
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, June 16, 2023

It's All Happening ...

Red Panda
OAFS Photo
So while the grandkids were in town, we had the idea to visit the zoo, specifically the Roger Williams Park Zoo in Providence. Weather was perfect and I got to see one of my favorite fellow creatures, that little guy in the opening photo. It was bittersweet though, he used to have a fellow red panda, but he died at the age of 17, not too long ago. The little fellow looked lonely.

Bald Eagles
OAFS Photo
Now these two are permanent residents. They were brought in from the wild with serious injuries. They have healed but they can no longer fly. Sad story, but magnificent birds nonetheless.

Red Wolf
OAFS Photo
We missed the red wolves on the way in, so I was determined to see them on the way out. When we got to their enclosure, they were AWOL. But after a couple of minutes, that lovely fellow above got up and posed for me. Nice of him.

African Elephants
OAFS Photo
Another of my favorites beasties is the African elephant, Roger Williams has three.

But our major reason for going to the zoo wasn't just to see the animals, nope. You see, the second youngest grandson, Robbie, is a huge fan of dinosaurs. And guess what exhibit is visiting the zoo for the summer?

These guys!

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Upon seeing the mighty life-size T-Rex, Robbie was very excited. He did confess to his dad, Tuttle, that he was just a little scared. Seeing these replicas up close and personal was very thrilling. Made me feel like a young lad myself. When I was a kid it was all about dinosaurs and the space program. Odd combo, neh?

So yeah, it's all happening at the zoo.

Everyone being hungry after trekking through the zoo, we went to ...

The pond at the Old Grist Mill
OAFS Photo
Finished off the day at the Old Grist Mill, a favorite of mine, for an early Father's Day celebration. Had a most excellent lobster ravioli chased with a locally brewed kölsch. (The folks round here pronounce that without the umlaut, I let it go. After all the meal was superb, why quibble?)

The Nuke and her tribe go home on Friday. Sad, but all good times have to end at some point. LUSH and her gang go home Saturday, then it's back to the salt mines.

Hey, it pays the bills!


  1. T-Rex piloting a F-14 Sarge, Calvin and Hobbs nailed it. Maybe Robbie needs an intro there Red wolves are a pretty rare critter. Only bad thing about Family Time is that it flies by too fast.

  2. I don't know if this would interest the little guy. They're about 20 minutes from my house.

  3. I miss those fun times with extended family. All us kids at home with the folks, our little ones causing mayhem and disaster. Thanks for the nostalgia Sarge. I'm glad ya'll got a chance like this. Halcyon days...

  4. Zoos with children are always magical places. - TB

    1. Lots of kids present, school is almost over, so lots of field trips to the zoo were in evidence. All the kids really seeme to be enjoying themselves!

    2. Speaking for meself, make that children of all ages. Just keep in mind; stay out of pitching range of monkeys and no matter how cute in pictures, pandas stink!

  5. I went to the zoo in Portland Oregon last Saturday with the kids & grandkids (got to meet the newest grandson!), it had been a long time since I went to the zoo.. No dinosaurs, too bad, that's a nice touch!

    1. Apparently the exhibit travels around the country, keep your eyes open!

  6. Zoos are nice. We have a very nice one in Gainesville associated with the local non-state university. They use it as the focus on their zoo associate and bachelor degree.

    I need to go there once the temperature turns down a bit.

    1. Zoos and really hot weather can be a volatile mix, odor-wise.

    2. Me and really hot weather can be a volatile mix, odor-wise, as I mildew if excessively wet from rain or sweat.

    3. Not sure if I personally have ever mildewed, but yeah not a pleasant odor.

  7. Ought to take that red panda a coupla raccoon buddies to keep him company!
    Surely you could find some up your neck of the woods without too much trouble...

    1. No doubt there is a large population near the zoo!

  8. There was a heartwarming moment one spring when I was dragooned into guiding elementary school children through the Univ of ND Geology building & exhibits (I was attending a grad paleo class [as a hobby]). One display was a foot or so of the tip of a fossilized Triceratops horn (they were as common as buffalo in their day and it was found isolated, so of no paleontological value). Never forget her expression of blissful joy as she cradled it in her arms being able to hold part of a real dinosaur...

  9. Giraffes are NOT insincere, they are very sincere. Sincerly evil.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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