
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, December 4, 2023

...the Goose is getting fat!

 Well, Campers, I hope all y'all had a very Happy Thanksgiving and are now looking forward to a wonderful Christmas and New Year.  Before I get started on this post, I've got an observation to post.

Frankly, I don't know how Sarge does it.  Working for a living, writing a book AND posting an entertaining post 6 days out of 7.  Fortunately, when he ran up the white flag and filed his leave paperwork for the Thanksgiving week, the rest of the "Gang" kinda filled in.  Even though I reposted 3 old posts, I (I know it's difficult to believe) ran out of things to say.  So...Good on ya, Mate!  Keep up the good work.  Your next leave will be approved in 2030.

That having been said, on with the show.

On the most pressing issue in my life right now, Mrs. J had her second infusion on Friday.  This defines the beginning of a cycle.  She (and I) go to the oncologist's office and gets a once over by the Nurse Practitioner to find out any problems, changes or other things that might need a closer look.  She then goes into a room with a couple of dozen loungers and gets hooked up to an IV which then, over a period of about 6 hours gets infused with the, hopefully, cancer killing drugs.  Once that's complete, she takes some similar functioning pills, 3 times a day, 3 pills a pop. that goes on for 3 weeks, then she gets a week off to regain strength.  

About 5 hours into the session, I had to run to Wallyworld to buy a USB Charger and two cables else a calamity might have arose. Yes, Beans, shortly after this was taken she pulled out her blanket and put that over her.  Thanks for the Backpack load out list.


While I wish she didn't have to undergo this, (e.g. didn't have cancer) I'm praying it works.  I've been impressed by the medically inclined folks working the issue.  Our GP had given her a physical a couple of weeks ago and we had the follow up last Thursday.  He mentioned that several test results had moved the wrong way since the last exam.  We discussed that with him asking if the Chemo could have had an effect.  He allowed as that was probably the cause and would talk to the Oncologist about options and changes.  

During the "once over" by the NP at the Oncologist/infusion visit, she mentioned that the two Doc's had conversed and that the 3 pills per dose 3 times a day would be reduced to 2 pills 3 times a day.  So, I felt a little bit better that they are both aware and talking to each other.  Dropped my blood pressure by a point or two.

Again, I thank all y'all for the prayers.  I humbly request you keep up the good work.

On to happier subjects.

First and foremost, Little J leaves Honk Honk on the 7th arriving late on the 8th.  So, he and LJW and Miss B will be reunited.  All concerned are excited about this.  He'll be here till just before New Years and we hope to hear what his next assignment will be.  

On another good note, my Brother will be joining us for Christmas also.  Haven't seen him in a couple of years, so also looking forward to that.  He just got a new job at the company he works for, so  things might be looking up for him also.  

And, because it's Mrs J and my year for Christmas get-together (we swap Christmas and Thanksgiving with The Rev's Parents each year) MBD, The Rev, MG and León will be joining us also.  Now, I've read Tuna's recap of his Christmas get-togethers which feature a cast of thousands, but 10 people is a big gathering for us folks.  

And a lot of good reasons to do so.

Suffice it to say a lot has been going on around here, and I've never been big on buying Christmas presents.  So, this is a hint for any family members who may read this post, I'm making all the gifts from me.

No, this is not one of the gifts.  This was my first effort to turn a pen in about a year.  I wasted a very nicely figured piece of Ironwood, a very dense wood (heavier than water) from the Sonoran Desert by not turning it completely down to the bushings.  Hence the visible edges at the tip and middle of the pen.  My next effort turned (play on words there) out much better.  Pictures of the actual present(s) will be shown the first Monday after Christmas.  I'm actually quite pleased with the results.

However, I still have a few things left to make, so I'm gonna let all y'all go about your business.  See you next week (unless Sarge decides he needs to visit Pago Pago or something sooner).

Peace Out, y'all!


  1. Looking forward to pen pics after Christmas and good news on the family gathering and last, but NOT least, prayers for Mrs. J and family juvat, every night.

    1. Nylon,
      Thanks, I appreciate it.

  2. Thanks for the update on Mrs J., Juvat. As with Nylon12, prayers up.

    I am interested in where Little J will be assigned next. Hopefully somewhere that the family is able to come as well.

    I, too, am shocked you ran out of things to say...although I will say that writing, especially regularly, is a different skill set than speaking.

    1. THBB,
      Thanks for the prayers, much appreciated.
      We're interested also (not surprisingly). As I understand it, both options that he's being considered for will allow Miss B to go along. That wasn't the case in Honk Honk. Ostensibly, medical care was limited. Given the size and sophistication of the city, I find that hard to believe, but then again I find the State Department in general hard to believe. Heck, why single out State? I find the federal government hard to believe these days.
      On a similar note, writing requires skill, speaking can be done by idiots. As is proven regularly in the DC area.
      Other than that, Mrs Lincoln....

    2. On the other hand, medically challenged baby in HK during ascendancy of ChiCom ill-will, probably not a good idea. It's the Good Lord looking out for all y'all.

      This way, LJ et al had y'all to help and support. Which would not be happening in HK. Again, GL looking out for all y'all.

      Mixed blessing, but I think it worked out better overall for y'all.

    3. Beans,
      Can't disagree, but that would seem to also apply to other children of State Dept personnel, maybe not medically, but personal safety wise. In any case, it's rapidly becoming a moot point as his tour is up in less than 6 months.

  3. Pray that things continue to go well for Mrs. J. Hoping that Little J and his tribe get to actually be together in some place nice.

    I see you're ramping up for the holiday season down in Santa's, er, juvat's work shop. Remember, ten fingers go in, ten fingers come out - should be the first measure of success. Getting blood-stained gifts can also be rather off-putting, if you know what I mean. 😁

    Never been to Pago Pago ... [Stares thoughtfully at the wall behind his desk ...]

    1. Sarge,
      Yes, I can see that blood stained gifts would be poor form. And given my thumb incident this summer, I have no desire to repeat. The good news with pen turning, the risk of losing body parts is reduced a bit. Not eliminated, just reduced.
      As to Pago Pago, I hear it's lovely this time of year. A chilly 90 degrees or so.
      Let us know, we'll set up internet connectivity so you can continue to post. 😉

  4. You have my continuing prayers..

    1. Thanks, Rob, much appreciated.

  5. Cast of thousands? Maybe a slight exaggeration. Hundreds maybe!

    1. Tuna,
      Heck, I checked with the San Diego City Hall, they said you took out an Event Planner license as well as a Noise Permit.
      Lucky Dog!

    2. They were shocked at the amount of alcohol served, but that's just my family. I refused to get a one-day liquor license since it's all BYOB and we're Irish.

    3. Tuna,
      I've got a bit of Irish in me also and I feel your pain.

  6. Juvat, I'm guessing Mrs. J has her chemo here in the "Burg" as opposed to driving to San Antonio. If so, it certainly beats the 120+ mile round trip. She certainly appears "up beat" in the photo and based on my eldest daughter's experience that has a major impact on how the treatment is tolerated. Continuing Prayers Up!
    To bring a touch of the Season into this comment, the community Singing Christmas Tree did their two performances this past weekend at Pioneer Museum. The songs covered the gamut of carols and religious songs, in English and German. A Tree shaped structure extending 30+ feet in height consists of10 levels with appx. 70 singers, total. This year Mrs. Cletus took the "crow's nest" position at the top of the tree. Attendance this year well exceeded that of the last three years.
    Good luck to Little Juvat and family being assigned to a post in a friendly country.

    1. Cletus,
      Yep at that building that's on Windcrest a couple of blocks NW of the Hospital on the other side of Milam. I'll give her credit, she's got the "Never Give Up, Never Surrender" attitude of a Fighter Pilot. I think that's probably an excellent trait to have in this situation.
      Sorry to have missed it, sounds like fun. I knew nothing about it until I read your comment. I'll look harder next year.

  7. Glad I could help in the loadout. You'd think that the cancer centers would hand out a loadout list, but not down here. Always gotta keep your phone charger cords on ya.

    And 6 hours? That kills a whole day, then there's recovery days that kill the whole day. This stuff isn't for the weak, is it?

    Glad things are going okay. It is very good that your wife's docs are talking to each other. That's a very helpful thing. Has your doc been checking YOU out during this process? Hint, not-so subtle HINT!!! Get yourself checked if anything on you feels not quite right. HINT!!!!!

    1. Beans,
      Last first. Her Doctor and My Doctor are the same person. I went with her to her appt last week. After all was said and done, he asked me how I was doing. I've got a regular appt scheduled in next month to look forward to. As to getting checked if...Aye Aye, Mon Capitan'
      Not for the weak? Not on your life. I've been fairly impressed with the attitude of most of the other patients in the room. Upbeat, cheerful and friendly. Impressive.

  8. We’re continuing in prayer for your whole clan. I have many pics of Miss Jeanie in a similar pose five or so years ago. Everything is ok now! The only good thing I remember about the whole process was that I was excused for getting Steak ‘n Shake lunches for us. Now, she won’t go with me. Every time we drive by the infusion center, we both say (almost simultaneously), “there’s that place!”.

    1. D4,
      Glad to hear Miss Jeanie made it through. We don't have a Steak 'n Shake in our area. However, Mrs. J sent me out to our favorite lunch spot. We're good friends with the staff. My BLAT (Bacon, Lettuce, Avocado and Tomato) had a bout 3/4" of bacon on it. Same with Mrs J's Turkey and Havarti. Seems they think carrying all the bags and such was making me lose weight. But, I appreciated it as did Mrs. J.

  9. Gotta do what you gotta do. One cycle down, so you know the routine, and the unpleasant side effects. The beneficial effects are pretty well hidden, but while the unpleasant stuff accumulates, the hidden good stuff is happening too and will eventually show up with good test results. There is little YOU can do other than what you are doing, and that can be frustrating, but keep it up. If the patient thinks something might be a treat or even just tolerable, then get on it! Prayers up again for patient, caregivers and medicos. Ditton on Beans- take care of yourself too!!!

    You may want to consider outsourcing Christmas feast preps this year. Not really fair to have Mrs J. or Juvat himself the least bit concerned (let alone engaged) with chow hall tasks. Gather at your place, sure, but no need to do all the food prep there, just serve it. And, everyone needs to accept that Mrs. J may have to do some resting rather than full time jovial celebrating. The spirit may be willing, but the body gets the deciding vote on activity level.

    This too, shall pass, and brighter days are ahead.
    Have the merriest Christmas you can under the circumstances, and keep the expectations realistic so you won't be disappointed.
    John Blackshoe

    1. JB,
      Right now, there are two activities (well three) that calm me down and take my mind off...Things! First would be wood working. I've got to pay attention almost exclusively to what I'm doing. (The Thumb Incident still ways heavily). It's also satisfying when the project is completed and turns out well. Second is cooking. My mother was an excellent cook and taught me to cook very early on. I find that also relaxing, although when it gets down to the final steps prior to serving, I can get a bit anxious. This may sound like a cliche, but the third is going to church on Sunday. BP goes way down at that point.
      So...I'm still going to be doing some cooking, but as I told Suz below, I'm going to do something Tasty, Suitable for Christmas and fairly Easy. Might even break out a "Really Good" bottle of wine or two for the gang.

  10. Ok, so get out the umbrella cause I'm going to rain all over your parade...well, sorta...I understand it's Christmas, and I get that family is MUY IMPORTANTE...I get it...I have family of my own. Let me just say that if ANYONE under the age of oh, say, like 85 years old comes down with even the slightest sniffle/cough/runny nose/tummy thingy---they are banned and their Christmas party invite is rapidly revoked. Santa, or the postman can bring their presents. Or they can come get them in a week or 3 after they are no longer germy!!! Cause Mrs J DOESN'T need germy around her, and neither do you, for the foreseeable future. I know that this is harsh, I get it...but chemo, as John Blackshoe and others have stated, chemo effects are cumulative. So, yes, order out the meal, or have everyone bring something...(might be better, that way ya get the family favorites without all the work)...but right now, Mom can't do what Mom has always done. Mom needs to be keeping her energy focused on kicking cancer's ass. Just saying...
    And yes, Beans is 1000 percent sure that YOU are getting your stuff dealt with too!! You need to stay healthy so you can take care of her!!!! No slacking off!!
    Am keeping the entire clan, esp Mrs J, in prayer.
    Climbing off the soapbox and taking off the Scrooge hat---which I only put on as I have seen this A LOT, and IT NEVER ENDS WELL!!!
    Just kinda take most of Christmas off, esp the heavy cooking and housecleaning/decorating parts...Baby Jesus understands, everyone else can take a rain check for next year...heck, he was born in manger in a stable...and if it bugs other folks, they can come and do it for ya so you don't have to.
    Suz aka Mrs Scrooge ;)

    1. Suz (≠ Scrooge by far)
      Got to the "Don't come near if not feeling well" step in the checklist in the early planning stages. We will continue to be firmly vigilant, although hearing it from someone experienced in that situation might be helpful.
      Haven't really decided on Christmas Dinner yet. Tradition has been a Mesquite Smoked Prime Rib. Which is actually quite easy. Just got to pay attention to the smoke and heat and start it on time. So may still do that and farm out the sides and desserts etc to HEB (Texas' version of Safeway only much better).
      As I said in an earlier comment. " Stay healthy! Aye Aye, Mon Capitaine! " I'll do the best I can, There are an awful lot of weird demons floating through my brain at 0300. Stifling them is sometimes pretty difficult.
      Thanks, Suz, as always your advice is very helpful and spot on!

    2. Suz, Mrs J here. Thanks to being a certified planner (courtesy of Army Command & Staff College). I had decorating planned for my week off. One project for every other day so I could pause when needed. Daily naps included. That way when I’m vegging on the couch I see Christmas and am relaxed & happy.
      My heartfelt thanks to you all for your thoughts and prayers. I really do feel their power at work. Best regards to all. Smurph (AKA Mrs J)

  11. Prayers continue, and best wishes for an excellent holiday with the family!

    1. Thanks OldNFO, best wishes to you and your's also!


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