
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Well, I Tried...


Sometimes a week feels so long that it feels like two weeks. Or more.

Sat down with every intention of writing another episode of Wilderness War (working title) and, like that Sherman in the opening photo, I rolled right off the path.

The creative juices are just not flowing, I think my Muse is shunning me at the moment.


Let's try again tomorrow, shall we?

Je suis désolé...


  1. It's hot and humid in Wisconsin, so I accept that it is too hot to think.

    1. Indeed it is, Scott! We went from 94 to 71 yestiday aft, in a short time, and had several inches of rain, but this morn., it's sticky danged humid, and heating up already! Oh, and now the bugs'll be excitingly enthusiasticC

    2. And you, Scotty, me boy. A bit of something from the pub for ya? Seems ya didn't do any too much sleeping last night, so maybe a midmorning nap'll do ya some good? 'Ave a pint on me, Ladd!

    3. We had a stretch of maybe four days where it was rather hot. Then the temperature dropped into the low 60s, high 50s at night. A very pleasant 70ish during the last cuppla.

    4. It's been in the low 90's and humid during the day, low 70's and humid during the night, rainy in the afternoon, really nice thunderboomers and such.

      Almost like it's Florida in the summer or something.

  2. Ah...good morning to ya, Sarge! You've spend the better part of the last year keeping me enthralled, and on the edge of my seat, through one story or another. There's certainly no way I can fault ya, if you've gotta take a day, or a week, off. All your diligent efforts are very much appreciated, and I'm sure I speak for many others when I say that we wish you well, and hope you have a good, relaxing day! Maybe yer muse needs some country style ribs on the grill, er sumpin, eh?

    1. Ah, and perhaps a bit of something from the pub?

    2. Something from the grill sounds good.

    3. Oh wait, something from the pub sounds better!

    4. Grill and Pub. Or a Pub Grill. Combine the both in whatever way you want.

      Me? If it's over 90, it's too hot to venture except to acquire supplies or the means to acquire supplies (like going to doc...)

    5. If it's 90+ I lay low, in a cool spot if I can.

  3. Sheeesh.......folks are up early this morn. Thinking that Mother Nature made off with your Muse Sarge, nine straight days of 90 degrees or higher. You get a ransom note yet?

    1. We've had 14, and the day before that, we had frost. It ain't nice to diddle with Mother Nature!

    2. Oh, and I beg your pardon, but may I git ya a bit of something from the pub, then?

    3. I think the Muse claimed to be off somewhere fishing. Sounds fishy to me...

  4. It happens Sarge; Muses are fickle at times (usually the most inopportune) that's why they are frequently depicted as fetching young women).
    Take a knee, face outboard and drink water.
    Boat Guy

    1. It was a rather long week, not all that productive, so I was just burnt out Friday night.

  5. It wasn't hot yesterday in Philly because the 50 % chance of rain turned into an all day drizzle/shower mix and the temperature never got higher than 64/65.
    The planned task of standing in the swimming pool to complete the tile and plaster repairs did not get done.
    The good news is that cheap wetsuits are indeed cheap, and the magic toy truck will deliver a pair of cheap wetsuits next week.
    Any an all comparisons to my looking much like the Michelin man wearing a wetsuit will be mostly correct.

    I noticed that that heavy tow cable in the photo is under so much tension that there is almost no catenary.
    I would not be standing casually near the cable.

    Even Muses need time off once in a while.

    Would a choir of Muses be A Muse Sing?

    1. And I forgot to mention jumping into the rabbit hole to find out about the riveted hull conversion of the M3 into a recovery vehicle.

    2. Dad got recalled from inactive reserve into the combat engineers during the Cuban Missile Crisis. He told me of a rotten cable taking a guy out at Camp Polk. Not pretty. He also mentioned a certain LT that chewed him out for killing "Uncle Sam's snakes" after they were cleaning out a pump that got plugged with water moccasins. He also mentioned that same LT wound up tied to a tree in a night exercise by "someone" and left out there when they marched back to their bivouac.

      Hey Sarge, don't sweat the muse. I haven't been able to follow the new story very well, anyway. I keep telling myself, I'll catch up, but I keep stumbling through here, unengaged. I don't know if the 95%-95° of this summer is doing it, or if it's just the old noggin being obstinate. But the tank picture caught my imagination. Thank you for that...

    3. I figured everyone wouldn't object to a tank picture.

      I should have included a blown up one for juvat.

    4. And that is a neat picture. Good use of the M3 hull, and I like how they left the 75. Wonder if that is for 'engineering' usage, or if it's just for the weight to aid in pulling?

      As to "Uncle Sam's Snakes," obviously the LT wasn't from the South, else he' have lined up the platoon and shot the damned things. Rattlers are bad. Moccasins are just plain mean.

      Funniest thing about a moccasin, though...

      So, there I was, coming back from lunch at the SECRET anti-drug task force building (right across a creek from a notoriously bad trailer park which we raided about 6 times a year, said stack-up raid on a trailer being practiced in our mostly fenced in parking lot that was easy to see from the elevated porch heights required to access said trailers....) and all the boys and girls were standing around at least 3 car lenghts from one parked car and pointing. Seems there was a moccasin under the driver's side front tire of said car, and the coply owner of said car was 'trapped' inside.

      So I waddle my extensive derriere over (much nicer way of saying 'fat ass' as my wife tells me to quit saying derogatory things about myself) and I say, "What's up?"

      They proceed to act like, well, little girls who just got frogs tossed at them while explaining the situation.

      I say, "Just back up over the little copulater. That'll squash him flat."

      "Oh No!" said the assembled group of He- and She- Mans. "That will make the tire flat, or it will jump up and kill us all." (No, not an exaggeration, at all. Fearless police officers... yeesh.)

      So I walked into the fenced compound, got a flat bladed shovel, walked back, chonked the head off the moccasin in one blow, picked up very dead snake with shovel and tossed it into the creek, put shovel back, went to my desk and laughed as they wandered in.

      Ooooh, big bad cops....

    5. (Don McCollor)...Cables (and chains and straps) under high tension are to be treated with respect. Farley Mowat tells of a tow line breaking on the tug Franklin. Three hundred yards of 1 3/4" cable snapped back, taking her after ventilators off like a cutting torch. It could have taken off her stacks and bridge as well...

    6. Yup, a taut cable or towing chain is nothing to mess with.

  6. Here is a good one I found, and followed, back in 2013. Good stuff but hasn't had a update or continuance in nearly 6 years.

    1. Now that looks pretty interesting! Love the concept as well.

  7. If you or a loved one suffers from Writer's Block, you may be entitled to compensation.

  8. Go get in a canoe, find a river and let your imagination take you back the 260 odd years ago... your muse will find you.

  9. Nice summer days off are too few to waste futzing around inside. Your Muse was telling you to spend time with The Missus and enjoy. Too soon the blazing days of heat death or winter cold will be here.

    And, yeah, cool tank pic. As I said above. But it was worth mentioning again because it really is a cool 'action' tank picture.

    Seen pictures of a de-gunned M3 being used as an artillery tractor, too.

  10. Sarge, no-one but the committed writer can sympathize with the true annoyance of sitting there, looking at a blinking cursor looking back at...and back at you...and back at you...

    Enjoy the day. I have found, if I will just relax and not think about writing, something seems to come up. Sometimes I think it is simply me not being able to listen but trying to dictate what I will write on.

    1. Usually the day's episode is nearly fully formed in my head before the day is over.

      Just didn't happen on Friday, brain was overworked and just a bit tired I suppose. So, as you pointed out, I didn't attempt to force it.

  11. Hey Old AFSarge;

    It happens, I have been so busy to write, there is so much that I want to say but I haven't had the time to say it, then when I get in front of my computer, my muse deserts me like the morals of a politicians around interns. Hopefully I will find the time this evening to post something on my blog. I truly understand it. I

  12. I prefer to think your muse is off doing research, or busily grinding away behind-the-scenes.

  13. I’m coming up in July to go drive the Chaffee at the American Heritage Museum, your picture provides inspiration. Mental note, do not get tank stuck in ditch.

  14. I’ve been impressed by what you have been able to do in the short time. Don’t know how many hours it takes to create a typical installment but it is good work. And if the muse is not talking to you take some time off

    1. A labor of love, but yeah, it's time consuming. 🙂


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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