
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Move Along, Nothing to See Here...

Yup, vacationing I am, taking a wee bit of a break from the blogging grind.

Getting ready for nuptials and all.

How about some weapons training in the meantime?

Right then!



  1. Well, if the bobbies are doing the weapons training, then: "This is the truncheon, hold it thusly and pound like this."

    That is all.....

    For the wedding: if they are throwing birdseed in a false sense of environmentalism, get a 50 lb bag of it. Find a few teenagers willing to bring it when signaled. Mob the couple when they are making a break for the car, then give each of them a 25lb dose down the shirt... Much hilarity.... Until they dump it out on daddy-kins back yard, and his putting green grass starts growing all manner of livestock feed. I made an.... "impression" on my brothers FIL. I guess the helium filled, "Thanks, the wedding and reception were GREAT!" didn't help matters.

    1. It's giving me bad ideas you are.

      I like it!

    2. Or still use rice, just cook it first. The rice pudding variety is especially suited for wedding ceremony exits.

    3. You guys are BAD.

      (Prolly why I likes ya.)

    4. Or a 21 gun salute, shotguns full of birdseed. That way you can shoot a bird and plant the seeds all at once. Who doesn't want fresh birds at the wedding feast?

    5. I think the food is covered already...

      It's a wedding, not a firefight. (Maybe that comes after?)

  2. Any type of saluting cannon loaded with the appropriate amount of bird seed (not large enough to cause injury but not so small as to be vaporized) is very effective. If you are driving down I can loan you a 6 lb. carronade but it is too heavy to send as checked baggage.
    Bristol Gunner's Mate

    1. Hahaha!

      I'm flying and I'll promise not to tell The Missus Herself your idea. Even though I really, really like it.

    2. I remember a time in the early 80's when I caught a commercial flight and checked an alice pack with a disassembled AR-15A1 wrapped in a garbage bag. The plastic-wrapped barrel stuck out the top, front sight and flash hider pretty clearly in evidence to anyone familiar with bang sticks. The fellow at the ticket counter said, "What's this?", pointing at the business end of a fully semi-automatic black terror device. "Tent poles," said I. It wasn't a problem. As I recall I also had a disassembled Hi Power in the pack, and perhaps several hundred rounds of ammo. My "thinking" at the time was I'd claim ignorance and see what happened. I doubted I'd face any severe penalty if caught, and I think I was probably right. But I didn't get caught. It was a lovely time, "Morning in America."

    3. What I like to call, "The Good Old Days."

  3. How do you do that caption in a balloon thing?

  4. I get confused. Is that bird SEED or bird SHOT you should use? No matter, great idea.

    1. I'm guessing seed. I actually like the guy she's marrying.

  5. That scene in the movie almost exactly replicates the grenade training I went through at FMF School at Lejeune in the late 70's, between hospital corps school and NACCS. One dumb firetrucker got scared/excited and threw the damme thing without pulling the pin, so EOD had to come out. Everyone enjoyed the extra pushups and the unscheduled five mile run. Glory daze.

    1. Beats the videos where some nancy-boy or person who should never be allowed near a weapon does a limp-wristed throw and Mr. Grenade, with pin pulled (usually by the instructor because thrower is too weak to pull the pin, which should be a hint to the instructor that this isn't going to be a good day and perhaps the thrower doesn't need to be throwing) and either the grenade goes backwards or pretty much straight down. Mr. Fully Armed Grenade (why they aren't using grenade simulators, I don't know) thus causes Instructor to usually toss the thrower and then follow. Much unhilarity follows if no injuries are sustained.

      I saw one video where the male thrower was in tears as the instructor, his assistant, the range instructor, and the thrower's DI were doing their very best to do a full Ermey under today's pc rules. Sad but hilarious.

      Other videos are not nearly as nice.

      Reminds me of one, ah, militia training event I went to (hey, I went to a friend's house for some firearms training, not realizing that said training was a militia training... hmmmm... maybe a good topic...) and the 'militia' peoples who were all tarted up with body armor and totally tricked out guns (fortunately unloaded) were standing around, and my friend tossed one of those screaming firecrackers (light the fuse, toss, they scream then go boom) into the air in the general direction of militia. Heh. I'll leave you with that... See tomorrow or next day... hahahahahhahahahahahahahhaa

  6. Have fun storming the castle. Enjoy. Pictures or it didn't happen.

    (Can you believe they're actually remaking "Princess Bride" with Brad Pitt as Weseley? Or they're talking about it seriously?)

    1. I do believe it, Hollywood is out of clues and ideas.

      Sod them.

  7. Towards the end of "Death Race 2000," David Carradine's character pulls off his glove to reveal an explosive device. When asked what it is, he replies, "It's a hand grenade."

    Beans. Remaking "Princess Bride" is just wrong. They got it perfect the first time, and you enjoy it more on every rewatching.

  8. How come Sarge is always somewhere else when the Fecal Matter hits the Oscillating Air Mover. I'm always the one that has to face the music. Oh well, you never should have mentioned the Liquor Cabinet.

    1. Damn, and I haven't had time yet to make it pilot-proof!

    2. such thing as Pilot Proof. We are America’s Yankee Air Pilots. “Never give up...Never Surrender” is our Credo. Locks are just one more challenge...which WILL be overcome.

    3. Sigh...

      I guess I better stock up.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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