
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, July 18, 2021

And We're Off...


Sandy Eggo, here I come...

AAR to follow.


  1. For obvious reasons "I'm Leaving On a Jet Plane" is now earworming me.

    Take care out there.

    1. Heh. I won't get sucked in...

      Damn, too late!

  2. Big old Jet Airliner by SMB comes to mind as well. But I learned how to play leaving on a jet plane when I was practicing guitar first...

    Reason 184,560 that God exists. How can melodic sounds move us so deeply? Or bring back such deep memories?

  3. Safe Travels, Sarge. I will be interested to hear your interpretation of Air Travel - not sure the last time you traveled by plane. I have been doing it for over a year now during the Plague and it has not only changes, but changed over time.

    1. You poor guy! The wife is trying to talk me into a Trans-Pacific cruise. I'd love to do it except for the 18 hour wearing a (expletive deleted) mask.

    2. Juvat, I have been relatively fortunate in that it has been within the continental US, and for more than 5 hours at a stretch.

      Frankly, the mask is less inconvenient than have that person in the middle seat. If we could get back to that, I would be a fan.

    3. TB - Wearing a mask on a long fight sucks. Really sucks.

  4. Replies
    1. Dude, I just use what the internet provides.

    2. Oh, no, there nothing wrong with Airbuses. I didn't mean to sound critical. Although, being an American, I believe in the inherent superiority of Boeings!

    3. The flights out were both. Airbus and Boeing that is.

  5. So...Flying to San Diego...To check on Tuna and fix his computer? Asking for Beans.

    1. What? What did I do?

      Tuna has been suspiciously absent. I thought it was because he was being secret squirrel.

    2. Tuna assures me that he is alive and well. But yeah, I'll check. 😉

    3. He has alerted me to expect something soon, maybe...

  6. Do so enjoy your time in the air trapped with psycho flight attendants and Branch Covidians. Funny how a plane of Texas jackasses, I mean democrats, didn't have to fly with masks but us'n lowly peasants have to maskem-up. Jerks. I am sure juvat can expand on the average Texan's feelings about that whole stupid sorrid matter. (Please, Govna Abbot, arrest them sorry arses...)

    Other than that, enjoy the wonders of the burning Left Coast, and playing with expensive weapons systems. Hope you get to visit family and hoist one to your blogfather at the appropriate location(s) and such.

    1. The flight attendants I had were nice.

      As to your last, I will.

  7. If you hit the pub, lemme know.

  8. Thanks for participating in my retirement plans!
    $50 in oafs coin to anyone who knows the name of the item depicted on the tail of that nice transport.
    Fuzz aka D4

    1. I am clueless. In many things, yes, but especially that thing.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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