
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Hey, Hey, Hey ...

The Wee Lad and his ride.
So it was rather a longish week, though only four days in length, I worked ten hour days the first three. For to make up some time taken off over the period of the Wee Lad's birthday. Which we were in attendance at some two weeks ago.

It was a great time and it's always lovely visiting with the grandkids.

Oh yes, and their parents as well, after all, one of their parents is a child o' mine, the other being selected by the child o' mine to spend their lives with. Which makes 'em okay in my book.

Anyhoo, that being said, momentous news here at Chez Sarge ...

I ain't retiring at the end of the year.

I gave it a LOT of thought, I'm still productive, still enjoying the work, and (most especially) I enjoy the folks I work with. Truth be told, I have actually sung the chorus to this song at work -

Yup, they think I'm weird.

But in a good way.

I think.

But yes, work ain't half bad, the getting up early part sucks but the kicker there is, I don't have to. I could go in around ten-ish, put in my nine, then go home. But so far I like getting in early and finishing while the sun is still up. (Though soon enough that won't be true, no not at all, the light gets shorter every day and fall is in the air.)

Yeah, I do like the money, it's pretty good. As I am now doing something I kinda enjoy for good money ... Why stop now?

The plan is to stay until next August at least, then if I punch out at the end of that month, I'll have 24 years with the company, which matches my 24 years in the U.S.A.F. So that's kind of a thing for me.

Of course, those aren't the only factors. The Missus Herself has projects, projects which require the outlay of simoleons. Well, retiring would reduce the supply of those simoleons, not to any critical level mind you, but less than what we have now. Another thing is, my maternal grandmother worked into her 70s, as did my Dad. So it's a tradition, sort of. (Hint, I'll be 70 next year.)

So why not stay on the job? Might get a chance to go west again and see "my" ship. That's actually something else I really enjoy, working with the Navy.

So yeah, "Hey, hey, hey, I'm on vacation, every single day 'cause I love my occupation ..."

Hey, hey, hey ...

Editor's Note: Why yes, I did give the Muse the weekend off, why do you ask?


  1. Good on ya Sarge. Certainly sound reasoning behind the choice - and simoleans ARE a factor, specially these days. I always went in early, preferring to arrive in the dark and depart while there was still some light.
    While I'm a couple of years behind you, I'm still glad I punched when I did; the effects of WuFlu , really the idiotic policies in response thereto still plague my former workplace. I could not have dealt well and likely would have been dismissed for some spurious "reason" or other.
    Boat Guy

    1. PS. I hope the Muse is rocking out on her weekend!

    2. Fortunately my workplace didn't go totally insane over the WuFlu. It did flush the woke ones out of the woodwork so now I know who not to trust!

    3. She mentioned something about Cancun ...

    4. In my case the wokesters are in charge ( autocorrect changed this to "molesters" I was tempted to leave it) and of course one still sees morons wearing their talismans out in God's good air and alone in their vehicles.
      Not only do we have to pay for 87k new SA troops but that purchase of 5 million rounds of ammo for them...

    5. We're heading downhill rapidly.

    6. Sometimes you gotta hit bottom before you decide to fix the problem

  2. Going to a once-a-month paycheck does take some getting used to so I can understand the desire to accumulate more Somalians while you can, especially if there's a demand for them what with inflation and (ahem) domestic desires. Nice that you enjoy the work, that makes the difference. Besides, someone has to pay for all those new IRS employees now............:)

    1. Autocorrect is not your friend, I have no wish to accumulate Somalians. 🙄

      Ah yes, the new Sturmabteilung troopers, er, I mean IRS agents.

    2. Goggle really needs to put in SOMETHING that can be used as a spew-alert warning thingy!! Can't believe with all the computer literate types around, no one has come up with that yet!!! Oh dear, I need a tissue to wipe the tears of laughter off my face!!!!

      PS: Maybe the Somalians could help the Mrs with her projects?? Just saying...many hands/light work, etc...

  3. Congradulations. Now prepare for other work. I once used the "If I were wrong don't you think I would know it?" quote from The Big Bang Theory show at work. I don't think they knew the reference.

    1. Other work? That's when the "three bad days" rule goes into effect. As in, "three bad days in a row and I put my papers in."

  4. Good on you Sarge, especially if you enjoy what you are doing (the money does not hurt either). Our financial adviser has strongly recommended something of the same nature for me (and I am several years behind you). Beside, my hobbies require more money than I would get from retirement at this point...

    I, too, like having daylight at the end of the day.

    1. I've had worse jobs that paid far less, what I'm doing now is actually fun on some (most?) days.

  5. Enjoy the retirement and the time spent with your wife. I punched out 5 years early from work after, in the course of one year, three of my coworkers lost their wives to death. That made me reevaluate my priorities in life and even though the job was satisfying and the money was great I decided to spend time with my wife. Enjoy your retirement because you're going to be much busier than you would ever expect.

  6. if you are enjoying what you are doing why stop?

  7. I found it hard to shed my strong urge of constant productivity. My job required staying ahead of people, materials, the weather, and equipment maintenance. Waking with no pressing task was a luxury that felt alien. My dreams were filled with difficult projects, and happily, those dreams are not nearly as often as before.

    1. I need to feel useful, I might not be, but it feels like I am.

  8. Momentus, and surprising, news. Good for you. As long as you aren't missing out on things, those simoleons are an easy trade off since you like the work.

    1. Liking the work is key, if I didn't, I'd be gone tomorrow.

  9. When I finally retired I got an RV & went traveling, 4 months later I was workcamping. After 18 months of that I had to force myself to not work, work was a hard habit to break... turned out I liked doing whatever it was I wanted to do.
    Didn't pay as well but I still have the RV and I can always go back to workcamping.

    1. "Workcamping," an interesting concept. But doing what you like is good. Getting paid for it is even better.

  10. I'm pro-choice as far as working and careers. Circumstances vary over time, and our choices can change too.
    Enjoy the results of your choice, and enjoy the option to change if it suits you.
    Thanks for your USAF time, your time with the paying gig, and also for the huge amount of time you have devoted to entertaining "both your readers."
    John Blackshoe.

    1. Being useful is reward enough, getting paid for it is awesome.

  11. I started my first job at age 6 doing chores for a widow lady and at 78 still work part time. My mind says age is just a number but my knees don't agree. Challenges keep my mind working and a personal value, "Winners do what losers won't", still motivates.

    1. I'm getting slower, but, Thank God, I'm not getting dumber.

  12. Well, I'm glad you're enjoying your work and feeling useful/needed. I enjoyed that feeling through most of both of my careers, But, at the end, it was no longer the case. So...I and they parted ways. Haven't looked back. I've thought about finding something, but haven't found anything even remotely interesting. Good Luck!

    1. It's just another twelve months, and in reality I could bail at any time. But the projects require geld, the job provides geld.

    2. I have a friend who's retired with a CG pension and SS, but his toys take money. He found a remote job he really likes, 20 hrs a week and it pays well. He's enjoying the work and saving money to get his airplane engine rebuilt... seems just one piston & cyl is a LOT of money!
      Like I told him, at this point being happy is what counts, he is.

    3. Aircraft things are seldom cheap!

  13. I made a clean break just after turning 66 in 2018. Missed leaving, it was like one large family 200+ strong. But it was time for the younger ones to step up (they are good, and I have faith in them [I was an eager young one back in 1981 at the same place]). Last few years, I was at work by 0600 or so and often on weekends. Not because I had to, but because I enjoyed equilibrium thermodynamic calculations (besides my office was warmer than my house). Usually spent a week or two of 'use it or lose' it vacation at my desk at work at the end of the year. Retired from the metropolis (50k population) of GFND to my childhood home in west-central MN (pop. 700). Go down to the (only) local cafe in the morning for breakfast with the regulars (most farmers [I have an interest in that, still renting the family farm]). Became volunteer (unpaid) City Librarian. Am on the board of four organizations (treasurer for two, as well as for the library [On my local cemetery board, I learned the duties include helping mow the churchyard and cemetery in the summer]). Retired life is not dull.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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