
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, July 17, 2022

What?! No Fiction!?

If you look closely, and compare the above to yesterday's photo, you might notice something new. Yup, a panicle hydrangea tree has been planted in the center of all those portulaca. The Missus Herself put that in a couple of days ago. (So yeah, that picture from yesterday wasn't actually taken yesterday, or even the day before yesterday - which is when I wrote the post.)

If you have figured out by now that, "Hhmm, no historical fiction today," them you're ahead of the game (or keeping up, Hell I don't know, it's been an odd weekend so far, lazy without much actual thought being put into anything, well, almost anything ...).

Saturday was another gorgeous day without much need for air conditioning beyond a fan. Nice breeze off the sea, temperature around 80°, a very pleasant day conducive to relaxing and enjoying life.

I did track down The Prisoner on Amazon Prime (via something called Freevee, which used to be IMDb, it is free but with some ads, not too bad, a lot of those "talk to your doctor if unpronounceable Greek-ish/Latin-ish name might be right for you," advertisements  with a long undercurrent of possible side effects). It's also on the Tube of You, so thanks Greg, the folks who don't have Amazon Prime will thank you for that. Though I doubt Jeff Bezos will. Heh, with the amount of money he has, he'll get over it.

Watched the first episode, took me back it did, great show. Give it a watch if you have the time (link).

Now (changing the subject, sort of), while I was over at YouTube, I found a rather attractive German lady who does a very, very good job of explaining German stuff. Here's her channel, as you are all probably very aware, I have a certain fondness for Deutschland and die deutschen. Her channel made me a bit homesick it did, ah, dear old Waldfeucht, miss you I do. Anyhoo, if you like German stuff, she is very informative and very entertaining. Danke Feli!

That's all I've got today, I'm far too busy enjoying myself to do anything which smacks of even a little bit of work. I can bang out a post like this in thirty minutes, easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy, the historical posts, we're talking three to four hours, on a good day.

And today ...

Ain't nobody got time for that!

Be back Tuesday, enjoy your Monday juvat, I always do.

Be seeing you.


  1. FreeVee is also on Roku. One of my favorite channels. I've been watching the Original Dragnet on their lately. Enjoy your downtime.

    1. You can catch some really good movies there too!

  2. Obviously displaying my regional lack of knowledge Sarge: I have always pictured hydrangeas as needed a great deal of water; do you get sufficient rainfall there or is it always going to need supplemental watering?

    The old shows you can find on YT constantly surprise me. I literally could not watch a new modern show for the rest of my life and have plenty to watch (not that I ever seem to have the time, that is...).

    1. Our hydrangeas do well with the rain we get, I'm sure The Missus Herself waters her gardens as well. (When I'm not looking.)

      I don't think I've watched any "modern" YV that wasn't on Netflix or Amazon. It's the commercials and the lack of quality writing that keeps me away from broadcast TV.

  3. Is the new tree a different variety from the two reddish ones in left background? Enquiring minds want to know. Enjoy your temps Sarge, 90 here today, 95 tomorrow and dew points high enough to make sweat sweat.

    1. The two reddish trees in the background are dwarf Japanese maples, so yes, different. Hard to tell when they're young.

  4. German Girl in America is great! When did she change it to Feli?

    1. Not sure but apparently she ran into some copyright stuff over the original name of the channel.

  5. Sarge, I'm about ready to find a different clime. It's been 100 plus since about April. Morning lows are about 75-80 with humidity at 90% or higher, then 105 or so during the day with about 30% humidity. Day after day after day.... The sky has a white cast to the blue. That's the typical color for this kind of heat. I still hang my clothes on the line, and the other day, they sheets and tee shirts were dry in less than twenty minutes. I ain't just woofing. Glad you guys are having it nice, someone needs to, helps offset the suffering down here across the fence from the heliosphere....

    1. Yup, so hot the sky isn't as blue. I've seen weather like that, don't care for it at all.

  6. For me, it's dewpoint, not temperature. If the dewpoint is under 50°F, my body's pretty happy. Above 60'F, I run for AC spaces. I love the months in Mesa AZ, up at five, two mile walk to coffee shop with laptop & wifi, two miles home ... temps mostly above 90°F. Three hours later, the golf courses' sprinkling was all in the humidity and I hid indoors. I could not comfortably live here in MN without AC (maybe Fargo or more north.}

    1. Same here, dry heat good, wet heat bad.

    2. In Grand Forks, ND I had a fellow graduate student (from tropical British Guiana almost smack atop the equator) complaining about the heat and humidity...

    3. Too hot is too hot, doesn't matter where you're from.

  7. Well, I am hanging out at the beach in Old Saybrook CT for the past week, and it has just been wonderful weather. Not too humid, not too hot, a fan is plenty at night, which is good as the cottage has no a/c at all. We have been here in past years when it was both very hot and humid, after 3 nights of that I was getting ready to break out the credit card and go to Walmart to buy an inexpensive window unit, or just bag it and go home when the heat wave broke. This year has been the nicest I can remember. Plus with the supermoon full moon we have had a lot of sandbar time, and have even seen some horseshoe crabs coming in to bury their eggs. So am enjoying the beach and family time.


    1. Sounds fantastic! Enjoy your time at the shore!


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