
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, November 1, 2021

Well, Hello, Pleased to meetcha!

 So...There I was.....* pondering my afternoon schedule last Wednesday.  I hear the table calling my name, "juvat, I need my legs attached, please help." However, my Pastrami and Muenster on Wheat with leftover Potato Salad lunch was weighing heavily (literally)  on the situation, enticing me to join the dogs for a post-prandial nap.

"juvat, You're getting sleepy, very sleepy..."

Fortunately, before Morpheus can completely wrap his arms around me, I hear Mrs. J answer her phone. 

"Hi Honey, what's up?" 


 "OK, Have SIL keep us informed."

Shortly thereafter, she informs me, "MBD's OB says her amniotic fluid is low and they're going to induce."

I ask her to explain that in Fighter Pilot English, which she does.

"You're going to be a Grandpa very soon."

Ahhh, Now that I can understand.

But there's no real rush to go to C-Stat as we can't be anywhere but the waiting room until after GC#1's arrival and even then not until she's back in her hospital room with her Mom.  

So we prep bags and such for the following morning.

Hit the rack at the normal time and at 1:25 AM, I hear Mrs. J wake up, fuss around a bit, then go back to sleep. The following morning, we alert the supporting forces (My Sister who will feed the animals) and head to C-Stat.  En Route, the cell phones ding and Mrs. J shows me this.

Picture was taken by SIL after Mom and Daughter arrive back in their room.

With our experience birthing our two kids of 24 hour plus of labor, we weren't expecting the arrival for a bit.  MBD's labor commenced at about 9 PM and GC#1 (henceforth known as MG, which stands for either her initials or My Granddaughter whichever suits your fancy) arrived at 1:26 AM.

Due to Hospital Rules, only one visitor, in addition to the father, was allowed in the hospital room at a time, the other must remain in the waiting room.  This is ostensibly to minimize the risk of Covid.

 Makes sense to me. 


Rather than be in a room where you know everyone, one must wait in a room where you know no one else, but they're all at a hospital for some reason.  Oh, and you don't have to wear a mask when you're in the patient's room.  Mrs. J went first, I elected to wait in the car until called.

Yes, Beans, I wore my mask when I was supposed to and didn't squawk about it much,  Sick people and such. Just didn't want to rely solely on the Mask, despite Fauci's blind faith in its protective infallibility, to keep my hospitalized family safe.

But finally, Mrs. J called and said it was my turn.

For those who want to know the particulars.

Born 1:26 AM 10/28/21

Weight:7 lb 5 oz.

Length: 20 1/4"

I don't think the Time of Birth and Mrs. J's awakening are unrelated.  I think the three ladies in my life have a telekinetic link. I know MBD and Mrs. J use it all the time to keep me in the dark.  I'm sure they're reading MG in on the process.

Anyhow, Mrs. J is spending the first part of this week transferring her motherly wisdom to the new mother and generally assisting by keeping the household running, until MBD is back on her feet.  When summoned, I shall make the trip to C-Stat and pick her up.  

And undoubtedly, hold my granddaughter for a while...a long while.

Peace out, Y'all.  We're winning.

How do I know?

I'm seeing more things like this daily. "Let's go, Brandon" indeed.

For those of you who understand the significance, this is the corner by the Bastrop Buc-ees.

*What’s the difference between a fairy tale and a war story?  A fairy tale starts with “Once upon a time” and a war story starts with “So there I was” (For those who've forgotten the know who you are!)


  1. Mazel tov! Remember that you and GC#1 have a common adversary.

  2. Feel good post of the day . Beautiful family . Lucky man ! Blessed !

  3. Awe!!

    Don't who took your pic there juvat---but that is the brightest, BEST smile ever there on your face!!!!

    Congrats to both new Mom and Dad, and to new Grandma and Granddad. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks, Suz, Well yes...It was one of the best days in my life, so I had to use my BEST smile.

  4. That's great news juvat, now you have a legitimate reason to take a nap when you babysit (heh heh). In addition a new callsign ....Granddad......:)

    1. Thanks, Nylon. All my nap taking reasons are legitimate, just some are better than others. This being one.

      Granddad...I like the sound of that, yes I do.

  5. Hey Juvat;

    Mega Congratulations!!! to being a Gramps, It has a different set of spoiling the crap out of GD#1, Again Congratulations to you and the Misses for being official "Grandparents".

    P.S. "Lets Go Brandon"

    1. Thanks Mr G. I intend to fulfill my Grampal duties to the best of my ability, including the one mentioned.

      P.S. Indeed!

  6. Child sized hearing and eye protection for when GD starts projects with her Grandpop in the workshop.

    Looking at you holding her gave me the warm fuzzies and that is a very nice feeling.

    Best wishes for all.

    1. Thanks, John.

      You're right, one can't begin woodworking soon enough (well...maybe I'll wait til she's able to stand by herself). I'd better get cracking on safety gear.

  7. To all hands: Congratulations on a job well done! Bravo Zulu to MBD for doing all the heavy lifting.

    Henceforth and forevermore, shall juvat be known as Grandpa Juvat!

    What a lovely child!

    1. Thanks, Sarge.

      Yes, yes she is, takes after he Mom.

    2. Mrs J just called for the rescue chopper, so I'm going to be making the C-Stat run in the morning.

    3. Que? Le Helo par Rescue? Wert der ferk?

      In other words, does that mean Mrs. J. is ready for a pickup so you get to turn and burn back to Casa de Juvat?

    4. Yeah, Been difficult the past week or so to get even to the minimum goal of 7K steps/day walking. But, tomorrow is 3.5 over, Lunch with the kids, and 3.5 back. The floor refinishers are scheduled for Thursday and we've got a bit of "getting S**t out of the way" to do.

  8. Congratulations to all involved.

  9. Congratulations Juvat! This is truly the best of news to start a Monday with. Many happy returns to you and your family, and welcome to the wonderful world of grandparenting (which, I am told, is quite delightful).

    I believe in the psychic connection. Mine mostly seems to be with rabbits, which is less helpful ()

    The restrictions often make no sense at all. Except, perhaps, to makes someone feel in control and better.

    And yes, I do not wonder if the emperor's lack of clothing is being revealed. It always starts with mockery and satire and goes from there...

    1. Thanks TB
      Re: psychic connection, mine seems to be with horses and messages received are mostly of "Hey, Dummy, we're hungry, get your butt in gear and come feed us." Clear communication of the message, but, as you said, less helpful.

      I think you're right about the restrictions, which, deep down in the caveman part of my psyche, makes me want to use the club upside their head.

    2. As has been explained to me numerous times by The Ravishing Mrs. TB, clubs are apparently frowned upon these days...

    3. More's the pity. Society would be a lot more polite were that not so, IMHO.

  10. Congratulations!

  11. Excellent news! Congratulations all around!


  12. Congratulations on becoming a fully qualified Grandfather. There are many forms of salutation that may adorn you such as Grandpa, Gramps, Pawpaw, Opa and many more. Wear it with pride. I could see that near s*** eating grin on your proud face in the photo.

    As to "Lets Go Brandon", I think G_d needed to give us a collective kick in the groin (I understand it can hurt women as well, just not as much) to get us to wake up. This week, in Viginia, we shall see just how much the Democrats can cheat. Will there be a 3 AM vote surge when nobody is supposed to be counting or a found USB stick of unknown providence with enough votes to flip the election?

    1. Thanks, Bill,
      Fully qualified? Well, I've checked the boxes. We shall see if I measure up to those I learned Grandpa-ing from.

      Yep, VA is going to be interesting isn't it?

    2. Holding her was the "check ride". You'll do the right thing. I've been doing it for 10 years now and have a similar picture.

    3. Thanks Bill,
      Been through quite a few check rides. Wasn't as concerned about passing them than I was this particular one. I was graded (by the check women in the room) a "Done Good".

  13. There is something very special about holding a grandchild. Perhaps a better wordsmith can explain why.

    1. You're right, WSF. It was interesting, one of the first thoughts I had when MBD first handed her to me (after the quick prayer "Please Lord don't let me drop her!") was "Memories of Mrs J and I will live on a little bit longer. Thank you."

  14. That's a sweet pic of you and grand baby.

    1. Thanks Borepatch.

      Love the Dad Jokes, BTW. Especially the ones that elicited groans from MBD.

  15. Congratulations!! BTW: A sea story starts:"listen up, this is no shit...".

    1. T.I.N.S.
      Check the acronym page. We should all know this one, there is so much of it here! ;-)

    2. You're both right. BS? Around here? No way! This is straight up, died in the wool (not misspelled) truth!

  16. Congratulations all around! Remember what I said about holding your new grand daughter? It's true, ain't it?

  17. Congratulations to the proud parents, and now you can get your grandpa on... LOL

  18. Um... am I the only one who is thinking you callsigned your first grandchild 'MiG'? Or is it just me? Maybe a more formal 'MGD' or 'MG1' before 'MG' becomes stuck to the poor child.

    Congrats, glad things worked out and MBD popped before the hospital chain loses about half of its employees due to the Covidiocracy.

    As to mask, seriously considering using my hazmat mask if I ever have to go near a hospital. Want mask, I'll give you a mask. (And, no, I don't have a plague doctor bird mask, that's too late period for me. Now, if I had a maille hauberk with a ventail... (translation: a chainmail tunic that extends down to the knees, slit in front and back up to below the crotch to allow movement, with 3/4 lenght sleeves, an attached hood and an attached flap to the left side of the hood, padded with linen and horsetail, that can be drawn over the mouth and hooked to the right side of the hood (yes, a medieval hoodie with a flap. it is a thing.)...

    Anything to make a full jab (see what I did there?) at the stupidity of the whole thing.

    Though, in previous years, when only allowed to visit Mrs. Andrew during one of her frequent hospital stays (rather than staying 24/7 with her, basically moving in while she's in) I would come home and do a full decontamination cycle on the back porch - strip clothes off, wash with hose water, go into the house, take a full soap bath, all in order to not bring hospital crud into the house. I don't think the neighbors or the landlady would appreciate me doing the same thing now that we are apartment dwellers. Nope. So Mrs. Andrew isn't allowed to get sick, at all, enough to go to the hospital. (especially since the closest one to us now just announced they'll be firing any non-vaxxed staff, and I'm sure the other one (the one we normally go to) will follow soon. Dammit.

    Yeah, LGB for reals... And Fauci should be hung, preferably alive into a tank of giant sandflys.

    1. MG would be her first and middle initials. It could also stand for My Granddaughter. The making of a callsign can take quite a long time to get one that fits....or a matter of seconds in the wake of a mistake.

      I've considered showing up at some of the more "righteous" (which means "Stupid" in the original Swahili) meetings in my flight helmet with a sign around my neck saying "Even this is not certified for Biological protection. How's your little blue handkerchief feel now?"

      Agreed about Fauci.

  19. Congrats, Grandpa!!

    I didn't know how different it would be to be a grandparent as opposed to a parent. Very different!

    Enjoy the little one when you can, and may God Bless you all.

    1. Thanks, DrJim,
      Looking forward to learning the different nuances ourselves. We certainly intend to enjoy her. Thanks

  20. MG ... was my mother's first and middle initials, may GC1 have as blessed a life as she did, with the current writer being an exception at times to that blessing :-)
    Great pics, juvat - everyone looks happy, and I can tell MG has already wrapped you firmly around her little finger... a very good thing, that's what grandpas are supposed to have happen!
    Congrats to you, Mrs J and your progeny - may you all enjoy many years of happy times.

    1. Tom, Yes, well...We ALL add a little spice to our parent's lives at times. Some more than others.

      Wrapped around her little finger? You Bet, and quite happy to be in that predicament.


  21. Congrats juvat! Now you begin another adventure as the doting Grandfather. Enjoy the trip!

    1. VX Thanks,
      I'm always up for adventures. Looking forward to the challenge, and the ability to hand her back to her parents when necessary.

  22. Congrats juvat on becoming a grandfather! All the best and good health to you and your family.

  23. Telekinetic link indeed. That's cool stuff. Physics can't explain it so you know there's more to life than we just explain by science. Faith being one of those things.

    1. Amen, Brother. Had dinner with a very interesting man while in C-Stat this week. Stay tuned.

  24. Congrats Pops! And God Bless to all involved. regards, Alemaster

    1. Thanks, Alemaster. Hadn't heard from you in a while. All Good?

    2. All's well, Thank you Sir! Just been staying off your stage as this has really been all about your granddaughter and her family. regards, Alemaster


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