
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, January 28, 2022

Post? What Post?

Those of you who were up early today might have noticed the lack of a post.

Sorry. Friday was a busy day at work, also had an after hours meeting at my church and wasn't home for good until approximately 2100 hours. (That's 9 PM for the civilians out there.)

Didn't feel much like writing, had nothing to write about, the Muse being apparently out of sorts yesterday.

The book? Oh, recommended by a friend (fellow USAF retiree) in light of the start of my latest adventure in fiction.

Started reading that this morning, having just finished Snow and Steel by Peter Caddick-Adams, an excellent book on the Battle of the Bulge, he also wrote Sand & Steel, covering D-Day and beyond, I highly recommend both. The man can write.

As can Mr. Kuniczak. After reading the first couple of pages I felt somewhat inadequate as a writer. It happens. This fellow uses language beautifully. He is an artist.

I'm going to really enjoy this book.

To my buddy Mike - thanks for the recommendation.

That is all ...


  1. Battle of the Bugle? Is that the actual title of the "Boogie, Woogie, Bugle Boy of Company B"?

    Not that I've ever, never ever, made a typo!

    1. D'oh!

      Tried to get a post out, went too fast. Mea culpa.

    2. All the right letters. They just acted like new privates, hurrying to get into formation.

  2. Sorry, all, forgot to see if the Boss posted and missed a perfect opportunity to mess with all y'all's heads.

    On another note, we're looking at freezing temps tonight and a descent into 20's tomorrow so, woo, winter's here.

    1. Ah yes, I saw the "semi-frozen iguanas falling from trees" alert for your area. The weather guessers are calling for a Snowmageddon in these parts. I expect a fairly heavy snowfall, as much as 18 inches perhaps. We've seen it before, though rare for the coast, it does happen. It's the high winds I'm concerned about, they tend to take down branches, which take down power lines, which knocks out power.

      I don't ever remember losing power in Vermont as a kid. Progress ...

  3. Well Sarge, you can "feel" inadequate but you are most assuredly NOT. That feeling merely denotes a normal as opposed to outsized ego.
    Boat Guy

  4. Sometimes you just have to stop and catch your breath. Especially now that we are "mature" in age. Better to pause than to rush yourself and make errors.

  5. Good luck with the expected snowfall Sarge, those winds can really move the snow around not to mention the trees. Computer is back up to snuff.

    1. I am very familiar with what the wind can do with the snow ...

      And the power lines.

  6. Nowhere is it said that a blogger must post every day…

    …except in his own mind. [DAMHIK]

  7. "This is not the post you are looking for. You can go about your business...."

    I am glad you posted later. I now officially freak out when I do not see a new post in the morning...

    1. Sorry about that, we had some crossed communications here at Chant du Départ Global Headquarters. But all has been resolved.

      Hopefully we make it through the blizzard!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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