
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, March 7, 2022

What a Week!

 So...The Week started with a drive over to College Station Sunday after Church a week ago yesterday.  Purpose of said visit was to check up on MG on her 4 month birth day.  A side benefit was to drop off Little Juvat and DIL's Chevy Tahoe to MBD and SIL.  It had been with them in Kuwait, but was not authorized for their assignment in Honk Honk.

Unfortunately, WuFlu had impacted the shipment of said vehicle back to the states.  It arrived at Rancho Juvat a couple of nights after Little Juvat arrived for his first R&R back in the states in almost 4 years.  That was back in the last week in December.  Never underestimate the power of bureaucracies to screw things up. 


But, once we had it washed and waxed, battery replaced and various dent's and ding's incurred during shipping repaired, it turned out to be a good deal for them. No rental car needed to get around Texas.

They didn't want to sell it as it has fairly low mileage and they will be coming home someday.  So they offered it to MBD and SIL to use.  With the two of them, plus the baby seat in the back, either of their two cars is  pretty much filled.  So...Win-Win!

Papa Juvat, Who IS this hairy Lug?

I've had easier check rides in Fighters than the check out Little J gave the both of them prior to handing over the keys. Dinner that night with the 7 of us was very nice.  Lot's of stories being exchanged, Lot's of questions asked and answered. 

Suffice it to say, Mrs J. and I will be VERY happy when their assignment is over and they return home.

Tuesday was packing day.  Two checked and one carry-on bag for each still left a decent sized Post Office drop off requirement.  Stuff expanding to fill (overfill) available space is one of the immutable laws of nature.

Wednesday we drop them off at Austin Bergstrom's Hilton.  Long time readers of the blog will know that my Father was the supervising engineer when the building was being built as the Numbered Air Force (9th?) HQ building.  When the base was closed, Hilton properties turned it into a hotel.  


The drive back home was pretty quiet.  

The following morning, Mrs. J wakes up complaining about back pain.  It doesn't get better as the day goes on and not much sleep was accomplished that evening.  So,  next day, we visit the Urgent Care Clinic.  The PA promptly sends us over to the Hospital for X-Rays.

The doctor that read the X-Rays pronounced it Scoliosis, and referred us to our GP for further referral.  The next day, Mrs. J sees a orthopedic surgeon who analyzes the X-Ray and says that while Scoliosis is present, it's somewhat mild.  However...

He does notice that the T4 Rib is somewhat out of position, so recommends a Chiropractic exam.  Which was scheduled for today.  However, he also asked if Mrs. J was seeing any rash.  

Not at that time.

Later that day, I notice that Mrs. J seems to be in a fair amount of pain and has the beginnings of a rash.  So, we return to the Urgent Care Clinic.  This time she's seen by one of my former students, who's entire family is in the medical field.  She's quite competent. 

Her Diagnosis?  Shingles!


So,  We've got appointments this week and I've got an appointment this morning for a Shingles Vaccine.  Apparently, there's little that can be done other than wait it out. And yes, we postponed the Chiropractic appointment.

Gonna be a LOOONNNNGGGG couple of weeks.  Yes, Beans, I'm quite a bit cleaner, all over, than I usually am.  Not sure why that is.

OK, yes I do.

On a side note and, apropos of nothing whatsoever, I present this for your assessment of level of truth.

Taken by me in the local HEB parking lot!


  1. I don't think there are words that accurately describe shingles, but those that do come close are sometimes interrupted with outburst of cursing.

    1. Yeah, Mrs. J has become a bit tetchy this past week. I'm trying to cut her some slack, just in case...

  2. One of our friends had a bout with shingles and shingles is high on our list of "Things to avoid."

    Hope for a speedy recovery.

  3. Over last Christmas I slowly lost vision in one eye. It hurt so I squinted ( a lot). Didnt realize vision was getting REALLY bad in that eye. Realized I couldnt really see anything but blobs out of that eye. Medical people (Urgent care-then family Dr.) kept saying pinkeye. Finally went to an actual eye doctor and...Shingles in my eye !!! Lots of medicine and lots of money later ( and about 60days) they tell me I can now go get a new prescription for glasses. Only slightly worse than what I started with. The Bad news Mrs.J, my understanding ( or possible misunderstanding) is that after being " cured" it can come back. Stress makes it come out. ( Good or bad stress).

    1. John,
      Last first, did NOT know that, thanks for the info!
      Glad your eye thing worked out. Blindness is one of my main phobias.

  4. Hoping for Mrs. J to be a fast and mild case. Got the first Shingles shot myself back in November. HEB parking lot photo for the win juvat.

    1. Thanks for the kind thoughts Nylon.

      I'm an inveterate bumper sticker reader. This was the first one I've taken a picture of for the record. Not only was it funny, to the point and absolutely true, it describes a very big problem with the country. IMHO. So... Spot on!

  5. Dang! Get well soon Mrs. J!

    Love the billboard.

    1. Thanks, Sarge.

      Fortunately it's a bumper sticker. Trying to locate one for my truck.

  6. Juvat, I can only imagine that given the world as it is, you will be glad (and more so) when Little J and DIL are back home. Heck, I am worried based on their assignment (Was very glad when Nighean Gheal returned in June of last year. Because one never knows when things will change). And we have also been the beneficiaries of "family" cars over the years, even as our children are starting to be (especially given the prices. And yes, traveling with an infant is the equivalent of setting out with Marco Polo on the Great Journey East.).

    Prayers up for Mrs. J. From everything that I understand, it is is miserable - and apparently, it can return at will (or under stress). The Ravishing Mrs. TB has had ongoing back issues as well, and in about two weeks I suspect we are in for the same sort of medical assessments and adventures.

    1. THB,
      Had several assignments on AD where we would be the delaying force if things went south. Any student of military history knows that's not a good place to be. Sarge is doing a great job of communicating that situation in his current story. Fortunately, in my case, the worst never came to pass. I pray my Family has the same good fortune.

      We appreciate the prayers, thanks.

  7. Here's hoping she doesn't get any long term shingles fun. I have a bud that still has shoulder pain, 10 years on. Crazy stuff.

    Glad that no wreckage was involved in the College Station run. I forgot about the delivery fiasco picture.

    Yeah, I believe his greatest speech will be the death rattle.... Too harsh?

    1. Thanks, STxAR. Me too.

      SIL was a little intimidated by the Tahoe's size. We've had trucks since MBD started driving, so she had no problems. She did make SIL back the Tahoe into their garage as a test. Apparently the back up camera is very helpful as he managed to get into position on the first try. Ahhh...Technology!

      While your last may be too harsh, that doesn't make it any less true, and the truth sometimes hurts.

  8. Juvat, I hope Mrs. "J" has a mild case of shingles and that it passes quickly. As for you, I wouldn't put a lot of hope in the vaccine. I took the vaccine and had a round of the shingles months later. Most unpleasant experience would be an understatement. Spouse has been spared, must be her native German genetics.
    Best regards,

    1. Cletus, thanks for the warning. I suspected that was the case. Whatever will be, will be. I'm 1/4 German, so maybe....I also read that Vitamin D helps. I've been taking that for quite a while, but...WWB,WB!

  9. We've now had all of the shingles shots (me three, her the last two -- after getting an attack.) I think I used at least a half-dozen tubes of Icy-Hot Lidocaine Max on her back over about ten days. One of the things I think about wishing on other people (shingles, that is.)

    1. Htom,
      Just got finished applying that on Mrs. J. Yes, disposable gloves were involved as was antibacterial soap and barely tolerable hot water in an extended hand washing ceremony at the completion.

  10. Prayers for Mrs. J. Been there, done that, got the "you're pretty young to be having this. Have you been experiencing an unusual amount of stress?" "Yes, doc. Yes I have." chat with my doc.

    Definitely not an experience I'd care to repeat.

    1. Aaron,
      Yeah, she did have a bit of stress in getting the wine cruise set up and going the middle of February. No wine (initially) for a "Wine" cruise she planned can cause that. So, I suppose that's a likely cause. Having observed her over the last few days, I'm pretty sure she'd agree with your last and, from those observations, I'm pretty much on board with not experiencing it at all.

  11. My doc hit me with antibiotics and an antiviral and 'the worst case of shingles he, his nurse, the receptionists, the other doctors in the practice, the baby doctors in tow, the checkout lady, have ever seen' went away pretty quickly. I felt so crappy that I didn't even think to pop the huge infected patches and let them drain (yes, I am a zit popper, better out than in I say.) Mild cases are easily recoverable. Bad cases leave you with neuropathy in the area. Now, when a mosquito bites my forehead or I get a zit, it feels like insects crawling under the skin using jackhammers.

    Hope Mrs. J. gets away with no great problems.

    As to Little Juvat, well, hope and pray he and his don't get involved in any ChiCom stupidity. Or Brandon administration stupidity.

    Fuel up 250%, food up 30%, stupidity up 34849060684843939%, Let's Go Brandon!!

    1. Beans,
      Thanks for the info (even if it was approaching the TMI boundary ;-) )

      As to Little J and family, that has been on my prayer list for quite some time.

      Amen to the last.

  12. As to the vaccine, it works about as well as the H1N1 vaccine for the H1N1 from 2019 Central China flu. So, nope, pay $230 for a vaccine that works about 50% of the time or pay for $25 of antivirals and antibiotics that work like a charm. Hmmm...

    1. Fortunately, Medicare and Tricare for Life covered it. My daily pill ingestion protocol contains quite a bit of the aforementioned already. So...Knock on wood (aka my Cranium).

  13. Ouch... Knock on wood, so far I've missed the shingles, but did have a rib out of place a few months ago. That just flat HURTS! Glad the kids had some down time, and hope the trip back to HK is smooth!

    1. OldNFO,
      We did postpone the chiropractor visit until she's better. She's proving to be a much tougher cookie than I thought. (And I thought she was a pretty darn tough cookie.)

      The return to HK went smoothly as did the transition to mandatory quarantine. Two weeks cooped up in a hotel room, sounds like fun....or not! They should be out by the start of next week. Ah well, Commies gotta commie.

  14. I had a mild case of Shingles when my wife was on pre-term bed rest at the 5 month mark. Sucks and isn't pleasant at all, so I feel for her. I'll add her to the list.

    1. Thanks, Tuna. She's hanging in there, but it is pretty obvious when it's acting up.

  15. Ok, so I am late to the party...I was holding airplanes up with the power of prayer...I need fly more than every 15 years...sigh.
    Best wishes for Mrs J to have a speedy recovery from shingles...which are a painful drag. Hoping for no long term hang-on type effects. Baking soda baths/compresses can help calm down some of the violent itch/pain, as can some of the meds the docs can prescribe.

    And I am 200% on-board with SIL and backup cameras in vehicles. Not a fan of the wheel juddering that indicates you have strayed too far to the left or right (yes, I am crossing over the line deliberately to get around whatever obstacle is in my lane.)

    1. Suz,
      No Worries. Glad to hear that your prayers were successful. Out of curiosity what was the masking policy?
      Mrs. J is doing ok, not great. Probably would be doing better if I remembered that a loving caress on the back is NOT AUTHORIZED AT THIS TIME. Calamine lotion (applied with disposable gloves) seems to help quite a bit. Prescription meds are also in the mix and seem to help.

      I'm with you on the wheel shuddering thing. I'm ok with the lane markers giving me a little warning when I change lanes, don't want the car to shudder unless something is mechanically wrong with it. Next truck I buy (probably in 2040 or so) will have a back up cam.

  16. Masking policy is just stupid...mask on from when you step foot in the door of the airport, and stays on at all times except when taking a bite/sip to eat/drink. Then you can pull it down, and then pull back up. On the airplane there was no food service ("high potential for rough air") which may or may not have been true as it was bright and sunny outside...however, these 2 flights were first thing in the AM 5:50AM to BWI, then 9:30AM to GR. I ate in the airport in Baltimore, folks took off their masks to eat, when done, put them back on when leaving the restaurant area. So, not really a meal time. There were also numerous announcements that cloth masks were not considered acceptable, but LOTS of folks had them on, and I didn't see anyone get hassled about it.

    1. Yeah, that's kinda what I thought. Down here, the only people still wearing masks are the elderly (which I'm ok with) and the folks driving BMW's with out of state plates. It's all I can do to stifle my "You're refugees, not missionaries" comment.

      Mrs. J is planning a family cruise for us next summer in the Med. I praying strongly for mask common sense restoration prior to that flight.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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