsoever.

We're at war folks, yes, a cold one but if the left loses in 2020 expect it to get hot.

Yet another dumpster fire in human history.

Well, that's fantastic.

* Well, that's fantastic. What did you think I meant? Well, yes, I did. And yes, I am awfully pissed off these days. I need to write about history or something before the left makes it illegal. We hates them Precious, yes, we does.


  1. You skipped a salient point: Their eyes weren't opened until Adam took a bite. If that man had stood his ground and said, "sorry babe, not happening." and gave that snake a head-ectomy, life would have been different..... until I screwed it up for everyone. Or maybe someone before me, but who knows.

    Yeah, you are correct. The lines have formed, the fanny's are flapping as it seems one side is daring the other to "do something". The way our laws seem to be enforced, there will have to be blood flowing before there is any interdiction. And when blood is tasted, the fangs come out. Interdiction may be too late.

    My mind spins into dark areas when these topics come up. Toys reflect the nature of their owners, and mine were well worn and smelled like peanut butter. Our country has been played with by the elites, and they are almost done ruining it for everyone. They've toyed with education, medicine, law, and life. These are almost unrecognizable to me based on my own early experiences with eml&l. And not for the better.

    I hope there is something left after the fire... that isn't trash.... or a burnt husk of a dumpster....

    1. We may be approaching a watershed in 2020. I know what will be the outcome should the darkness win this time. Also pretty sure that if they lose things will be dicey as well.

      The Left, it's why we can't have nice things.

  2. To quote Martha "It's a good thing" to have a place where you can find so many like-minded and well-thought out statements and ideas such as here as well as on the sidebar. For me it boils down to...... don't start feces, won't be feces.......uh sorry about that Sarge. Have particular bile reserved for those in federal service (being an ex-fed myself) DOJ, FBI, IRS at the forefront with some names NOT to be forgotten.

  3. God's gift to man--free will. Oh, and here's the instruction manual. The Evil One has been dumping free apples by the bushel ever since, and laughing his a$$ off.

    Paul Harvey--"If I Were the Devil"--

    A buddy and I have two of these ordered--

    Click to big it and read the markings. I already have three AR's up an running (the first one built in '94). I may just put this one in a shadow box on the wall. Hell yes.

    1. RHT447. I try to delete the Palmetto emails without reading them. But sometimes I just glance over the ad and, "Oh No! I must buy this. How did that happen " My wife just smiles and shakes her head.
      I think the wise person that said, "The AR platform is really Barbie for men" might have just nailed it perfectly.

    2. Yes, free will. Too bad so many are so ill-equipped to use it.

  4. From a Ben Stein article I read today.
    "To watch and listen to the Democrats debate, you would think we were not unlike Nazi Germany, a land of brutal, state-imposed racism. How crazy can you get? This is America the brave and the free. This is where most of the people on the planet would like to live if they could, and to get here unimaginable hardships are undertaken."

    I'm worried that the growing dumpster fire will have to be quenched with blood. (Nod to Thomas Jefferson and Yoda.)

    Very good post.

  5. Prepare for the worst, keep your head on a swivel, and enjoy the moment you have (family, pets,just a nice day).

  6. IMHO, one of the most insightful verses in the creation narrative is, "The man said, “The woman whom you gave to be with me, she gave me fruit of the tree, and I ate." (Gen 3:12)
    Adam could have been a democrat, trying to shift the blame. ;-)

  7. I fully believe that the Democrat machine will have the "fix" in for the 2020 Presidential Election. In 2018 there were a number of failures of the machine. "Tank" Abrams lost by 55,000 votes but kept proclaiming she was the winner; I think that she was assured of a win and she was such a bad candidate that she couldn't accept that the machine failed. Butthole O'Rourke in Texas was behind in the polls by at least 6% on the last poll before the election; he only lost the election by 3% which if you use the number of votes cast would be between 200,000 and 300,000 votes that magically went to him. But the Machine has learned from their errors and will correct them.

    Trump will not take the national popular vote in 2020. This will be because of California, New York and a few other deep blue regions. In California, I am guessing that the difference may be close to 10,000,000 with substantially more votes than registered voters.

  8. As I approach the later years of my tenure here I look around and wonder "Did I really make life better for anyone?" My kids and grandkids face an even hotter dumpster fire and dwindling prospects for the good life I had. Do I have it in me now to make the stand I fear will be required? Time will tell but I'm going to be prepared for whatever is required to honor those who gave all to give me this great life.

  9. 2016 was just the culmination. I feel it all started in 1992, like how else would a sitting governor who has had multiple sex-assault allegations and actual charges come from left field to take the nomination, with the Media's complicity. Then, 2000 was almost stolen from the American people between a set-up by Broward County, FL and the Media calling Florida before the Panhandle closed, the attempted and actual disavowel of military votes, the multiple re-re-recounts et al. Then 2004 and it happened all over again.

    Then 2008. A less than 1 term obscure Senator with absolutely no credentials or gravitas or whatever gets annointed by one and all and even gets a Nobel Peace Prize for showing up on time his first day of work. Whut? Then, after all the negative carp about his first term and he wins re-election? Whut squared? And the 'wait until I'm re-elected and then we can work together' was 100% Russian Collusion, caught on tape, and yet no-one cares.


    As to Palmetto Arms, if I had the $1000 to buy gun, buy accessories (minimal) buy mags and buy ammo, I'd do it, in a heartbeat, drop the dough, collect my freedom delivery device and all the freedom storage containers and freedom beans I could get my hand on, and even have enough to go to the actual Freedom Testing Area to test my freedom delivery device, multiple times. Alas, thanks to fruckery by mine insurance company, I am all out of Freedom Bucks in order to buy a FDD from PA and at least 10 FSCs and at least 500 FBs. Maybe I need about $1,500....

    I guess I'll have to settle for what I have... Sigh... But I'll be ready...

    1. For now I'm a bolt action kinda guy.

    2. Mostly a lever-action guy here, along with my old M1 Garand.

      And if THSTF, I'll do what I can, and try and teach others the pittance I know.

      I suspect I'd be far better at behind-the-scenes like comms, but if need be, I'll grab my rifle and do what has to be done.....

    3. There's a lever-action in the collection as well, my grandfather's rifle.

  10. I’m not sure how we get out of this. If Trump wins in 2020, the insanity will be... incalculable. And if he doesn’t win, the Left’s retribution... I don’t want to think about it. But that holds for 2024, as well, with an even-more-furiously-insane Left, vs some milquetoast regular R...

    1. a bear pretty much said what I was thinking. It feels like a lose-lose either way eventually, with the only question being whether the violence is going to erupt from the crowd of useful idiots egged on by leftist media and politicians; or as a reaction to statist and anti-constitutional laws when our backs are up against the wall.

      I really hope we're all wrong and this somehow ends up getting resolved peacefully. Bad enough that my generation is passing our long war onto our kids, far worse would be Civil War Round 2.

    2. That damned long war keeps me awake some nights. What the Hell was DC thinking? Oh yeah, they don't think do they?

  11. Right now, there is no way the election will go for anyone but trumph. The election college and that supreme Court ruling that upholds the way the delegates vote. But, be prepared to lose the Constitution right afterwards. Be sure to have your guns and spare ammo regulated, and nullified shortly after, and watch only the bad guys have available guns at hand. It will be a shame to re-establish a monarchy here. Especially, when it could have been avoided by the rich being humane.

    1. Not sure how that follows, but it's best to lways be prepared.

  12. "Restoking" the dumpster fire.....

    More like dumping LOX on it.........

    1. Mayhaps, since they call us Nazis, some T-Stoff and C-Stoff?

    2. Nice reference. My dad's squadron took a head on attack from an Me-163. Literally over in a heartbeat. He called to his top turret gunner and asked "Did you get a shot at it?"--a generic way of asking "Did you attempt to engage?". Gunner replied "Get a shot at what, sir?" He never saw it.

    3. You betcha, Beans!

      All kinds of neat stuff to cook with!

    4. Beans - Heh, rocket fuel, I like it.

    5. RHT447 - Yes, they were quick little buggers.

    6. drjim the 2nd - I'll bring the marshmallows!

    7. Only if the marshmallows are in a closed, airtight container. The exhaust from T- and C- mixing was, um, well, flesh-eating toxic is a bit of an understatement. Flaming hot cyanide combined with live steam temps, yeah, nooooo......

    8. Ah, you assumed we were going to eat them. 😉

    9. I recommend a good bath in chlorine trifluoride:

      "It is hypergolic with every known fuel, and so rapidly hypergolic that no ignition delay has ever been measured. It is also hypergolic with such things as cloth, wood, and test engineers..."

    10. Gotta wonder about some scientists. "Hey, let's find out what the most hellish material in the world is. Yay, we found it! OH GOD IT BURNSSSSSSS!!!!"

    11. Chemist #1: "John! I've discovered a substance that will dissolve ANYTHING!!!

      Chemist #2: "Cool. What are you going to keep it in?".....

    12. a bear - Whoa! That's some nasty stuff!

    13. Beans - Scientists: pushing the bounds of "Hey, don't touch that!" for centuries...

    14. drjim - Yeah, that WOULD be a problem.

  13. I know someone whose cousin swears he went to school with the next Democrat Presidential candidate and he saw him touch a girls breast without asking permission. It's true, I swear!

    In court we are innocent unless proven guilty, in politics, we are guilty until charges are proven false, and the person professing the unproven charges goes Scott free. Seems to me this is a dangerous situation.

    1. Turns the whole idea on it's head.

    2. Unless you're a Democrat chosen one. Then, like the Cathars, you can do no wrong, while the rest of the plebes can do no right.

  14. I only hope there was a libturd or two in there roasting away.
    BBQ for the homeless running around the area.

  15. Wow, waxing politic is becoming almost a habit for you. I guess you really have joined me in the fight. I've heard several people speak forewarning words about how it'll be if Trump wins, but it'll be so much worse if they win. The huge power grabs (and much of it illegal) after Obama won pales in comparison to how they will operate with a win next time. They were tired of Bush, but they are full of angry hatred and socialist views now. It'll be like a reverse Midas touch, where everything turn to rot, destroying our history, institutions and the next several generations. Yes, parts of the world have sucked, but it's often due to corruption. Egypt could have been a first world nation, with an educated populace and formerly western friendly culture. But now it's a dump, held back by everyone taking their cut. We're heading that way corruption-wise, and towards Greece economically. We could easily rise up by voting out the incumbents, but the Dems buy too many votes with freeeeee stuff and victimization.

    1. The Left worries me. A lot. They are hateful, full of spite, and awfully vindictive. We shall see.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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