
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, March 28, 2021

I Missed It


So yeah, been doing this blogging thing for nine years now, nine years as of the 22nd of March. Which, if you look at a calendar, is not today. Nope, I missed the anniversary of the founding of this here blog nine years (and six days) ago.

I was going to give you another episode of the ongoing tale of World War II, but when I called the office of my Muse, there was no answer. So I went to the Muse's office, found this...


So yeah, I'm having a bit of writer's block and, as is clear, the Muse will be of no help. Of course, she did put in a lot of overtime this past week. So...

Anyhoo, Happy Ninth Blogoversary to us, couldn't have done it without all you folks reading it.

But yes, last year's post marking this occasion was way better, I recommend it to you. It's the whole writer's block thing, ya know.

Be back Tuesday with another episode, I have some binge watching to do...

Ozark, for those who need to know. (You know who you are.)

Yes, I'm a slacker.

It's what I do...


  1. I meant to post my anniversary as well but I got busy with other stuff and forgot. It's so simple to do, just set up a post to launch downstream and move on but I forgot to sit down and do it. It's kind of like missing the ocean when out at sea getting the annual qualification on the .45. Hard to believe.

    1. HMS Defiant. My first .45 qualification was done exactly as you said in '73. Five rounds fired into the water from the helo deck of the DD-714.
      Hadn't thought of that in some time.

    2. John - How many rounds on target?


  2. I have a real contrary Muse. In the many rooms of my mind, I can never find the room she's in. On occasion, I enter the room next door and hear a snippet of something that sounds interesting - but then she moves to another room before I can hear the rest of the story.....sigh.

  3. Another year plus of this effort by the authors under the belt and am the richer for it..........:) May the doldrums be short-lived and the trade winds fill the sails of your Muse soon Sarge. Tanks to all!

    1. Just make sure Juvat gets the blown up tanks...

    2. "gets to blow up tanks..."

      Geez, your muse really did skip out.

    3. Nope, wrote it that way intentionally.

  4. The Birthday Badger Sends Respectful Birthday Greetings!

  5. Happy Blogoversary Sarge! Many thanks for the free (and very tasty!) ice cream. Nylon hit the analogy I mighta tried for, so I'll just wait for the Muse to come back together with a freshening breeze.
    Boat Guy

    1. Oh, she'll be along. Weather was nice yesterday, no doubt she headed down to the shore.

  6. Sarge,

    My compliments on the story. I have been reading for a bit over a year, and have thoroughly enjoyed the journey.

    I am not a creative type, so I don't really know much about muses. However, I suspect she will reappear when you least expect it, especially if you get yourself involved in some other endeavor.

    We readers will wait, as is proper.

  7. A daytime airstrike on the rail lines and/or the bridge, pinning Herr Major's plucky band of survivors on this side of the river would work. So would them slipping further and further away from surrender. Either way, will be interesting to see what happens.

    Go and enjoy your fish pond and yard work.

    1. Or whatever else is on the Missus' list of things to do.

    2. There will be no re-crossing of the Rhine, The Amis are across in force. Monty and his lot will be across shortly after the long build-up which is Monty's way. (Not criticizing, his government was very concerned over infantry casualties.)

    3. As to your last, it's raining and I'm immune to honey-do lists.

  8. Ditto on the Happy Blogoversary bit, SARGE. CONGRATS!!!

  9. Happy Blogoversary! Nine is a big number.

  10. Happy Blogday, and wishing for many more.

    Keep the slacker song in mind.
    Hey, hey I'm a slacker,
    and people say I'm slacking around,
    but I'm just too busy slacking,
    to get any words written down.

    I think you know the tune. :)

  11. Happy Anniversary and here is to many more! The InterWeb is better with your (collective) presence in it.

  12. Et blog, ergo legere! Glad to be a member of the staff and readership! Ozark is the best show still in production, Breaking Bad has the nod for best one no longer in production.

    1. Glad to have you as part of this illustrious crew!

      Concur on Ozark. BB was good, but my nod for best show no longer in production would be Hell on Wheels.

    2. I'll have to look that one up.

    3. It used to be on Netflix. Now AMC has its own "Prime" service at 9 bucks a month, through Amazon Prime, which is, I think, the only place you can see it now.

      A good, gritty show. Think Old West, building the railroad, post Civil War.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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