
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, April 28, 2023

Another Lazy Day ...

OAFS Photo
I was going to continue the Napoleonic saga, but it was just too nice out to buckle down and write anything. So ...

As you can see above, Spring has busted out. Some trees haven't leafed out yet, but close inspection reveals little buds getting ready. Our weeping cherry trees sprouted a meager selection of blossoms this year, you had to look close to see them.

I was concerned about that, but many other trees in the area that usually have a riot of flowers about now have nada, zilch, bupkis. So I'm thinking it's the odd weather we've had this year. Bitter cold at times (well, bitter for Little Rhody along the coast) and virtually no snow at all.

Climate change!

Well sure, it changes with the seasons, it changes over the eons, it changes because the number of variables involved are far too many and complex for we mere humans to calculate.

Hey, stuff happens.

Anyhoo, that's it for now, I'm in weekend mode. I will probably (no guarantees) continue the story soon.

Just not right now, I'm relaxing as if I actually was retired.



  1. Amanda Morgan, the WMTV NBC15 weekend meteorologist, says we will have a rainy weekend, with highs in the forties.

  2. Y'all have rabbits, opossums, trash pandas, turkeys out there Sarge? Haven't heard a coyote here yet since it's too cold to keep a window open during the night. Trees are budding now also.

    1. We also have deer, woodchucks, foxes, and the occasional coyote.

  3. it ain't globull warming causing this "weird" weather. it's the transition from the 3 year La Nina to the coming El Nino.
    but telling people that doesn't fit the agenda and won't scare anybody. "weather" isn't scary, except hurricanes and tornadoes

    1. Bingo! Another one of those natural phenomenon which doesn't match the narrative, so it's ignored.

  4. Sarge, Spring seems to have been so long delayed that we should all feel completely not guilty taking some time to enjoy it. I did the very same thing yesterday and it was glorious.

    1. I know, the weather has been very nice. Rain this weekend but we need it to make up for all the snow we didn't get this year!

  5. when you're retired, y' never get a chance to relax; when you're working, at least y' have an excuse.

    1. Good point! I work just enough to be useful and just enough to get my relaxation time.

    2. Boron,
      Spot on! And your retirement boss is a slave driver.

      No, I’m not talking about the spouse, but the guy called “Me”.


  6. So far in the last three days the weatherguessers have been wrong. First was Tuesday with a 5% chance of afternoon storms, which brewed up into severe thunderboomers and hellacious wind and rain at 8pm, way past 'afternoon.' Wednesday saw 40% chance of rain in the afternoon and we got heavy rain for hours starting around 8pm again. Thursday it was supposed to be light rain in the morning and nada until severe thunderstorms moved in around 8pm and rained for hours. Seeing a trend here.

    All three days the Emergency Alert System didn't alert until the storms were way past us. Or as we say here at Chez Hercout, when we actually see an EAS message, "This is a test. If this was an actual emergency we'd tell you after the actual emergency because we're from the government and we're here to help. Or we're hiding and screaming like little babies because the emergency scared us." (Yes, we actually say these things when the EAS takes over the boob-tube.)

    Or a

    1. Using a combination of 1., 2., 3. (using Fronts and Windstream), 4., and 5. daily (plus my '80 Morgan-CC), I've been running better than a 95% accuracy; a helluva lot better n' the weathermavens 'round here.

    2. Beans - Predicting the weather more than two or three days in advance is very hard. A front slows down, speeds up, then everything else does the same. I can't imagine trying to predict Florida weather. Bounded by large bodies of water, relatively flat, that place has to be a roller coaster of weather patterns!

    3. boron - Weather Underground is my go to site. Fronts and wind stream gives an excellent picture of what's to come!

  7. I've gone to weather underground before, usually when I have to schedule some event in the future, and want to make sure the weather will cooperate. It usually does here in San Diego though, so when I look at the weather it's usually just two tell me if I need to bring in the patio cushions, or wear a light jacket!

    1. *to, not "two" as the voice recognition system thinks.

    2. Tuna #1 - I would wager you don't get many weather surprises in Sandy Eggo!

    3. Tuna #2 - Tech can spell, just can't grammar. If you get my drift.

    4. For shorter-term weather, I go to the NWS local conditions of surrounding counties, the national weather map, and the local radars (although where I live is at the edge of the GFND, Sioux Falls SD, and MSP MN radar coverage, so they are seeing mainly cloud tops) and draw my own conclusions. In winter are also the MN, ND, and SD state road reports. They give a good picture of conditions and weather across the entire area. For longer-term predictions, I turn to the Old Farmer's Almanac. Their predictions (made a year ahead of time) are not good for specific dates, but the sequence they predict seems much better.

    5. A sound method of doing that.

  8. Here in Northern Virginia, games were called due to rain! Meanwhile in other news, it appears eight - count'm, 8-fence sections were replaced! Somebody's been busy! Putting up privacy fence raises the "green side-brown side" question. Which side faces which - owner or neighbor?

    1. In Little Rhody the owner puts the nice side out, not sure if it's law or custom.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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