
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, April 7, 2022

SITREP - 07 APR 22

USS Michael Monsoor (DDG 1001) coming into San Diego - November 20, 2020
After two slow starts, Monday and Tuesday, we got through much of what we needed to do on this trip. So I might be headed back east sooner than I thought.

There's some testing remaining which will take a couple of days, but not another week like we originally planned.

Good stuff.

We shall see.

I'd like to stay the full two weeks, but I'd like to get home too.

It's kinda bittersweet knowing that I might not get the chance to do this again. The long hours can be a pain, but the folks I work with are awesome. Getting to interact with the crew is priceless.

More to come, I'm sure.

Not much else going on, I hope to get to Shakespeare's Saturday evening and raise a glass in honor of Lex. I also hope to get out to Point Loma this time as well.

Like I said above ...

We shall see.


  1. Early resolution sounds good Sarge. Enjoy a little after-hours R&R. It's....ah....snowing now.......:(

  2. Sarge, it is always better to have things go well and have some extra time than have them go poorly and have to spend extra time there. Hopefully may the job will still accommodate you being out there the full two weeks? You know, just in case anything "goes wrong"...

    1. We shall see about the two weeks, there is a possibility.

  3. Spiffing stuff Sarge! (But what is that grey floaty thing and which end is up/front/?)

    1. Oh, I daresay I don't need to tell someone from the British Isles anything about ships. 😁

    2. It reminds me of French pre-dreadnought ironclads....

  4. So do you have a counterpart doing the same job on Zumwalt? Which reminds me of that Amazon Prime show, Counterpart with J.K. Simmons. Ever see it?

    1. Not really, we're doing a new system on one which won't be on the other until we're done.

  5. Enjoy your time in Sandy Eggo, Sarge. I agree with TB, take a little extra time - I know it's tempting to head home as soon as you can, but there are many trips I made for business that I now wish I had extended for a little 'me time', since I am not likely to go back to those places. Whatever your decision, safe travels!

    1. I'm on the company dime, they say "jump," I say "how high?"

      But I'll stay as long as I can.

  6. Had good interactions with manufacturer reps at sea. We had a Ship service air compressor,(120 psi general use air) one of several on the ship, (imagine a jet engine mounted on a WWI tank, the compressor shaft rotated at 70,000 rpm, yes you read that right, ours was the only one that would stay running for any length of time) We had bypassed all the antiquated automatic controls and controlled it manually. The rep. took a look at it and said "If it works, don't mess with it" then he suggested a couple unauthorized ship-alterations to its cooling system to deal with the overheating problems we had, we did the ship-alts when no-one of importance was looking, and that air compressor was the most reliable on the ship for the rest of my service. Bless all good civilian tech-reps.

    1. Good ones are worth their weight in gold, bad ones cost their weight in gold.

  7. I don't know what happened to my earlier comment, but it isn't really worth resurrecting.
    Anyway, SDIEGO is a good place to be if you can't be at home.

  8. Retirement is bittersweet. You leave one adventurous bunch of friends to join another which may need your input regarding world views, etc. None most likely, will agree with you, so you get to prepare and declare.
    Checking six has never been more important.
    After twenty some odd years at it, you’ll say, “I don’t care what they think, I think I’ll have another Guinness “

  9. Curious blackshoes would like to know what the crew thinks of the performance of the ugly "tumble home/reverse slope" bow design?
    May be good for stealth, but is contrary to centuries of successful ship design.
    John Blackshoe


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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