
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Not Feeling It...

Sorry, had an awful day.

Go read the folks on the side bar.

I might be back Sunday, I might just take a few weeks away from the Internets.

The world kinda sucks right now.

As does my attitude towards it...



  1. I'll give you all the slack you need. No worries.

    I'll cover my sector, and watch a bit of yours.

  2. I'm still just hanging in mid air too, Sarge.
    Can't program my get-with.
    I sense ... never mind, can't know.

  3. 許すことは何もありません。

    I understand Sarge. I am have been on edge all week as I am watching what I can only describe as the slow motion collapse of competence and authority in the US.

    Rest easy and well sure. We have you covered.

    1. That slow motion collapse feels like it's accelerating...


    2. Sadly, the slow collapse started last year, but seems, as OAFS said, to be accelerating. Even the lackwit's own pet media has turned on him.

  4. Understandable Sarge. New reader here. Old Marine (Disabled, messed up my 30 yr plan. lol) Take all the time You need. I'm hiding from civilian's too. Hang tough. Semper Fi.

  5. I'm watching a train wreck happen and there is nothing I can do .... take what ever time you need.

    Blogging should fun or a job, just saying.

    1. Train wreck, aye. On a grand scale.

    2. Two trains colliding into a flaming dumpster. Which sucks.

    3. With someone running a firehose of jet fuel ALL over it!!!

      Makes my heart hurt.

  6. Chris we are feeling that way for various reasons - just creeping dread and disgust. We’ll be here when you’re ready! Robin B.

  7. I, myself, am behind the blast doors, here in The Badger's Burrow.

  8. Wish I could say it was my clever plan to use LABELS but, no, not even I can plan that far ahead.

    I'll do Sunday, juvat's got Monday, and we'll see where we are then. Gots lots I can say without overstepping the polite political line so, well, you've had a hard time lately, take a vaca and go hug your wife.

  9. You got your priorities right, and your readers will be here when you feel like returning.

    Sometimes we just need to cope with reality for a while.

    But, MANY thanks for all the diversionary entertainment and enlightenment you have been providing. You've made the sucky world a lot less oppressive for your readers for the last few years, so you've earned a break.
    John Blackshoe

    1. I do rather feel that I'm letting the side down.

      But thanks JB, I don't think I'll be gone too long. Sometimes it takes a couple of days to right the ship, I just know that the creative side of things is somewhat lacking at the moment.

  10. Do what you have to do Sarge. Thanks for the explanation and we readers have patience.

  11. We will be around when you feel like being here. Take whatever time you up, and feel better. Give your kitty some loving, quality cat cuddle time, bet she missed you guys when you were down South. And hug your wife, just because ya can! Because none of us ever know...

    And when you are talking with the Big Guy Upstairs...ask if he could send some of the rain I keep getting out West to help drown the fires, and help keep Ida from washing Louisiana out to sea...never been to Louisiana, want to go, but if it's under 10 feet of water...well, that would be difficult is all I'm saying...

    Feel better!!
    Hugs ((()))

  12. 一切都被原谅了。 很快见,我的朋友

  13. Not sure the "Big Guy Upstairs" likes being referred to that way. He is the LORD. His Name is "I AM" and He is sovereign over everything. As bad as all this feels, He has it in control. Take the rest you need, and trust Him. Maybe spend some time in His Book -- He gave it to us for just such times as these.

  14. Where's the like button...oh wait...

  15. Hey Old AFSarge;

    I have the same feeling of dread coming like the train is coming off the track and I am trying to prepare for it, but I fear that all of my preparations will not be enough.

    1. It's like a vast storm on the horizon, there is no way to prepare. Just batten down the hatches and ride it out.

      It's all anyone can do.

  16. (Don McCollor) CCW's "Bad Moon on the Rise"...

  17. OldAFSarge--Chris, if I may presume--I know that you're a Christian. Bear in mind that God never gives us a load that we cannot bear. Unfortunately for us (or is it?), He has a lot of confidence in our load-bearing capability; however, He hasn't been wrong yet.
    Hang in there. You are loved, as you know whenever you look around your home--and that's exactly what matters most. We'll still be around.
    --Tennessee Budd

    1. It's not me I'm worried about, it's my country.

      But thanks Tennessee, appreciate it.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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