
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, November 26, 2022

There and Back Again ...

Long drive up to New Hampshire on Thanksgiving Day, the weather (and the traffic) cooperated nicely. We arrived in time to relax and chat for a couple of hours before heading out to eat Thanksgiving dinner here:

Fullerton Inn, Chester, VT
It was cold outside, but we were in front of large glass doors facing the west and the setting sun. It was warm, the food was good, and the company congenial.

Afterwards, we returned to my Mom's house where we chatted, watched football (there may have been some eggnog avec dark rum in there somewhere), and generally enjoyed each other's company.

Friday dawned chilly and wet. It drizzled nearly all the way back to Little Rhody but we arrived, alive and a tad tired, but in fine spirits. 

Anya wanted to know ...

Just where were you two all night?
She worries about us. Can't say I blame her.

Anyhoo, Christmas is upon us, the holiday season has begun.

I was reminded of that with this picture from The Nuke ...

Buzz is looking forward to the old holiday.

As am I.


  1. Time spent with family is a good time, Sarge. Drizzle sure beats snowfall any day.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving Sarge. Glad you had safe travels.

    1. It was good, getting there safely (and back) is always good!

  3. :big dumb grin: Such a happy holiday!

  4. 'Tis indeed the season to enjoy past memories and create new ones.

  5. But.. but.. but... no LEFTOVERS? (whimper, quiver of lip...) Even when we travelled for the holidays, we always came back and cooked our own. Love Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years dinner, the turkey and ham sandwiches after, eating the same meal for 4 days after. Yum...

    1. After 50 years, we've both grown tired of leftovers. For us, that's afeature, not a bug.

  6. You lucky lucky lucky
    well see the Monty Python.

    I imagine you know just how blessed you are.

    1. I am well aware of just how lucky I am. One might say, blessed.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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