
Praetorium Honoris

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Oh, What A Week It Was ...

Feedin' the Koi.
Tuttle, The Nuke, and Buzz¹ were all in town for the weekend, which is why I was not posting. They flew back on Election Day, and the house seems sadder and quieter. Anya doesn't mind though, she had a bit too much excitement running from Buzz the whole weekend!

Above we can see Buzz feeding the koi, he's a big fan of doing that. The kid loves all living things and is excited to see them, no matter where. Birds, bees, bugs, deer, cats, dogs, fish, he's a BIG fan.

We got lucky with the weather, can you believe 70s during the day, mid-60s at night? In November, in New England? It happens but it's rare enough that when it happens it's awesome. And when you've got family in town? Awesomer still.

Our Japanese maple is in it's full splendor right now.

Buzz contemplates the glory of a fall day in New England.

The blue sky, the red leaves, the white clouds. Love it!

For some reason I like having at least one "sunburst" photo when it's nice out.

One day short of full. Monday night was a stunner.

Sunset over the Bristol Yacht Club.

Sunset over Bristol Harbor.

Mother and child enjoying a night by the bay.
It was fun but alas, too short.

It always is.

Be seeing you.

¹ The youngest grandson is a huge Buzz Lightyear fan, so the callsign is a natural.


  1. I got a little taste of New England fall when I was up visiting family around the south shore of MA a few weeks ago. Almost made me miss it.
    I always found Bristol harbor pretty, but I haven't been there in 20 years. Last time I was there I was trying to fit a 150' boat in the Herreshoff dock, which worked, and to avoid all the moorings backing out of the berth, which did not work as well. Thankfully most were empty.

    1. Temperature this morning was 34. Bet ya don't miss that.

      I drive by that dock every day, there are a lot of moorings around!

  2. Those are beautiful Sarge. Thank you so much for sharing them. So glad you had such a wonderful time and were able to avoid reality for a bit.

    Your "unusual" weather sounds like standard fare here in New Home - we have been in the low 80's all week but are having a "cold snap" into the 50's coming this weekend.

    1. The weather over this last weekend was unbelievably nice.

  3. Sarge,
    Great Pics! Really glad you had a good time with your Clan. Time with of the Lord's greatest gifts, Glad you had a chance to relax, unload, regain energy (and airspeed).

    Now...Back to that writing gig!!!! The rest of us are suffering from symptoms of Cold Turkey. (And I'm not talking about the day after Thanksgiving.)

    1. I'm up in the air right now as to whether or not to continue the fictional writing. I think I need a break from that. But I usually say that, then the Muse wakes up and gives me a bunch of ideas.

      But, truth be told, the hits on the Napoleonic series were pretty weak. We'll see where the next few days take us.

      It was a great five days.

    2. Sarge, it takes us readers a bit to come up to speed on a new story (especially with the unfamiliar Napoleonic land war in Europe), get to know the characters (and care about them), and do some background reading. So far, it has been kind of the first chapter. Give us time, and we can (once in a while) contribute something intelligent or even useful....

    3. I didn't think of it that way, thanks Don.

  4. Very nice. Must have been a wonderful time. And good weather.

    But... no clown videos.... so sad...

  5. The family, great pics! All make up an awesome post for us to get to know you better. Thanks.
    We are being visited by that wretched Nicole. Who invited her? Why is she yelling at me? Why can’t she hurry up and leave?

    1. She's kinda late to the party, bitches about it, but refuses to leave. That kind of hurricane?

  6. Beautiful autumn colors and wonderful family photos.

    Thank you for sharing.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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