
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

No Forest, But There Will Be Trees

Another travel week, The Missus Herself wants to come home and see how badly I have trashed Chez Sarge.

Just kidding. I hope.

Though it is a bit of a chore cleaning up after two cats and one old guy, the latter being me, of course. Perhaps I should say "old-ish."

I'm off to see this lad -

Growing like a weed I'm told, hopefully I'll recognize him!

Anyhoo, read the folks on the sidebar, they're pretty good (some far better than my own humble offerings, such as they are).

As MacArthur put it, "I shall return."

Though without the drama, the hysterics, and the multiple camera takes.

I hope.


  1. good.
    Soak it up, Sarge!

  2. Fingers crossed for travel without travail.

    1. Had the race car drivers and starship captains in New Jersey, flaming idiots. But I made it in one piece!

  3. What a good looking guy - no, Sarge, not you!

    Travel well and safely! We'll hold the fort until your return

    (oh for Pete's sake, I just found an article from 2012 that said several commonly used phrases, such as "hold the fort", "going Dutch", and "Rule of thumb" are offensive to various groups and should not be used. It was the Chief Diversity Officer of the State Dept that made that declaration - why is the State Dept such a den of vapid idiots most of the time? It most certainly was under BHO ... and that includes madam secretary herself during that time period

    1. Diversity Nazis have no actual skills, so they make shit up. DAMHIK

  4. I am concerned about the open-ended parenthesis in Tom’s post. It is unsettling for me as a person with anal tendencies. Checklists must be run and finished. Parenthesis must be closed. It seems here that we are invited to ponder further Tom’s use of the word “vapid” (unsettling in and of itself) and come to a conclusion on our own - without consensus! My rule of thumb has always been to hold the fort until Diversity is finalized, then we can have lunch. Dutch treat, of course.
    I have been in the apartment a little too long.

    1. )

      Fixed it for you Dave. A balance the Universe must have. (Yes, do that in a Yoda voice.)

    2. My most humble apologies, Dave! I'm normally just as fastidious with punctuation - I must have been more upset with the PC BS than I thought to have it affect me that way!

    3. Okay, I'll take you off the "grammar bad boy" list. 😉

  5. Sarge, the sad thing for us is that when my wife is gone, things happen: A martial arts injury. Lock myself out of the house. Find a cat that follows us home that comes to live with us.

    She is a little doubtful about leaving now...

    1. Well, I did manage to jam the Hell out of my left pinkie loading the dish washer. When I arrived in MD on Tuesday afternoon, I got the "You're an idiot" look from both The Missus Herself and The Nuke. Well deserved I would add...


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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