
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Short Bursts

Just like a gunner has to maintain control of his weapon, firing in short, controlled bursts to maintain accuracy and not burn the barrel out, a writer has to do the same. Sort of. At least this writer does.

Which, you might gather, means no book post today. This thing is a marathon, not a sprint, and I'm still thinking about where the characters are going and how they're going to get there.

My writing style is sort of chaotic. I have a general idea of how I want the story to go, but sometimes things change and another idea pops up and drives the story in a different direction. Sometimes take me by surprise. Which is fun.

Late Thursday afternoon, with reports of sleet and icy rain predicted for Friday afternoon, and based on the fact that I've not slept well lately, I made the command decision to take Friday off. Awakening at 1100 makes for a short day.

Friday was a short day, believe you me.

But I'm refreshed and ready to take on another week. Don't worry, I will get back to the book.

Just not today.


  1. Well know, taking a day off, how dare you sir while we readers.........wait.....wut.....MG34 vid...? Oh my....that' was I saying?

  2. That is exactly how it seems to go for me as well Sarge - general "location", but no exact details. Glad you made the executive decision to go ahead and take the day off. Very sensible.

    On the bright side, with Nylon12: That video makes for a very bright, shiny replacement object.

    1. Good explanation of the differences between those guns as well.

    2. The dual trigger was fascinating. That seems like a really logical thing.

  3. Crusty Old TV Tech here. How'd the Icepocalypse go? The Houston usual TV suspects were cranking out "Muh ICE STORM!" "ACCUMULATIONS OF 1/10"!!!" "Oh, the HUMANITY!" all day Thursday. Woke to nothing, except the hatch on ye olde hatchback froze to the gasket, took some effort to clear it (without damaging things).

    1. It was anticlimactic at best. (Pun intended.)

      Rained most of the day, had a wee bit o' sleet after sundown, then it became snow. And stopped.

  4. Do what you have to do with your writing, and thanks for sharing it with us in the serial form!

    1. I hope the reading is as enjoyable as the writing.

  5. Writer's block is nothing but a misaligned round in a linked belt which temporarily halts firing until the jam is cleared.

    We are grateful for what we get, whenever we get it.
    Very good stuff you deliver!
    Cannot go wrong with a Forgotten Weapons filler! Ian does really great work.
    John Blackshoe

    1. I learn something every time I watch one of those videos.

  6. Don't worry about the output. We're here, we're very patient. Automatic weapons have always been fascinating for me. The video was brand new info, the weapons - well I need one.
    Rest easy Sarge if your story line makes you wait, we'll wait with you.
    Miss Jeanie and I just got over the BIG C. Seemed to have lost January somehow. We'll not be going near an airport (read ATL) for a long time. It was fun to see the kids in CA, but not worth the absolute horribleness of the BIG C.

    1. Yes, I wonder myself what happened to January.

      Glad you and the Missus survived the WuFlu.

  7. I like shiny too!! Pretty cool explanation. Too cold and snowy to go out and do much...staying in and watching shiny stuff is definitely much more fun!!!!

    Besides, if you gave us a chapter every day, then we would be through with it PDQ and then we would be pestering for another!!
    You know how we are...

    Enjoy your free time, we will be here when the Muse lets you muse more.

    1. Yes, I'm chilling out in a major way. Binge watched Reacher on Amazon, highly recommend it. Reading up on late 1939, early 1940, I want to jump straight into the action, but I also need to tell the story of these guys that isn't all blood and fury. We'll get back at it soon!

    2. I stopped myself at 4 episodes, saving some for later.
      I thought they did a good job.

  8. Take time off, from time to time, this is gonna be a long story, from 39 to 45. I am looking forward to it.

    1. Well, we already did the June 1944 to May 1945 part, but yeah, the rest of the war was a lot longer!

  9. No need to rush right along, Sarge. They won't actually be making the Mini Series from your WW2 stories until after you (and probably a large part of your audience) are dead and buried anyhow. (chuckle)

  10. Encouragement from all directions. Some of here had had the money on hand, but I guess we’ll just just take some RRVFPA kids to Disney World


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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