
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

The Update

 All the plans in the world and...

So. I get up, answer the call of nature, respond to all the Chanters out there, fix lunch, eat lunch, get ready to go out... Take another constitutional run, and... God dropped His Artillery Barrage directly over my apartment. Not a registration round, nope, all four tubes on rapid fire.  While I'm on the library throne.

Now, I like thunder.  I like it like I like a lot of stuff, at a reasonable distance away.

But this?  This strike?  Right on top, sounding far louder than any firework Salute (that ker-POW one, not the sparkly firework one) or cannon fire or explosives (all of which I have, ahem, been privileged or stupid enough to be really danged close to.)

Of which, well, scared the poop out of me it did. Scared the poop out of the dog.  Scared the poop out of Mrs. Andrew.

In the midst of scaring the poop out of me, my back went 'YOINK!'  They say that the most painful thing is being stabbed in the kidneys, because it is so painful that it won't allow you to scream.  Well, dunno about that but having the muscles around the back and chest all seize up and all stability goes out of the lower back.

While not quite finished doing 'the business' and the follow-up for doing 'the business' if you know what I mean.

So.  Well.  Between God's Own Artillery being Spot On (and let me tell you, if I get my hands around that soulless angel who was calling fire, gonna choke birdman. Kid you not) and my back and having to complete the business while my back was seized up and barely able to breathe, well, so much for going out.  Didn't even need the complete white squall that dropped visibility to zero to convince me to wrap my back, lean on a heating pad, and stay stil  and take shallow breathes.  While God continued to drop the occasional harassing round directly over me and mine.

God must have been telling me to stay home.

Back has released, so will be shopping tomorrow.  I will sleep with the brace. And hopefully the Smite Button will not be pressed tomorrow (Wednesday) and I can get something actually done.

Update on the update on the update on the repair to follow.

Hopefully our noble host will spare us all from my tales of woe and angst and screaming back pain.


  1. Ah......lower back pain....have those muscles turn to jelly every once in awhile so about painful. Then it's time to grab the freezpaks out of the freezer and apply to back. Heat doesn't work for me. It does seem that the Big Guy was sending you signs all right Beans. Even with all the frenzy whipped up by the MSM odds are the big box hardware outlets will be there the next day. Good luck on your quest.

    1. Yep. Pain, so much pain. Should be able to get out today short of getting stove up again.

      And the weatherguessers are saying the light rain that is going on right now will stop soon.

  2. I am certainly keeping you busy aren't I?

    I might actually get to post tomorrow, kids return to the north today. 😢

    1. Hope your visit with them has been fun and eventful in a good way.

      Is your neck of the woods clamping down due to the Covidiocracy?

  3. Beans - I had a relatively healthy adulthood and still remember the first time I actually strained my back. It was doing a deadlift and the fault was mine: failed to set up correctly. That moment when my back said "Hey, no, let us not do this" was excruciating, as was the month afterward as I did very little and let my back recover.

    1. If I could blame this on sheer random stupidity like lifting wrong it would be nice. But I've got a trick back from years and years of sneezing and coughing. I even broke a rib and bruised other ribs from sneezing and coughing. In fact, I've injured myself severely more times from allergy attacks than from fighting, using power tools, using inappropriate objects to separate frozen meat patties and other dangerous things. Between the sneezing, coughing and lack of balance caused by wonky balance tubes, seriously, am surprised I am still mostly in one piece.

      Fortunately, the recovery using pressure (one of those hospital stretchy velcro belly wraps) and heat did the usual trick of fixing it overnight.

  4. As a Rocky Mountain lad smugly sneering at all the people who can't drive in a blizzard, my comeuppance was a Florida thunderstorm. Driving North from Naples around Tampa Bay the rain overpowered my windshield wipers, like nearly zero visibility. After pulling over to the breakdown lane to wait it out, I was treated to the sight of Florida drivers blasting past at 70 mph. Most likely, they were sneering at the damned tourist, me.

    1. No, we don't sneer at people pulled over. We sneer and cuss at people who slow down without turning their hazard lights or any lights on.

      Then again, we don't know how to drive through fog or smoke, or generally handle icy roads. So...

      The time I was driving a rental station wagon with a bad front end through the Smokies I am definitely sure the locals were sneering at me, and throwing trees at me, and boulders... Narrow twisty roads with one side exposed to the elements, nope. Me Likum Flatlands.

    2. Heaviest rain I've **ever** seen was in Wyoming on I-80 near Laramie. GOOD GOD did it rain!

    3. Was camping and a chunk of the Mississippi hit my tent and tore a hole in the top. 6" in half an hour. I liked that tent. Dangit.

  5. Hope you feel better, but I know how you feel. Take it easy, remember you're not 60 any longer. ;-)

    1. I'm not 60 yet. Though my body tells me I am. Good drugs, really good drugs, really good legal drugs with some interesting side effects have made my skeletal system sound like explosive popcorn on broken glass when I get up, since I was about 13.

      But I'm still not old like you... yet. Just some days it feels like it. :)

  6. I feel your pain.
    Sometime around the first Moon Landing in was wrestling with a full beer keg, attempting to relocate it into an under counter refrigerator, at work, after tapping said keg.
    It was only about an 8 inch lift.
    I watched the lunar landing from my living room floor, with my knees propped up.

    1. Ouch.

      Now the ones that get me are not the keg lifts, the full cooler hoists, the armor box to the top of the van or anything like that. It's the picking up piece of paper off the floor, or the sneeze from hell, or just randomly the muscles going weird on me while I'm not doing anything.


      Well, with the pace that SpaceX is going, maybe you'll be able to watch the next Moon Landings in full color on a big screen tv from your living room couch.

  7. As Bill The Cat would say...."ACCCK!!"

    Hang in there, Beans. All this shall pass....we hope and pray.

    Got a small fan to put there to help it dry?

    1. Doors are off for over 6 days, so it's dry in there.

      Still need to drill some airholes in the bottom soffit to air that out.

    2. How many here can see Bill “ACCCCKING”?

  8. Fwiw, it was a bad day for the nature stuff over here on the East Coast as well. Never heard it beller so loud, so long. Couldn’t? see the “Circle K” across the street. And yet there were folk walking/wading on the beach.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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