
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, October 30, 2023

So it begins!

Well, Campers, its been one of those weeks. Lotta good things happened, but storm clouds are on the horizon. 

It's Saturday night and Mrs. J and I have returned to College Station. Shortly after we departed Wednesday, MBD had a OB/GYN appointment. During said appointment, they reached an agreement that if Labor hadn't started by Friday, the young fellow would be enticed to come out from his comfy abode. 

 I believe it's called "induced", but what do I know? 

 The young Lad must truly be of my bloodline as he stayed warm and comfortable through the deadline.

 Encouragement was applied and lo and behold, our first Grand Son arrived Friday afternoon, just in time for Happy Hour. He's got Fighter Pilot in his blood I swear. 

 This resulted in a bit of a logistics problem as 1 & 364/365's year old Sister needed a bit of company.

 Our in-law counterparts were able to pull the shift through Saturday afternoon but had other engagements for the rest of the weekend. 

 So, we're in College Station again. Got to see the young lad that afternoon. A strapping young man, born with more hair on his head than his Grandfather has. 

 The Tactical Call Sign Committee has yet to come up with a blogging call sign yet, but that too shall pass. 

Both Daughter and Grandson are coming home tomorrow (Sunday AKA yesterday when you're reading this). More to follow. 

On the other, less happy yet more critical episode in the juvat Family life nowadays. This is the week that all the final tests will be completed on Mrs J. The required education classes will be completed and treatment will begin. 

We shall see what we shall see. You folks out there in blogspace have been very encouraging and that has helped. 

Thank you! 

Replying to comments may be somewhat delayed. Maybe not, as sitting in waiting rooms without something to distract leads the mind into places I don't want to go. 

We'll see. 


Peace out y'all


  1. A prosperous and peaceful life, health, salvation, and success in all good works, grant o Lord, to Thy servant, and preserve and protect him for many years!

  2. Congratulations on the Newbie. Prayers have gone up seeking blessings to come down.
    Last call I awarded was my daughter as “Terramota” – earthquake. I believe call signs are permanent unless a singular act is performed that overrides the initial award. In that spirit I suggest “Huggy-6” or some variation thereof.

    1. Anon,
      Yep! Callsigns are permanent until the owner screws up worse, then the Callsign committee reconvenes. Hard for a swaddled three day old to meet that criteria.
      But not impossible!

  3. Congratulations to the juvat clan! Peace and long life!

    Prayers for all good things, especially for Mrs. juvat!

  4. Replies
    1. Jeff,
      Did the callsign committee meet and change my callsign?
      That’s gonna take a lot of getting used to, and that guy in Florida is gonna be mad!
      beans ( formerly known as juvat)

    2. And since I have no children, grandkids are a bit difficile, n'est pas?
      Beans-beans, the one and original.
      We, b(fkaj) and I (B-b,toao) will have to fight it out, for the honor of the Harcout....

      Eh, simple misundersanding.

    3. Beans,
      I know.

    4. I think humor attempt failed.

  5. Congratulations Juvat. Looks like a strong and healthy lad.

    Continued prayers up for all and especially Mrs. J.

  6. Prayers for Mrs. J. May all go well in her treatments.

    Congratulations on the addition to the family.

    Prayers for safe travel in all of this.

  7. Excellent news and congratulations.

  8. Congratulations Juvat. Never too many grandkids! Semper Fi.

  9. Juvat, Congratulations to the boy's Parents and GrandParents! Glad both are doing well. You and I should be envious of the amount of hair he has on his head!
    Prayers continue to be offered up for Mrs. J and your good self!

    1. Cletus,
      Thanks, Yeah, I noticed that right away. Not sure where the reddish tinge came from though, probably Dad's side of the family.

  10. Holding a new grandchild is one of life's sublime pleasures.

    1. WSF,
      Ain't that the truth. We had older sister baby sitting duty when we got there. First thing that happened when we sat down in the living room was she came running over carrying a book, jumped in my lap and asked me to read it. Spent the next couple of hours reading (and re-re-re-reading) books. May have to see if I can borrow her for next weeks physical so I can get similar blood pressure readings .
      Similar thing happened when GS#1 got home. Mom handed him to me. He snuggled in and promptly went to sleep. I managed to stay awake, but my eyelids got pretty heavy.
      Very pleasant indeed.

  11. Congratulations all around, and prayers for a wonderful life!

  12. Good news is like a medicine. Happy for you. And prayers up for the Missus.

    Babies don't read calendars... They pop out when they're done. I figure doctors want them out during the week so they don't miss important things like the 19th hole at the club on Saturday.

    That hair comment......

    Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear
    Fuzzy wuzzy had no hair
    Fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy
    Was he?

    Teach the kids the finer things in life.... Like simple rhymes and limericks.

    There once was a couple named Blair....

    1. STxAR,
      Just got back from Mrs. J's radiation consult. 28 days of getting zapped while chemo is going on. That having been said, the Doc was very upbeat about the process and explained the procedure in details that even this retired fighter pilot could understand. The fun and games should be starting next week.

      As to hair, once again I will reiterate the obvious. "The Lord only created a certain amount of perfect heads...The rest he covered with Hair."


  13. Huzzah on the child being evicted. I like evicted more than induced. Because, well, that's what they really are doing.

    As to the coming times of suckage with Mrs. J, pack yourself a survival bag. Phone charger, snacks, a wooby for you as some of those places get darned cold, enough change for the soda machine.

    Last round of stupidity with Mrs. Andrew I bought a laptop backpack, which gave me room for her id wallet, my laptop, her phone, laptop charging cord, snacks for me and the dog, lunches for me and the dog, meds for me. The wooby was shoved in the back of her chair of power.

    Make sure everyone has your phone number in the off-chance you are facilitating in the facilities if they need to get hold of you. (I always have found that waiting for them to contact me never happens unless the urgent fluid level alarm is going off. Every darned time.)

    Stay sane, peace out. Loves and prayers for you and all yours.

    As to hair, no, I do not wear a stocking cap when I am in bed just for the looks, as there is little to no hair directly on top and the darned AC vent is blowing right on ye-olde balde spotte. I used to have hairs, now I have... a hair or two...

    1. Beans,
      Some good suggestions there, thanks. Hadn't thought of most of those.
      A whoppin 36 degrees outside today. Low 70's yesterday. Must be Texas!

    2. We are expecting two days of low temps (low 70's for high, low 50's for low) and then back to 80's and 60's. Because Florida.

      And, to make matters worse, the summer was mostly dry so no mosquitos. Now, when it's supposed to be cold, mosquitos. And I swear, some of them are big enough to be the British version (twin merlin engines, wooden construction) because... Florida.

      On the other hand, I don't live in some place up north that gets blizzards every year and still doesn't know how to harden their electric grid (like trimming trees around the lines and such things.)

    3. And, when you're bored, tired and lonely, a wooby of one form or another is a good thing, especially if it smells like your spouse (if your spouse smells good, that is.) Can also be used as emergency ass padding for bad seating.

    4. Beans,
      70's? How can you survive? Blizzards up north? Say in the smallest state in the country? Been to Korea in the winter. Been to Alaska in Winter, Lived in North Dakota and Montana in winter.
      So...Been there, done that. Don't need another t-shirt.

    5. Beans #2,
      She smells good. Thanks for the recommendation.

    6. Dad was deployed to Korea right after the war. For some strange reason, the boy from southern Louisiana neverw quite cottoned to freezing weather and howling winds.

      I seem to have inherited some of that disdain for similar weather. Just took one frozen day in 1989, with snow, ice and howling winds to cure me of wanting to see snow and ice and howling winds (in cold weather) ever again.

    7. She's lucky she has you as a spouse. A lot of not-men bail when facing troubling times. A lot of not-women do the same when their men are in trouble.

  14. Sincerest congratulations! I can see the joy on your face holding the new one. I have experienced that as well, and there is almost nothing to compare. We pray for the entire clan out there. God sorts you out.

    1. LtFuzz,
      Thanks, yeah, it was/is a great feeling. Looking forward to the next visit.

  15. Darn good news on the grandson juvat and prayers are still in the rotation for Mrs. J and your clan.

  16. Congrats and prayers. Docs do good work with newbies and old folks too. Trust the docs, but verify.

  17. JB,
    Trust but verify is good advice...always.

  18. . . . sitting in waiting rooms without something to distract leads the mind . . .

    Having had some experience with that, I can vouch that having reading material and electronic communications devices with Wi-Fi will help make the time pass.

    That said: Congratulations are in order for the addition to your family. Prayers of thanksgiving are up.
    Also there are continuing prayers on the other matter. Keeping a positive attitude will help, too.

    1. Uncle Skip,
      Thanks. I know Sarge is not fond of digital books and I see his point. I do like the look and feel of "Real" books. That having been said, the Kindle app on my iPad has several hundred books and I rarely leave home without it. The advantage is if a given book doesn't fit my mood/taste at the moment, I've got a very good chance of finding one that does. So, yes, it'll be with me as this event progresses. Besides, it's got mindless games on it that I can also get lost in.
      So...I've got that going for me.
      I appreciate the prayers. Thanks.

    2. And you will need mindless games and fluff books, oh yes indeedy. And ear plugs just in case the hags from the View are on the obligatory tv screen screeching at you, or CNN. Can't tell much difference.

    3. And you will need mindless games and fluff books, oh yes indeedy. And ear plugs just in case the hags from the View are on the obligatory tv screen screeching at you, or CNN. Can't tell much difference.

  19. Congrats to all, and prayers for Mrs. J!

    1. Thanks, OldNFO. I appreciate it.

  20. Crusty Old TV Tech here. Congrats for another successful deployment! Cent'anni! Skoal! Slàinte Mhath! Salud!

    1. COTV,
      Thanks. Rumor has it that when the order to push came from higher headquarters, it was three pushes and "Hello". Having watched my better half push for a few hours on both, I think that might have been a record.

  21. That last picture: Awwwwe!! And a chill second child is not a bad thing--just saying...
    Make sure Mrs J has a woobie too as being cold is not wonderful. The radiation stuff is usually pretty quick--well, after the first visit cause first visits are never quick. And depending on the chemo, she may be hanging around the Oncology clinic/office, or she may be going home with the pump connected for 46 hours every 2 weeks. Depending on the type of chemo. But don't be surprised if she can't drink cold fluids while getting the chemo, and for a couple of days after, cause weird side-effects, usually pins and needles in hands/feet.
    Take it one day at a time, one treatment at a time. Think positive at all times. Cross bridges when ya get to them, not before.
    Love on the grands!
    Keeping up the prayers!!


    1. Suz,
      Thanks, yeah, he and his older sister (who, at 2, was excited to be an "older" sister) seem to be settling in well.
      As to Mrs. J and a woobie...She does, a couple of her lady friends got together and built a basket full of "comfort" things. ("Comfort" things being the term for things I'd never have thought of. So, gratitude.)
      The radiologist said she'd be getting zapped every week day for 28 days. The Chemo dude ( I think that's the official name) said she'd be getting an injection on Day 1, then she'd take a pill twice a day for 21 days (Including weekends). then have a week off. Rinse and repeat until...Who knows?
      We're still collecting information. Not knowing, not doing is hard. We'll see what next week and beyond is like.
      "Never give up, Never Surrender" is the word of the day.

    2. They usually do a few rounds--like 3-4, and then repeat the PET scan to see what's what. But you can ask, the next time ya see the chemo dude, or his nurse. The big thing with radiation is fatigue. She is gonna be tired cause it takes A LOT of energy to fight off cancer.
      Comfort baskets are the best!!
      ASK your questions!! The only stupid question is the one ya didn't ask!!! Write those puppies down in her "Doctor's Notepad" book (steno pad?) and bring with whenever she goes to see one of her cancer team providers. Y'all are a team. Get to know them, and let them get to know you.


  22. Congratulations to the Juvat clan! Your grandson is adorable! Sending prayers and hugs for all, especially you and Mrs. J.
    Listen to Suz, she knows all the tips and tricks. Remember soft warm socks for her comfort bag, and ask the radiology folks about lotions for her skin.

    Mary F.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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