
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

 Once upon a time, there was a group of obnoxious religious whiners who left England and went to Holland and stayed obnoxiously whining about religion and eventually decided to go someplace where they didn't speak civilized languages so nobody would really be bothered by all of their obnoxious whining nor their religion and then the place they were supposed to land wasn't where they landed and they kind of messed up and almost died, and to top it off they wanted to become communists and as we all know, good communists are dead communists and many of them became good communists and then they figured out communism sucked rocks, sucked so bad they could swallow the Plymouth Rock itself and became capitalists and survived and thrived and whoohoo we get to celebrate them surviving pre-English Civil War England and then oh-so-corrupt Holland and then landing in the wrong spot during the wrong season and then surviving communism at its finest.

Ah.  Thanks, great-unto-1620 grandma for surviving.  Whoohoo!

Yeah, one of those.  Explains so much, doesn't it.  Now, go cook, go eat, avoid stupidity and especially communism in all its forms and have a great day.

As to what's for dinner?  Turkey breasts (neither of us like dark meat) with candied sweet potatoes and cornbread dressing with pumpkin pie for dessert.  Plans are to cook, mellow, eat, mellow some more, take apart the turkeys and pack the bones for later boiling down and that's it.

Hope your day goes well.  And hope you all enjoyed a true synopsis of the wonderful foundation of our beloved holiday.  Which is more true than the bland unleaded version taught to us by our bland unleaded education system.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to all the authors of the Chant from a very appreciative audience. I hope you have a wonderful day.

  2. Got a large turkey thigh that I am going to grill for 30 minutes, then pop into a casserole bowl with a bunch of stuffing and nuke for another 30 minutes. And pumpkin pie after.

    Hope you and yours all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

    1. Never had grilled turkey. If it was to be grilled it better be some 4-legged land animal or a nice trout. I'm kind of a classical grill guy in that respects (I don't like bbq chicken either, bleh, give me bbq beef ribs or brisket any day, or a big chunk of pig, or a whole pig. mmmm...)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to all Chanters, authors and readers alike!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, all! Today should be a peaceful dinner with family gathered around the table and tomorrow meeting up with more of the extended clan at the Ren faire Northwest of Houston. Wishing you all a relaxing and peaceful day.
    - Barry

    1. Barry, have fun at the Ren Fest! I was there Halloween weekend!

    2. I miss going to Renn Faires. I don't miss working at Renn Faires, as I was usually a target for padded arrows.

  5. To repeat: Happy Thanksgiving to all. Coolish day down here in the Lone Star State. Did my "last" shopping trip to HEB on Tuesday, mob scene. Had about 3 must haves that I had forgotten. When I started cooking this morning, realized my error, went back to HEB, parking lot was virtually empty, but so were most of the shelves. Talked to one of my former students who works in Produce. Said Tuesday had been a record day for the store, in customers, sales AND income. So they've got that going for them. I, on the other hand, am going to have to settle for dried Rosemary vice Fresh. Other than that, all the ingredient holes were filled.

    Dinner will be Mrs J and I, SIL, MBD and MG and my Sister. Tomorrow, the threesome will RTB and my Niece, Her Hubby and two kids will visit from Cedar Park. A week from Friday, SIL's parents and sister will be visiting for the Christmas parade. Then we get a break for a couple of weeks. Christmas itself will be quiet, just Mrs J and I, but the 29th Little J and DIL will get their mid-tour leave that the Covid BS took away from them while in Kuwait. MBD and Family will return and that will be when we celebrate.
    May the Peace of Christ be with all of you and yours wherever you/they may be.
    Happy Thanksgiving.

    1. Two things...

      First - Neeener neeener I got most of my shopping done last Thursday and the final shopping done on Monday so, neener neener. ;)

      Second - You do realize that Rosemary plants are like the easiest plant to keep alive, don't you? I mean, as long as the yard-rats (deer) don't munch them, they basically can survive with minimal care and just semi-random watering. And the nice thing about it is if you have a surplus of Rosemary, you can trim the excess branches and make herb bundles and hang them up in the house to dry, then process your own. Which will allow you to do things like take a huge bunch of it and put it all in olive oil and make your own Rosemary-infused oil for drenching or flavoring without having little wooden leaf thingies poking you, right?

      And it's also a good pest control thingy. And a large globe-bush looks nice, too.

      As to Christmas, well, traditionally it's 12 days, just the 28th used to really suck for little kids depending on which interpretation you go by.

    2. Beans,
      First, you got me on that one.
      Second, Rosemary is the only plant I can't grow. I've tried several times, water normally, little water, no water, keep 'em wet. They all died. So bad that the local Garden Club has declared me the Dr Mengele of Rosemary and issued a proclamation to all the local plant stores not to sell me anything but dried (e.g. dead) Rosemary.

      Yeah, we're looking forward to having all five of us together soon.

    3. Well, get Mrs. Juvat to grow the Rosemary. She's responsible for plant things, right? Be sure to tell her that right before bed, too!

  6. Excellent and hilarious history lesson and warning! Good stuff. Celebrating potluck style with my 50 or so relatives in the San Diego area. Happy Turkey Day to you and yours as well.

    1. Well, am I wrong? The wonderful history teachers always leave out that the reason, even though they landed at the wrong place at the wrong time, they almost died was because, well, they almost became good communists. And the reason they were being persecuted by King James was they were insufferable better-than-thous who wouldn't shut up about how they were more better than King James and the rest of England.

      Glad you get to see extended family. Mine is mostly down in Satellite Beach or near Orlando and due to wife's back and head, we can't travel far. That and my eldest sister-in-law, lovely lady, nicer than can be, total saint for dealing with my oldest brother and my mother, lives on Caribbean Island Time for serving food, so you might get the meat on time but everything else comes... randomly.

      Plus, well, we're just tired of having to go somewhere. It's nice to wake up in one's own bed and eat one's own food and just have a quiet day together. And I don't have to worry about setting my mother off politically since she's a died-in-the-wool Wilsonist. Yikes.

  7. They were hauled over by Captain Christopher Jones, from whom I am descended!

  8. Happy Thanksgiving to all, and especially those standing the duty today!

  9. Hey Beans;

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your and to all the other "Chanters"

  10. Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for posting the history lesson - gave me some chuckles!


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