
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Return of the Sarge ...

Okay, I'm not a king, though one time when told to dress for "the job you want, not the job you have," I tried this-

As I am most assuredly NOT the Emperor of France (nor in a mental institution), it must be obvious that someone (The Missus Herself) talked me out of it.

So, all that being said, we drove back from Maryland on Monday, with all of the fun that entails. Truth be told, traffic wasn't all that bad, Waze took us on a couple of roundabout journeys to escape the worst of the traffic.

The extra twenty miles was well worth the savings in blood pressure!

But I am (was) in no way, shape, or form ready to give you all a good post.

So you must settle for this.

Help, I'm being repressed ...


  1. Man, I dislike roundabouts, rotaries, traffic circles, whatever you want to call them. Nobody wants to yield to anybody.

    1. Um, not following a short direct route; circuitous.
      "we need to take a roundabout route to throw off any pursuit"

  2. One of my favorite Monty Python skits. Good to hear you and the Missus are home safely.

  3. A safe return to base Sarge and let's hear it for watery tarts............:

  4. Glad you had a safe, fun trip. Now...Nose --> Grindstone!

  5. Love me some Monty Python- any time!
    John Blackshoe

  6. Hope all were well and healthy in Maryland. You can't be're the Sarge!!

  7. Was able to find those books on occupied Norway (got them and read them about a decade ago, will have to re-read them). All are true stories.
    -"We Die Alone" by David Howarth. Story of a failed commando raid into Norway and the escape of its' lone survivor, Jan Baalsrud. (I've run across Jan's story online, chasing rabbits down holes, while reading your work Sarge.
    -"Viking Spitfire" by Tor Idar Larsen. Norwegian Air Force pilot, Finn Thorsager, (first to fly against the invading Germans) Escapes the occupation (the long way across Russia, the Pacific, and Canada) to fly Spitfires for the Brits.
    -"Reckless Courage" by William Fuller. Story of a Norwegian boy under Nazi rule. (this one takes place where many of my ancestors lived, in the area around Stavanger).

    Thought you might like these, if you can find them. All are 200 pages or less.
    Good luck and Have Fun!

    1. Howarth is a good one. I'll have to look for the others.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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