
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, April 21, 2023

As the Research Ain't Done Yet ...

Screen capture from the video below
You get music ...

That music from Last of the Mohicans always gets to me. The name of the tune is The Gael, written by Dougie MacLean of Scotland. So yeah, that music is in my bones and the appreciation of it comes down from my ancestors. One of my favorite movies, one of my favorite soundtracks. Breathtaking scenery, incredible music, and an excellent film.

In other news, the Foo Fighters have a new album coming out in early June . The first since the death of their drummer, Taylor Hawkins, over a year ago. Yes, I have heard the first single from the album, and sure, why not, I'll post it here ...

Yes, I like it. Some Foo fans don't, I do.

As to research, I haven't re-read the book sections I mentioned before, I also need to grab the characters I've already created and figure out what I want them to do over the course of the book. (Grab as in put in a spreadsheet, I'm an engineer. We use spreadsheets, sometimes flow charts ... Sigh.)

Enjoy the music, see you in a bit.



  1. 40 Fingers playing The Last of the Mohicans was a good choice going into the weekend Sarge, a spirited, rousing tune.

    1. I'm surprised I've never heard of them up until the other day. One thing the Book of Face is good at is recognizing the bands I follow and recommending others. They're usually not that close, they scored big on 40 Fingers though.

  2. Replies
    1. It is indeed. Fridays are nice now that I don't work on them!

  3. Replies
    1. They are wonderful, love the way they sound. Great name too, 40 Fingers.

  4. Research. Always a little more research to do.

    That is a great adaptation, Sarge. The Last of The Mohicans may be one of my favorite movies everywhere. As an odd note, we bought the Director's cut and strangely enough, it was not as good as the theatrical release - the editing for the theatrical release was much better.

    1. Lately Blogger has been insane, flagging legitimate comments as spam and letting actual spam through. I've complained but the "powers that be" either don't care or are busy being woke. Not sure which, neither is good.

  5. One of the best movies of my lifetime. I very much enjoy the original of this song and this arrangement.

    Interesting note: We purchased the Director's cut and it is not as good as the theatrical release. For once, editing really improved things.

    1. I don't think I've seen the Director's cut, sounds like I shouldn't bother!


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