
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, October 9, 2022

The Deep Breath Before the Plunge

Winter approaches, we have a few fine days left though, I'm sure. Friday and Saturday were gorgeous, the photo above (and the one below) were both taken on Saturday. Not many days left like that in the next few months.

The title of the post was taken from this scene from The Two Towers - The Lord of the Rings ...

I know I generally avoid politics here on the blog, but lately events make me pay more attention to what's coming. It could go very badly for this nation if we're not careful.

The feckless politicians are in the grip of some weird evil, all of them. They think it's "business as usual," sorry, it's not. This is truly the deep breath before the plunge.

And don't get me started on the fighting in Ukraine, another unjust war started by a creepy politician. But then again, aren't they all?

For now I will enjoy these days of what the Badger likes to call Septober. I trust all of you will as well, whatever the weather be like in your particular neck of the woods. Enjoy the days while you can.

Winter is indeed coming.

In keeping with the "Sunday music" theme, here's a favorite of mine. In remembrance of Neil Peart, one of the best drummers of this or any other generation ...

Bis gleich.


  1. Hey Old Afsarge;

    True dat....And using references to LOTR, I don't know if they will ever make movies like that again...I like the "Return of the King" the Ride of the Rohirren" stirs the blood and at near the end of the movie when Aragorn tells the combined armies of the West not to falter, that to "Stand Men of the West", I keep thinking you can see JRR Tolken WWI influence there and I wonder will anybody from the West stand or we to decadent now to defend our civilization from the Orcs when they come, thanks to generations of Cultural Marxism masquerading as Political correctness an "Wokeness".

    1. Those allegedly "in charge" are not up to the task, they are already past the point of saving. It's up to the common man and woman. If they won't step up, we're doomed.

  2. Yeah, it's coming, yesterday morning there was frost in sections of the grass throughout the yard but not a HARD Frost......heh..heh. Oh by the way Sarge, you misspelled "feckless".......... :) Enjoy the colors of the Fall.

  3. I will send another instalment of "Ewok Report" soon. I think it is overdue...

  4. Sarge, I think "we" can all be plenty "careful" and thing will continue to go "badly" for our country -as badly as they have been for the last two-plus years; because those in power are not merely feckless but actively evil. They do NOT serve "We, the the people" but some other dark purpose as they enrich themselves through the corruption they have perpetuated.
    This CAN "end well" but the process to accomplish that will be ugly -very ugly to say the least.
    Pray for our country and those who will set her aright.
    Boat Guy

    1. The dark purpose which they themselves aren't even aware of, Satan has them in the palm of his hand.

  5. In Fredericksburg, Tx, there is a Japanese Peace Garden. I went there back in the 90's when we visited the Nimitz Museum. I didn't know much about their culture then. But the way everything was situated did bring a peaceful feeling to me. Your little bridge and garden is very much like that. A place of respite and order in a growing maelstrom.

    We all feel it. Folks are driven to fix their houses up down here. New paint, siding repairs, etc. Getting our nests in order. The first birth pangs of a sea change. Definitely nailed the mood with your quote of the movie...

    Watch your top knot.

  6. Crusty Old TV Tech here. In The Big Humid, Fall has definitely fallen. Highs in the low 80's, dewpoints in the low 50's. Pleasant! But, we will get that Bounceback Summer for a week or so soon, then straight into the first Blue Norther and winter. Looks like this year will be a cooler, dryer Fall sort of year than normal hereabouts, though that sort of year brings drought. Mosquitos have pretty well packed it in, too, with the lack of rain.

    Hey, you have a Mannequin Pis in your garden! Sweet! I saw the original in Brussels waaay back when. I had no idea such a thing existed (being a cherry green Gringo 1Lt and all that), then while traipsing around in Brussels, I saw it. Made me laugh, locals probably thought I was nuts. Belgians have quite the sense of humor!

    1. My wife and I saw that in Brussels as well, apparently she was so taken with it, that when she found one in a local statuary place, bingo. Now we have one too. (Though not made of brass as the one in Brussels is!)

  7. We are living out Romans, the first chapter. It started in the sixties and we have so loosed the rein on satan that only the Lord will make it stop. It will not be good for those who doubt in God’s Righteousness and absolute power. AND the Remedy He has provided in Christ, Jesus!
    Winteriness is approaching here, as well. We had to turn the ceiling fans to “medium” instead of “high”.

  8. Sarge, it is odd to me that there is a "mood", one that you have captured well. Even those that are not attuned to such things seem to know that something is not right, although they will not vocalize it out loud. It comes out in small ways and undertones, as if hinting around the truth is easier than facing it directly.

    This strikes as the mood that must have been through Europe in 1914 - not just in June and July of that year, but the whole year leading up to it. The pieces had already been set; few were able to see them with understanding eyes.

    1. Things are, off. Not quite right. I have a bad feeling about what's going on.

  9. Starting to look like this is the calm before the storm(s). The dog's heavy coat is coming in early, the birds and squirrels and rabbits are foraging daily (along with the hawks) like I've never seen, and my son was telling me the Farmer's Almanac is predicting a harsh Winter. Gonna be a long, dark, cold, hungry Winter for lots of people. May God help us....

    1. I don't know, Sarge. The commies always said they'd get us from the inside out, and they're making good on it. Personally, I think it was too much (Go Along To Get Along", which only works with people who don't want to eliminate you from the face of the Earth....

    2. Definitely too much "go along to get along."


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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