
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Rise of the Attack Cephalopods

Yup, Squid Anti-Submarine Mortar, it was a thing.
Now lest you think that this was a device for flinging calamari at enemy submarines (also known as "pigboats," wait for it...), nope it was actually just the Brits with their penchant for giving things interesting names. Such as the Directorate of Miscellaneous Weapons Development. If ya can't figure out who will use it or what it will be used against or even if you really need it, then assign the project to the DMWD. (No doubt where the LCS got its start...)
Ordered directly from the drawing board in 1942, under the auspices of the Directorate of Miscellaneous Weapons Development, this weapon was rushed into service in May 1943 on board HMS Ambuscade. The first production unit was installed on HMS Hadleigh Castle; it went on to be installed on 70 frigates and corvettes during the Second World War. The first successful use was by HMS Loch Killin on 31 July 1944, when she sank U333; the system was credited with sinking 17 submarines in 50 attacks. By 1959, 195 Squid installations had been produced. (Source)
So it was actually a fairly effective weapon system. It replaced the earlier "Hedgehog" depth charge projector, which was eventually replaced by the "Limbo" system. (Note the names, where do they get these? Kinda reminds me of Boaty McBoatface, must be that odd British sense of humor. Or would that be humour in this instance?)

Hedgehog Anti-Submarine Projector
Limbo - Anti Submarine Mortar Mark 10
Another thing in the opening photo worthy of note is the sign to the right which states -


Yes, heaven forbid that someone should get sued because someone got hurt while playing on a mortar. Some people have no sense at all.

I know these weapon systems are not as cool as an ASCROC, I mean what is, but I thought I'd bring them up for the edification of the readership. Besides which, it led to the catchy title for this post. I mean I could have called it "Release the Kraken," or something. (Why call it that Sarge, I saw that movie what does that have to do with squid? Ah, you see, in Norse mythology the Kraken is more of a squid than that weird looking beastie in Clash of the Titans.)

The Mark 12 Mod 1 Anti-Surface Kraken
That is one big squid!

In other news, I'm still trying to get my head around this comment...

"ASCROCs sinking enema pigboats" - Dear Lord I hope that's a typo! (And yes, whilst searching for that I stumbled upon the attacking squid, a type of cephalopod. I mean come on, you know how my mind works. Or doesn't...)

Oh, one last thing, Frank tracked this down, had to share it. I mean T-Rexs with machine guns, how scary is that? (Not as scary as an enema pigboat, but close.)

Secret WW2 files: Fighting Dinosaurs in the US Army

I had no ideer!


  1. The film, "Despicable Me" has a scene where Vector demonstrates a squid launching gun to his father.

    I wonder what the MOS is for Dinosaur Wrangler?

    My Dad grew up near Fort Bliss when the Army used horses, and he said a lot of fertilizer left the fort.
    The fertilizer output of a fully staffed Dinosaur Corps would be mind boggling.

    I think a T-Rex could carry a GAU-8/A Avenger.

    I'm still thinking over the weapons mix of a G1-ANT SQ-1D.

    Never ever boring here at the Chant!

    1. I hadn't thought of the T-Rex crap! That had to be substantial!

      A T-Rex could definitely handle the Avenger.


    2. The MOS for handling pack horses and other pack equines used to be known as 'Mule Skinner.' So would the MOS be 'Lizard Skinner?'

    3. I would propose loading T-REX with dual 20mm Vulcans, as the load would be more balanced than a single Avenger. And the off-axis recoil of the 30mm would be detrimental to the beastie.

      As for SQ-1D, not sure. But I feel compelled to note that the GLOCKTOPUS is a thing.

    4. Damn, that is one well-armed (heh) octopus!

    5. a bear. Good point. I think that port and starboard 25mm M242 Bushmasters might be just the ticket.
      Maybe retain the dual 20mm Vulcans for waist guns, and add another Vulcan for a, (snicker) tail gun.

      To paraphrase Hilaire Belloc in his poem "The Modern Traveller."
      He said, "Whatever happens, we have got
      The Maxim gun, and they have not."

      And we will change that to,
      "Whatever happens, we have got
      The T-Rex weapon, and they have not."

    6. We need some artwork for this!

  2. Enema pigboats? Well there was that one visit to Portsmouth naval hospital in 84...

    1. Hahaha!

      Everyone go home, be603 wins the Internet for today.

    2. Think they could finally bring peace to the Middle East?

    3. That way, we wouldn't need to send in the NAMs(nuclear armed marines)...

    4. Enema pigboats, because they always shoot you in the stern, and only work in your rear areas of operation. They flush your ships right down.

  3. So if you like stories about dinosaurs, you should like this series...

    There is also a book out there titled Call Me Mumbles that is a good read..Amazon has it for 99cents...I have a copy that I can send you..if i can figure out how it is done from my Kindle library.

    1. Wow...

      I think I'm going to be spending some time at that site, thanks for the link!

      (Damn it, now I'm gonna need a Kindle... 😉)

    2. You can download the Kindle reader (phone, tablet, or desktop) for free.

  4. You don't need a Kindle to read downloaded books..use a app like ReadEra to read the downloaded files from Amazon. ReadEra will read the Kindle Mobi files along with other formats.
    Did some checking and I can't loan the book Call ne Mumbles from my personal library. Some books are loanable, some aren't.
    Take a LOOK INSIDE the Call Me Mumbles offering on Amazon , I think you will find it worth the 99 cent asking price


    1. Good to know, I'm pretty sure 99 cents isn't going to kill me. (Even with a second bathroom renovation in the offing!)

  5. Just suggesting meme: hedgehogh launcher of ww2 launching sonic the hedgehogh...

    1. Well, hedgehogs are eternally hateful little spiky balls of hate. So fire up the hate thrower and bring the hate!

    2. Beans - But they look so cute on Animal Planet...

  6. Considering all the weird things humans have tried:

    Fire dogs - pretty much every culture way back when tried using dogs with flaming bundles on them to set fires on the enemy's side of the battle. With mixed results. But every now and then, a good fire would get going and 'Wooof,' fire everywhere.

    Birds and bats carrying disease (purposely) or firebombs. Tried as late as WWII, by both sides.

    Using Mexican jumping bean beetles to detect humans... That would be the USA, who glued leads to Mexican jumping beans and put them in tiny radio transmitters and dropped them on the Ho Chi Mihn Trail. And it worked.

    So attack squids or crocodiles isn't too far off the spectrum of what Humans will try.

    1. Let us not forget the dolphins (mammalian variety) and seals (non-human variety) who detect mines and retrieve crap we've dropped.

      Yes, I did like the pun. Russians also used dogs with anti-tank mines strapped to their backs. Problem is, the dogs were trained to run under tanks and they couldn't tell the difference between German and Russian tanks, or perhaps because the Russian training methods were shoddy. Dog sees tank, any tank, and BOOM! Poor dog, dumb-ass Commies.

    2. @Beans/

      IIRC in RVN the Army also used our Mexican "friends" on board HUEYS in a nose-mounted device called a "people sniffer." (or was it Mexican bedbugs??--said to be more "excitable" than their American cousins, lol)

    3. PS: WIKI says I'm wrong--actually used urine/ammonia detection chemical device--all I know is what the I-Corps MACV HQ types @Danang told me...???

  7. It started as a typo, but given the throne room content and my eight year old mind I thought it rather brought the post together. I could share some interesting tales of the gastroenterology clinic at NRMC PORTSVA butt I will not. Not even the one about the RN sailors and their humour.

  8. Also, the problem with the T-rex as I understand the T-rex is the short little arms. No way he can reach either handle in the MB GRU7, so don't even arm the seat in the Turkey. Stick and throttles? Yeah, probably not. As for up-gunning the beast, you need pneumo or electrical. I can see feeding it frijoles, plugging the dischage valve and using "gas"tric power, butt electric would be better. Perhaps team T-rex with an Electrophorus electricus.

    In case anyone wonders, I'm in a waiting room while new tyres are being mounted on the trusty Ranger. "Say goodbye to 1,200 of my leetle freends!" Good tyres though. No, I don't know why I'm using the limey spelling. Maybe it's Battle of Nawlins day?

    1. I like where you guys are going with this T-Rex thing. A rich field!

  9. Oh come on! We haven't even gotten our sharks with laser beams, and you guys are wanting T-Rexes with Vulcan cannons!

  10. (Don McCollor)...Unleash the War Elephant!...[other side] Unleash the War Mouse!...(terrified trumpeting)...

  11. A cousin of the Squid is the U.S.N "Weapon AlFA" (Mark 108 ASW rocket launcher firing the RUR-4 rockets with 250 pound warheads and an 800 yard range, with a 22 round ready service ring, and functioning as a semi-automatic. It replaced a forward gun mount on some DD/DE/DL type ships circa 1951-1959.
    Although the 800 yard range does not seem impressive, the much larger warhead and elimination of the need to run directly over the sub for a depth charge attack made it a major improvement. Much better than the Hedgehogs, or even the trainable headgehogs. However, the ASROC with far greater range, and either a Mark 44 or 46 homing torpedo, or something special which can be neither confirmed nor denied rendered Weapon Alfa obsolete.
    Alfa was gone before my time, thankfully.
    John Blackshoe

    1. Interesting system, the Mk 108 launcher looks rather odd, almost Soviet.

  12. The USN had the A/N SUM-N-2 GREBE ASW missile, which was cancelled, as it could not be made short range enough, it tended to outrange the QGA sonar fitted in Fleet Destroyers at the time. Which was unfortunate, because the QGA was the first sonar that could give range, bearing, and depth, which information is passing useful for ASW purposes.

    Project ABLE, which became Project ALFA after the adoption of a new phonetic alphabet, let to the SUBROC.

    Interestingly enough a GREBE was dragged out of storage in the early 1970's as a test critter for the program that led to HARPOON.

  13. Like your blog. Pics of the RR are great. There is something, not sad, apprehensive, perhaps, departing home port. The families and loved ones left behind. The absolute chaos, controlled, of preparing the ship for departure. So many people involved. Did a WestPac on The Fighting Lady, CVS-10. Capt. Bill Bennet driving. Admiral Weymouth COMASWGRU. I was an enlisted oceanographer on staff. Spent my 12 hour shifts on the Admirals bridge. Very quiet. No flight ops at night during transit. Hard to find a more peaceful place. Miss it. Everyday. Thanjs for your service, sir.

    1. Thanks for your service as well, sir. And thanks for stopping by!


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Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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