
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, March 12, 2022

It Broke ...

I started this blog to have some fun, maybe educate a bit, maybe learn more than I taught. Somedays it just ain't fun. Friday was one of those days.

Have an opinion, sure, but back it up, links to informative articles, maybe a well-reasoned argument supported by fact. If you want to yell and rant ...

Go somewhere else.

I've had it with trolls and conspiracy-theorists. People are dying out there because the rich and the powerful want to throw their weight around, that's the bottom line. Whether the CIA, the FSB, or the effing March of Dimes is behind it, who knows? Evidence, not some lunatic fringe opinion is what I want to see. I don't care if you're on the left or the right of the political spectrum, extreme is extreme. And you know what? Extremes suck.

I've had it.

The end? Probably not, but honestly, it's tempting.

Ten years gone.

Yeah, I'm a little angry.


  1. "Non Ilegimati Carborundum". Spelled phonetically. I speak Old New England. OG

  2. Don't let people or your hard work get you down. For some of us, you are like the newspaper waiting for us in the morning.
    Dennis in Poland

    1. I have decided to press on, can't let a momentary fit of anger halt what we've started here.

    2. Great to hear. I connected with this blog thanks to Clayton Cramet, who has The Shekel on his blog roll. That's how I found you and the other members of this crew. There are a few bloggers that other people follow here that are just too much doom and gloom, and I avoid them. I won't name names. I like this place especially for the fiction, but also the desire for both optimism and pragmatism.

    3. Without optimism there is no hope. So why be down? Pragmatism is also a good thing to have.

      Glad you're here Dennis.

  3. A lot of water under the bridge Sarge and more work than I can imagine posting daily for ten years thanks to juvat, Tuna, Beans, LUSH and you. Not only finding out info, past and present but the folks here have become friends because of what they've said, not by clicking a "Like" button. For this blog to go away would be a shame since those trolls would be silencing a voice in the wilderness. Ya.....your choice Sarge and thanks for what you've done already. Dennis hit it, this is a newspaper for the like-minded as we.

    1. I've decided that it's "'til death do us part," if I could figure out a way to blog from the Afterlife ...

      I'm in for the long haul.

    2. (Don McColloe)...(jokingly)...With your first posthumous blog, my first comment would be to ask "Juat where are you blogging from?"...

  4. Sarge - If it is of any comfort, I have had to walk through this same issue a few times over the years with posters. There are posts that I have simply deleted without letting them through. There are times - more than once - that I have stated again what we will and will not discuss, and I know that I have lost readers over it. Over time however, what I have found is that the people that want to be there and be involved can abide by the rules. If they do not, they seem to wander away.

    I cannot echo enough the words of Nylon and Dennis above. This blog is the first one I come to every morning before any others - even before moderating the comments on mine own. I have learned a ton not just about World War II, but about life carefully disguised as World War II and the vagaries of life and travel and airplanes and running a B&B and what fruit was given as Christmas gifts in the Middle Ages (see Beans, I do pay attention). I know this is not a paying gig for 99.9% of those of us that write a blog, but I assure you and all the authors here that your efforts are not unappreciated or in vain.

    In fact, one might call the ability to post daily and have something to say "Inspirational".

    Your Obedient Servant, Toirdhealbheach Beucail

    1. There are days where you just want to say "the Hell with it," throw the scabbard away, and charge into the fray singing one's death song.

      But it is not this day.

    2. Sarge, cut with abandon! The folks that appreciate you are going to be fine with that. When it comes to cutting out the trolls, practice some Stoicism while slashing with gusto. Your Humble Red Neck Philosopher. This site is a multi stop, daily.

    3. Slashing with gusto, I like that.

  5. Sarge,

    This blog is my home page for both browsers on my computer, my iPad, my phone. It is where I start my day and end it. I consider it an honor that you allow me to post here. Dumasses and dirtballs exist in the world. Their lives are miserable, but they get their jollies out of bringing folks down to their level of misery. Don't let them. Perhaps a new acronym is needed. May I suggest YOINWCLOI? "Your opinion is noted with complete lack of interest."

    Or as is mentioned in one of my favorite movies "Never give up, Never Surrender!"

    Hang in there!

    1. Juvat - Yesterday was a miserable day capping a somewhat miserable week. It's me being left without adult supervision I think (The Missus Herself being out in California visiting LUSH.).

      How would that be pronounced? "YO - in wecloy." Sounds kinda cool.

    2. TB - I just need to figure out how to deploy it. Sometimes it's just easier to delete the comment (not permanently) and let 'em wonder.

    3. I think it's pronounced "Copulate off and end existence" but more Anglo-Saxonish if you know what I mean...

  6. A follow on note to those that stirred the issue up:

    Most bloggers, including the fine hosts on this site, do this from a love of writing and communicating, not from any sort of monetary gain or fame. And it is difficult - incredibly difficult, as Sarge has written of more than once - to constantly and consistently come up with good material each and every day. Engaging in arguments which are either ad hominem attacks or comments without facts designed to provoke a response not only do not help the case of the argument or the cause that it represents, it really detracts from what the authors are trying to do: tell a good story, talk about ongoing life, share a passion or information.

    That is what I come for. That is what, I suspect, the bulk of the readers come for. Truly, if your passion is to discuss and debate things - and there is nothing wrong with a vigorous, well informed debate - there are other pages and other forums which might accommodate the "rough and tumble" that you seek.

    Blogs like this one are similar to a forest or park: while we as visitors (commenters) do not own it, we can help to preserve the beauty and atmosphere of it by treating it as our own, straightening up around us, and making it about the beauty of the place, not about ourselves in that place. To the extent everyone is willing and able to do that, we can leave the writers to their job of writing and all enjoy the view and benefit from their work and wisdom.

    On behalf of a reader that greatly benefits from the efforts of Sarge, Juvat, Tuna, and Beans,

    Your (Most) Obedient Servant, Toirdhealbheach Beucail

  7. I'll echo the comments above, if I may. First blog in the morning? Aye. Some times that "morning" is only barely so. You've literally brightened dark times, Sarge.
    As for whatever yapping dogs have occasioned your disgust ( praying I'm not one of them) they are why "we can't have nice things, sometimes". Not having the wit, discipline and time required to blog myself; I remain a mere anonymous commenter. Another blog I used to be more active in had to eliminate anonymous commenting when trolls MIJI'd the comments, some expressly targeting me. They have since departed and I can once again throw a penny's worth of words into the mix.
    T'any rate; if this be the end, THANK YOU for all you and the crew have written. It's been entertaining, informative and thought provoking.
    Boat Guy

    1. Not the end, just a storm which had to be weathered. We'll chip and paint, polish the brightwork, and sail on to whatever Destiny lies ahead.

      FWIW, your comments have never angered me, made me think, yes. And that's a good thing.

  8. You aren't the first blog I hit, but yours is the one that I am aiming for. Like saving the cake and ice cream for last. The folks that comment here regularly are like the old farmers drinking coffee after their early morning chores. We get to compare outlooks and experience. No other forum exists like this one. And I appreciate it.

    We work harden just like bailing wire. A little R&R, something different (like a board game?) will help stress relieve. But you know you better than I do. Might need a little R&R in to speak.

    Life in general is wearing lately. No one is being skipped over in the meddling by our betters. That bit-o-stress is no longer a background noise, it's front and center. Makes sense why we all are a bit jumpy and snappy.

    Prevent shitestains from damaging your calm! Use YOINWCLOI. When it's time to flush the crap, just apply a little YOINWCLOI and spin in the toilet. See? It's so easy! Remember to flush after and jiggle that handle! Even removes the worrying after gag with just a spritz. No more turds in the punch bowl! YOINWCLOI, available at fine blogs everywhere, ask for it by name! Get yours... TODAY!

  9. Like many others it seems, this blog is an important part of my day. I get education, entertainment and I can see what others are thinking. I always try and leave a comment (sometimes just a thank you) just so I can see the other comments as emails through out the day.

    Blogging is work! IMO you either do it because you enjoy it or you're getting paid. Thank you!

    1. About the goings on in the world today... it's just history being made and that's as old as mankind is.

    2. Rob #1 - I do enjoy this, but it's rather like having a really nice garden then discovering that someone's dog got loose in it.

      My granddogs are way more disciplined then some people!

    3. Ron #2 - You hit that right on the head. Only the dead have seen an end to war.

  10. Hey Old AFSarge;

    I tend to agree; I blog as a release because I have been catching 30 day bans on farcebook for speaking against the grouphivething for years. I like posting the airplane, history, gunstuff, what is going on at my abode and the occasional rant. I come here because the quality of the material is so good and i enjoy reading it while I sip my coffee when I am not at work. I don't always comment, but I always come here every day to see what is going one. You gotta look past the occasional jerk in the comments, I also have had them, it is the internet it attracts the weirdo's and squirrels. Keep on blogging, don't let the morons win.

    1. I've decided to use the occasional troll to grease the treads of my tanks. In other words, the advance continues.

  11. I for one am glad you aren't quitting. Your blog is one that makes me think and examine some assumptions.

    1. It's tempting at times to say, the hell with this, and do something else. But blogging is my addiction.

    2. (Don McCollor)...Keep it up Sarge! Your blog is saved till evening and opened like a Christmas present. Now some things from posts before and after: Somebody beat me to "Non Ilegimati Carborundum". Keep a diary, years later questions of "when this happened" come up. Stress and worry only about things you can do something meaningful about. I may sometimes disagree,but will try to have a well-developed argument with chapter and verse cited....

    3. Nailing the colors to the mast, no chance of striking them now.

    4. (Don McCollor)...(From Walt Whitman 'Song of Myself' [Sorry, kind of long, but my feelings])...Fighting at sun-down, fighting at dark,
      Ten o’clock at night, the full moon well up, our leaks on the gain, and five feet of water reported, The master-at-arms loosing the prisoners confined in the after-hold to give them a chance for themselves. The transit to and from the magazine is now stopt by the sentinels, They see so many strange faces they do not know whom to trust. Our frigate takes fire, The other asks if we demand quarter?
      If our colors are struck and the fighting done? Now I laugh content, for I hear the voice of my little captain, We have not struck, he composedly cries, we have just begun our part of the fighting. Only three guns are in use, One is directed by the captain himself against the enemy’s mainmast, Two well serv’d with grape and canister silence his musketry and clear his decks. The tops alone second he fire of this little battery, especially the main-top, They hold out bravely during the whole of the action. Not a moment’s cease,
      The leaks gain fast on the pumps, the fire eats toward the powder-magazine. One of the pumps has been shot away, it is generally thought we are sinking Serene stands the little captain, He is not hurried, his voice is neither high nor low, His eyes give more light to us than our battle-lanterns. Toward twelve there in the beams of the moon they surrender to us.

    5. Sounds like the fight between Bonhomme Richard and Serapis. Good stuff!

  12. There are worse addictions. Think of it as keeping a diary, prehaps, where you can look back and see how you've celebrated, succeeded, recovered from failings, ... engaged in /living/ rather than following, echoing, and sleeping.

    Each of you (writers and commenters) inspire me to be a better me. Thank you.

    YOINWCLOI. I like it. Noise exists in all processes. We survive.

    1. Noise in the process, that's a troll in a nutshell.

  13. Pig 'rassling ain't your sport, Sarge, so don't.

    "The only winning move is not to play," is not bad advice, in many scenarios.

    You've got the magic delete button somewhere, so don't hesitate to use it if someone, anyone, offends or annoys you. It's your digits, and they can go get their own.

    Thanks for all the good stuff you and your beloved Muse have dished out (along with the supporting cast).
    John Blackshoe.

    1. I guess not, I just get dirty and the pig seems to enjoy the mud.

  14. Sarge, I'd suggest being mad and writing about the failure and traitorous actions of our Senior Military Leadership (Ha!). Have we forgotten Vietnam and Afghanistan (VN 2.0) so soon? SecDef on down are Woke and disloyal to America. I spent the day at Ft. Bragg yesterday and enjoyed it immensely. I had not remembered just how big Bragg is. Our troops are not letting us down, it is the leadership. v/r

    1. I can't think of anything more depressing to write about, unless it's the abject stupidity of your average politician.

    2. Sarge, when that gets ya down, just remember, it's NOTHING compared to the stupidity of the people who keep voting for these top shelf parasites.

  15. Because of trolls, I went to full moderation of comments. A few people get deleted out of hand.

    1. This is the warning on my comment page:

      COMMENT MODERATION IS IN EFFECT UFN. This means that if you are an insulting dick, nobody will ever see it.

  16. Keep calm and blog on. It has become one of my daily visited websites. Absolute freedom of comment is feature of the internet, not a bug.

    1. But with that freedom comes a certain responsibility.

      Looking forward to your next report, old friend.

  17. Buck said it eloquently, “GOML!”
    Back int day, I’d say, “FOAD!”
    Now, I delete and move on.
    They aren’t worth the energy expended to do anything else.

    1. Buck is the main reason I kept at this blogging thing. Saw something that reminded me of him last week. Man but I miss that dude.

  18. I can't say it as eloquently as the above comments, but if you were to throw in the towel, I would greatly miss you. Unlike some of the others, I save your blog for the last, so I can anticipate (never did lose that Christmas morning thing). You're always worth the read (including your co-bloggers), whether for a story, or your thoughts, or day-to-day stuff. Have seen some excellent thoughtful bloggers chased away by mind-numbing and numbed trolls. Hope to be reading you ten years from now (if I'm still here; I'm eighty-mumble).

    Pleas keep on keepin' on.

    1. I hope I'm still writing in ten years!

      Thanks for hanging in there with us!

  19. It is way late but this for all of you.

    You may now insert your little shoebox in the middle of the road.

    Back when I was 'Random' on USENET me and blackbeard got roasted once. I found it very amusing. Yes, it was Monty Python.

    The key is to be amused. You're mostly among friends who dont always correct your punctuating errors.

    my blog is a little thing compared but it is mine and still, it is mine. Have I mentioned how little it is? Never had even a single troll. To me, oh God they were so 20 years ago.

    Have a good day in every way.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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