
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Sunday, no- Tuesday Stuff!

Sarge is taking a well-deserved break so Beans and I have been on tap as reserve writers.  And of course Juvat is a regular with his Monday meanderings yesterday.  I thought I'd be posting this on Sunday, but with a gap in the Sunday lineup until late Saturday night, his grandkids must have given him some time off to post one, so I held off until today.  That's all well and good, but I'm not sure where this might go as I seem to have some sort of stream of consciousness blog writing thing going on right now.  However, I wanted to help contribute and keep you all entertained, if not keep the doors open so you don't think that Sarge fired me.  

I haven't been too political recently, but then again I haven't been here much recently either, other than in the comments section.  My last post was sometime in late March or early April I think.  While I have grown a little fatigued with the regular part-time pithy political postings, there is a lot that has raised my ire recently.  Ok, it's not just recently, but I don't complain here about it too much.  Don't worry though, my BP is well in check and I just tend to vent a little.

I'm sure you've seen some info regarding Hunter Biden, his laptop, and what is being revealed regarding undo foreign influence in politics.  In addition to the likely illegal activity revealed on the laptop (and some immoral and disgusting stuff), it seems that it also shows some clear evidence that Hunter's family was receiving funds from some outside entities, ones that had clear direction on what that funding was for, and it wasn't necessarily in the best interests of the United States.  Then again, depending on your news sources, you may have heard absolutely nothing of this.  If so, that would be because this is one of the many clear indications that our media is well bought and paid for, if not selfishly in the tank for the current regime, and thereby hiding all evidence and reporting of such goings-on.  Will anything happen?  The jury is still out, although they've all likely been bought off, so probably not.

Apparently, the investigation into Hunter hasn't been on the up and up, which probably isn't surprising, but an IRS whistleblower isn't pulling any punches in his missive to Congress:

The letter says that "The protected disclosures: (1) contradict sworn testimony to Congress by a senior political appointee, (2) involve failure to mitigate clear conflicts of interest in the ultimate disposition of the case, and (3) detail examples of preferential treatment and politics improperly infecting decisions and protocols that would normally be followed by career law enforcement professionals in similar circumstances if the subject were not politically connected."                                                                                Source

Another aspect of that laptop issue that disturbs me is how 50 intelligence professionals were all willing to sign the letter saying it was Russian disinformation, when it clearly wasn't, and they likely knew it wasn't.  So they all blatantly lied to help Biden win, including our future SecState who authored the whole scheme.  This is clear propaganda-type BS that I used to think only happened in communist Russia. Here's more. 

Not that I'm understating the corruption issue either:


I'm also seeing more and more about how that poke we were all highly encouraged, if not absolutely ordered* to partake in, is possibly the worst thing we could have done for our bodies.  The fact that over 1500 people died during the initial testing of it was initially hidden is so telling.  But now that too has come out. And we are also learning about the massive numbers of adverse side effects, much of it intentionally left out of the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS.  That info would have changed the course of this pandemic, but we were being lied to.  Maybe those of you who are older than me remember a time when 8-year-olds were having heart attacks and dozens of athletes were collapsing on the field of play, but to me it is happening far more than I ever remember.  We'll eventually start hearing more about these "unexplained" deaths and why so many people have "died suddently."

How about how the 2024 election is developing? For a guy that only has 37% approval rating, they sure do seem to be trying to set him up for success.  Did you see how the DNC has already eliminated the Democratic debates?  With Joe Kennedy Jr. polling at 16%, that isn't an inconsequential number at this point in the cycle.  It clearly shows that the rank-and-file Dems are not enamored with the incumbent whatsoever.  I also heard some of those clucking hens on "The View" making the case that no one should run against Joe because he's the incumbent!  I'm not sure what planet they're on, but here on earth, the US is not a dictatorship.  If Joe continues polling poorly, and the AG continues to protect him from what Congress believes is corruption on the grandest of scales and he survives until next year, the primary should go to one of his opponents.  However if he wins that one, I don't know how anyone can say there is no election fraud.

All this truth that's being revealed, how ever filtered and delayed it might be, will only continue and grow.  I expect we'll eventually learn that Biden's vote tally of 80M+ was bogus.  Pedophilia will be exposed.  Ray Epps?  Most definitely working with the feds.  Twitter censor teams included "former" FBI and CIA employees?  Probably were then and still are.  With regards to the virus, the money that kept doctors silent can only work for so long, and those deaths will unfortunately continue until at least when the public grows wise, some people in power get fed up with it, and thus a legitimate investigation will be undertaken.  We'll eventually see that the virus was definitely manufactured, probably intentionally released, was only dangerous to those with co-morbidities, wasn't as tragic as it had to be since there were treatments available, that the vax was rushed to market, politicians were paid off to push it, hospitals were funded to diagnose it, teachers unions were paid to perpetuate it, and that the whole thing was funded by our tax dollars to make big pharma and a lot of others very very rich.

Are we without hope?  Not at all.  The truth will be exposed, and we'll learn from it, trusting our govt even less and hopefully using our votes more wisely in the future.  I pray this congress and the next administration will do something about it, but even if they don't hold people accountable, the corruption will probably be a little less.  I'd also expect the economy to improve because we won't have the seemingly intentional sabotage going on.  With the GOP having a little more of a laissez-faire attitude, the economic machine will work the way it can and we'll get slowly back to lower prices, lower taxes, and a brighter economic outlook.

On a lighter and personal note, things to seem to be shaping up at work, and my previous whinging about my growing fatigue and boredom with my position has lessened.  There are two excellent opportunities for me to do something different, with one of them in Pt. Loma bringing me back to my aviation ASW roots, and the other being something that keeps me in my current department, but doing something different, and with a good bump in pay.  

I think I mentioned how after a reorganization last year, I was moved from my office in Point Loma down to the dry side of Naval Station San Diego.  While I don't have an harbor view anymore, I am a very quick 12 minutes from home.  After a meeting at my old office last week, it took me 40 minutes to get home.  The commute will probably play a factor in which job I take if I am so offered.

I have a business trip to DC coming up soon and I plan to stay there for a few days with my wife.  No, not to storm any capitol buildings, but to visit some museums and monuments, including Udvar Hazy!

Have a good week.

*in my case- all Navy civilians and active duty were ordered to get the vax, although they gave us a brief period to submit a request for an exemption.


  1. Need a warning that reading this post might result in elevated blood pressure Tuna. Most votes evah and "wet market origin".....aaarrrgg. A shorter commute was always appealing for me, good luck there.

    1. Sorry about that. Although I thought I alluded to it when I said a few things have raised my ire!

  2. Tuna - First things first, congratulations on what sounds like good job news either way. A shorter commute is not to be despised.

    Things in general - If anything is apparent, it is that 1) The "Press" is largely uncurious about anything that does not comport with their world view; 2) People are not curious about anything that does not comport with their personal view until it happens (I had relatives deeply impacted by COVID; I also saw what the isolation did to my parents); and sooner or later, as Robert Louis Stevenson said, everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences. We are likely at the hors d' oeveres sitting, and the main course is well on its way.

    Thanks for the fantastic picture!

  3. Yes, you're right. No journalistic curiosity whatsoever.

    1. We have long known that J school students are made up of the intellectually lowest 20% of students, but watching the news on TV when I am waiting for the weather, has made me come to the conclusion that they are nowhere near as smart as that.

    2. " The "Press" is largely uncurious about anything that does not comport with their world view;"

      I would argue the opposite. If they are not curious and informed they can't know what to surpress.

    3. I suspect their Masters tell them what they want suppressed.

    4. We have known since the 1950's that Journalism Schools were bought and paid for by the Soviets. And now the ChiComs.

    5. And a lot of the international stringer services, those that provide 'on the ground reporting' outside of the USA, are owned by various islamic nations. So how true is our news to begin with? Not very.

  4. The corporate owned media is part of the cabal that runs things.

  5. So, to further check everyone's blood pressures, all of this, ALL OF THIS, was known by May of 2020 (including the stealection plans and preliminary works) but was shut down by the eneMedia working for the DNC. Well, except for Epps. No, Epps was probably a government stooge way before 2020.

    And whenever anyone spoke up loud enough to be heard, all the forces of the Federal Government (working against a seated president, by the way) and the eneMedia and their lackeys and the DNC did everything they could individually and collectively to destroy the voices, from shutting down access to media to search warrants and arrests.

  6. Oh yeah, we all knew it in May of 20 but now the veil is slowly being lifted and people are going to pay.

  7. Man, I would love to see solid proof of all this stuff. Then maybe, just maybe, some people might wake up to harsh reality.

    1. I'm not sure we'll ever see solid proof, but we will get bits and pieces, kernels of truth that make the real truth so obvious when you step back and look at the big picture.

    2. Solid proof of election fraud was presented to lots of courts, local, state, federal and the Supreme, but all refused to look at the proof to see if it was proof, stating that the goal at the time was to certify the election. And once the elections were certified, the very same courts stated it was too late to change the outcome, because they were certified.

      Justice Clarence Thomas wrote a scathing dissent against the Supreme Courts decision not to look at any of the proof, and he said basically it would come back and bite them in the buttocks, and bite the country in the buttocks.

      Just look at what Kari Lake in Arizona is doing. She keeps presenting more and more and more evidence and the Courts keep saying "I can't hear you, lalalalalalala."

      Last week North Carolina's state court said, yeah, the stealection was a fraud top to bottom.

      Joey Fishsticks himself, before the election, stated that they were ready to counter any actual wins by Trump, that it wasn't going to be won on the day of the election but weeks later after all the recounts. Almost like he knew...

      And then there's the 3AM jump in the ballots for said Joey Fishsticks.

      And proof of ballot harvesting, proof of people showing up to vote and being denied because they already 'voted,' proof of some areas literally running out of printed ballots so not able to process the people who showed up with photo id to vote.

      The proof is out there. It's just, well, because the votes were 'certified' the courts won't act.

      And a lot of machines and hard drives were wiped and destroyed almost immediately after the counts were certified. Hmmmm....

    3. If you want a handy summary of the fact that the election was stolen you have but to see Dinesh D'Souza's "2000 Mules' - IF you can get a copy. Suppressed? Yeah.
      Boat Guy

  8. Since the DA in New York has seen fit to issue indictments against former President Trump for attempting to buy silence to keep information from voters to influence the 2016 election, I wait with bated breath his indictments against Biden and the heads of Big Corporate Media both press and social of colluding to suppress information in order to influence the 2020 presidential election.

    I expect it any second now.

    1. I share your cynicism, but I have to keep a positive outlook in order to stay sane.

    2. Sanity is overrated. If we weren't insane we'd all go crazy.

  9. It is excellent to read what I've long wondered about, from someone else's mind, and comments affirming those thoughts. (I suspect I'm not the only one thinking that.) Now, what can we do, other than lay in supplies?

    1. Plenty of like-minded folks here, which is why I like to vent here periodically, but I can't really answer your question. I will keep voting, keep praying, and keep and keep supporting candidates that I think are in our corner.

    2. Other than that? Work out. Ruck march. Go to the range.

  10. I fully agree with the (Lord) High Executioner. My only problem is that most everyone still believes that their vote will count (or is counted). Until the voting process is cleaned up, the Socialist-Progressives (Deep Swamp, whatever) will continue to rule our Republic.
    On another topic: commuting to my office in Manhattan, and years later, travelling to the office in Portland. Yes, the time, rather than imagining inventive ways to torture the idiot driving the car in front, was more profitably spent reviewing my techniques and writing "my Great American Novel." Still - I found the less time spent in commuting, the more time I had to split firewood (sometimes to toothpicks), the lower my bloodpressure.

    1. When Obama was elected after 8 years of Bush & the oil boys in charge I expected things to change. The dems had both houses and the Executive Branch, how could they not change things that Bush & the oil boys did?
      Nothing happened...
      I then realized that there was no real difference between the parties. Little things yes, we argued a lot (a distraction) about Obamacare but when it was all done nothing had changed, the USA was still #1 in world cost for medical care and we were still #47 in quality... No change there, just a bigger chunk of the GDP going to the medical industry.

      When nothing changed in regards to where the the Big Bucks went I realized we did indeed have a UniParty.

    2. Boron, I lived with that longer commute for 12 years, but I quickly forgot how much it sucked. Being home in 10 minutes or so is a true joy.

    3. Rob, in general I agree with your comments. Some of the evidence is how hard both fought, and are fighting, against an outsider.

      But I think that there is a fundamental difference between the two main parties. In general the left sees everything, including civil rights, as negotiable, ignoring:

      "Constitutional rights may not be infringed simply because the majority of the people choose that they be." (Westbrook v. Mihaly 2 C3d 756)


      "The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One's right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections."

      : Robert H. Jackson, US Supreme Court Justice West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, 319 U.S. 624 (1943)

    4. Not a Lord, I'm a citizen, which makes me equal to the highest potentate on Earth.

      As to voting, we must keep it up until the absurdity gets so bad even the stupid leftist braindead moron sheeple with poop in their heads notice and go "Hmmm, that's not right." We're getting there.

      As to what to do if the vote doesn't count, I don't want things to go kinetic. Too much knowledge of history about when things go kinetic. And the way things will go kinetic will be very bad, very bad. Think Spanish Civil War combined with Bosnia and Rwanda along with some Zimbabwe and modern South Africa. But geometrically worse because of the population concentrations, the farm concentrations, the weapon concentrations, yada yada.

      And our 'elites' know this. This is why they banned gardening during the Covidiocracy. Why they want 15 minute cities. Why they want to ban gas appliances and heat. Ban oil heaters. Ban internal combustion vehicles.

      The elite want to make it so that we can't fight back and can't go full Revolution. Because they and their jack-booted thugs will have gas heating and oil heating and internal combustion engines and access to fresh food and gardens.

      As I've said before, and I'll say it until said jack-booted thugs kill me, the elite want a new world-wide feudalism. And they want the rest of us as peons, peasants, serfs and slaves. They want us to not owe anything and have to rent or beg for food and housing, to be tied to a job or a plot of land with no freedom to move, to own our children and our children's children.

      When Comes the Revolution, what starts here will burn the world, and may end up ending Mankind. It will end Mankind as we know it.

      That's why, as desperate and forlorn as voting seems, I'm going to vote until I can no longer vote. And then take a death-guard with me if it comes to the point that the powers that be stop me from voting (unless I'm dead and voting Democrat, like in Chicago...)

    5. @ the (Citizen) High Executioner
      I'm with you (that's alongside you in the vanguard, not behind you) and I only hope you're correct in the timing of your predictions, soothsayer.
      Can we at least march to some of Dougie MacLean's tunes?

    6. NOBODY on our side wants it to go kinetic; but you damn well be ready for that to happen. As Mick and the boys sang "You can't always get what you want".

  11. Rob, I get you, but I'm not ready to give up.

  12. There's a reason that Journalism is a LIBERAL Arts Degree. Every media outlet has a "style guide". The "style guide" contains the way that the article or report must be made. Everything from the correct "spin" to what words can and cannot be used. If the "style guide" isn't followed the career of the person not following it is usually short. The media isn't the only place where "style guides" are used. Advertising has them. Their guides list everything from the specific color and proportions of their logos to specifying the sex, race and other attributes of the people in their artwork and videos. One famous company had rules about the composition of the pictures that they used. An example was that a White male could not be standing over a sitting minority. Another was, in a group of three or more people both sexes had to be represented as well as a minority. Any group of five or more had to follow the same rule, plus one of the people had to have a visible handicap. I'd say more, but, I'm still under a non-disclosure agreement.

    1. My wife attempted to write a screenplay a few years back. The software told you whether or not the characters were diverse enough.

  13. More developing. We'll see if anything actually happens tomorrow.

    1. Ah, great. Forgot about that. Need to get the metal sculptures and the chemistry demonstrators out and displayed for my amusement.

  14. "...using our votes more wisely in the future."
    They stole it once and didn't even get a slap on the wrist, so why should they not steal it again?
    Lack of punishment is encouraging, not discouraging.
    --Tennessee Budd


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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