
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Only One Survived - VT8 Avengers at Midway

Only One Survived
Craig Kodera
This is a special guest post which features a video presentation from a friend of mine, Robert Gale. Take it away, Mr. Gale!

And from a fellow who was there ...

We'll be back tomorrow with the third installment of John Blackshoe's Swordfish series. Stay tuned!

OAFS Note: Yes, I'm still fuming over the movie.


  1. Mr. Gale gave an outstanding presentation, there's a voice! Jeff Shaara wrote a book on the battle, good read also. Ah, there's no sound quite like those piston engines........excellent post Sarge.

  2. All I can say Mr. Gale is ...

    Please Sir, can we have another?

    Bravo Zulu!

    1. You folks are very kind! I really enjoy telling this story - and others, (I consider that my job as a Docent). We have several other presentations on our museum channel, we just started videoing our Fly Day presentations this year.
      Our museum ( the National Museum of WWII Aviation) features flying aircraft, many of them unique.
      Thank you once more!
      Robert Gale

  3. So much history still to learn. Mrazek's book is indeed great.
    Of note; George Gay got "back in the fight" as well, he flew Avengers with VT-11. There's a great documentary on Utubez "ELEVEN" about that Air Group.
    Boat Guy

    1. Sigh, yet another book to add to my ever expanding list.

    2. This one is most deserving. Mrazek writes well and spent time with Bert, Harry and several other men who flew with VT-8 as well as at least one of the widows ( Rete Gaynier) of the men killed at Midway.

    3. Concur, I put it on my Christmas wish list.

  4. At the end of the first video he gave a little shout out to Juvat's nearby Nimitz Museum in Fredericksburg TX! It has a TBM Avenger. If you haven't been, it's worth the trip. At my last squadron's disestablishment ceremony, we had the same Avenger next to our CAG Bird, the one shown in the final seconds of that video.

  5. OUTSTANDING!!!!!!!
    Having served aboard the destroyer named in honor of LCDR John Waldron, CO of Torpedo Eight, I was aware of some of the story about the Hornet based part of the squadron, but confess near total ignorance about the shore based folks with their shiny new Avengers. I knew that many of the men lost from Torpedo Eight had ships named in their honor, mostly DDs or DEs.

    So, where the heck is this guy from, and what does their museum do? At least Sarge could have put in a plug for the, but I most gratefully will correct that oversight:
    Check out the National Museum of WW2 Aviation in Colorado Springs, CO.
    Check both their website and facebook page at

    If you don't do anything else, go visit their website and enjoy their home page for some of the most beautiful photos of WW2 aircraft I have ever seen.

    Thank you, sir! A superbly researched story and outstanding briefing. WELL DONE!!!
    John Blackshoe

    1. Thanks JB, you're right, I shoulda done that. I have added the museum to the sidebar category Tail Numbers, Museums, and Records where I have some of those kinda things listed.

    2. Come from? Just another guy who served, seeking to tell stories as well as Sarge and others here. Check out our Utubez channel; it has most of our Fly Day presentations from this year.

    3. Lookee here-

      That YouTube channel is right out there for everyone to see. Those look like really interesting presentations. Maybe Sarge can plug one in occasionally, like when his Muse goes AWOL. That one on the Aleutians will be the next one I watch.

  6. They KNEW the odds and they went, anyway. Balls. Those men had 'em.

    1. It was their DUTY; a word understood in this community. The Marine Dauntlesses and Vindicators following the Avengers and Marauders didn't fare any better, yet they went. The Marine Wildcats and Buffalos defending Midway made Kido Butai pay heavily " There is need for a second strike" compounding Nagumo's problems. Even the B-17's contributed by keeping Nagumo off balance - though their braggadocio afterward did not exactly contribute to joint comity (to say the least).
      Heroes abounded at Midway -and a few bums as well (looking at YOU, Ring)
      Rob Gale

  7. An information packed presentation in an easy to follow and understand format. Mr. Gale , on top of that has a voice and style that is pleasing to listen to.

  8. Wow!!
    Just Wow!

  9. Cannot recommend highly enough Robert Mrazek's 'A Dawn Like Thunder,' and this presentation is equally outstanding!
    There was a book called 'Carrier Combat' by Fred Mears, a "spare" Torpedo 8 pilot who did not fly at Midway (and was later killed). It was reprinted in m/m paperback in the Sixties, and I bought a copy via Scholastic Book Services in sixth grade. Sadly, I let it get away from me, but I remember it as a good read and would like to find it again.

    1. I've been looking for a copy of Mears' book; haven't found one at a decent price.

    2. Amazon has it, if you're okay with spending 40 bucks for a paperback. (I am not.)

  10. Nope. Too much money to the 'zon. I'll keep looking at Abe. Thanks!


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