
Praetorium Honoris

Friday, October 27, 2023

'Tis Done!

Yup, glad that's over with ...

Not saying the post-op room was like this, but I did order cranberry juice when I came out of the fog.

Language alert ...¹

For those who want to know such things, I'm good.

That's all I've got for now. Be back Saturday.


¹ Yup, one of my favorite movies. Probably watched it ten times. No, it's not because it's set in Boston. Okay, maybe a little ...


  1. Good to hear Sarge. That movie, already seventeen years old. Another good effort by Scorsese.

    1. So glad it went well-take all the time you need! Sending hugs (virtual ones don’t hurt)!

  2. That procedure was called the silver stallion comes calling. Oh I’ve seen things, horrible things.

    1. Kind of a cool name. Not sure I'd tell my boss that's why I missed work, but I like it.

  3. I'm glad things are OK. Rest up, give us a full update later.

    1. Maybe not a FULL update. Delicate stomach doncha know?

    2. No worries, my update is: I am alive, I am well, I am eating normally. Nothing discovered during the procedure worth noting.

    3. Glad to hear that!! Can't have you and Mrs J both having major issues going on. Not allowed!!!
      It is always such a relief when the doc doesn't find what he was afraid he would...enjoy your weekend, and now you can eat again! yay!


  4. Glad to hear you're well and recovering.

  5. Glad fhings came out okay!


    Glad you’re feeling better!


    1. They did retrieve the camera ...

      So I've got that going for me.

  6. I never even heard of that movie.

  7. Glad it all worked out in the end, Sarge.

    (Thank you, thank you very much. I am here until Friday; please be sure to tip your servers well...)

  8. The procedure itself isn't bad, it's the prep for it that sucks big green horse apples.
    When I had mine, aside from the prep, I was supposed to show up something like an hour and a half before my "appointment time." (only in the medical profession is the time you are supposed to show up not called your appointment time) So I was there at the pre-appointed hour. Waited. And waited. Appointment time came. And I waited. After too long I was the only one in the waiting area. During this I had asked at the desk several times, just to make sure they knew I was there. Finally nurse, quite pretty, came out and asked me why I was there, told her. "Why didn't you say something?" I managed to stay reasonably polite to her, and assured her that my...terse demeanor ...wasn't at her personally. Got taken to the prep room, was given the appropriate gown, then three tried to start the IV in the back of my hand. Oh, and they kept putting the much accursed slipper socks onto my feet every time I took them off. Called the wife and told her that they were finally getting ready to wheel me in, gave her instructions for the pot roast in the slow cooker - about an hour after my actual appointment time. Got wheeled to the exam room, introduced to the team, laughed and joked, talked about how I wanted the Single Malt anesthetic, and so we talked about scotch, and food.
    Woke up and they wheeld me back to the prep/post op room. Flirted more with the quite pretty nurse. Talked about food. Gut the usual warning to go bland and soft...told her of the pot roast waiting for me. Invited her to join us for dinner.

    Wife came to pick me up. I dutifully climbed into the passenger side under the watchful eye of the guy who wheeled me out. Got out of the parking lot, pulled over and we switched so I could drive home.

  9. The last time I went was shortly after my 75th and the GI doc said, "Get the H outta here. I searched and seaarched n' could find only one polyp to analyse; you're a waste of time. Come back in ten years.'" I told him, "I should live so long."
    The whole thing's a PITA, but my SIL died of colon cancer 'bout five years ago. She would never go for this exam: the thought of it disgusted her.

  10. It's a bother. I get every three years because Mom had it (surgery, removed tumor and 6" of lower intestine, survived ? thirty years or more ? afterward.)

    1. Definitely a bother, but I've heard that funerals are far worse.

    2. Plus, if you are the main participant in a funeral, you aren't around for the wake...which is always the most fun least for those of us who are even a bit Irish...


    3. E'en for those of us who ain't!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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