
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

On the Road ...

'Tis back to Little Rhody today. The long sojourn in Maryland has come to an end.

It was a good time, but duty calls. Next week.

I'm off until Monday. 

So I've got that going for me.


The photo is from a few years back, that's Big Time flying as wingman.


  1. Safe travels Sarge and enjoy the time off!

  2. Enjoy your travels, and the return. Happy New Year to all!

  3. I hope your travels are easy and enjoyable.
    Plug for our museum ( National Museum of WWII Aviation) tickets for the Piles Peak Regional Air Show (Aug17 and 18) went on sale yesterday.
    Rob Gale

    1. They were!

      As to your museum, Rob, check the sidebar under Tail Numbers, Museums, and Records. Permanent link to the museum lives there.

    2. Wow! Talk about being " mentioned in dispatches"! Thanks!

  4. Vaya con Dios, Sarge! I hope you'll use the time to recharge the batteries further.
    Boat Guy

    1. I shall be running on the surface, far from enemy eyes, recharging the batteries!

  5. Safe travels to all. Prayers up for al dealing with medical stuff.

    1. Hopefully there ain't much o' that medical stuff in the New Year, "Knock on wood." (As I tap myself on the head ...)

  6. Safe travels, Sarge.

    TB the Elder was a lifelong Dodgers fan, and one of the best memories I have of 2020 (amidst all the lousy ones) was the fact that the Dodgers were in the World Series. It happened while I was in town and we got to watch it on the television together. I am not really a baseball guy, but it made my dad happy we could watch it together.

  7. By the time you read this, you'll be back in RI, but safe travels nevertheless. Speaking of Big-Time, does he still get to fly, or is he stuck in staff-weenie hell? Happy New Year.

    1. I am back (man, you are prescient, or something). Big Time still gets stick time, I think he's CAG Ops.

  8. Enjoy(ed) your drive, if that's possible.

    Must have been thrilling having F/A 18s fly that low over a stadium.

    1. Big Time enjoys the flyovers, a lot.

      The drive was not bad, other some New Yorkers not knowing how to clear a fender-bender on the Cross Bronx Expressway that is. Ee-jits come in all shapes and sizes, but tow truck drivers seem to have more than their fair share.

    2. He’s in pretty tight formation. Thunderbird/Blue Angel formation, not normal fingertip. Not criticizing, just saying. You gotta look good when the whole world is watching. They succeeded, IMHO

    3. Two good sticks airborne that day. No brag, just fact. 😉

  9. I'm happy you explained the picture. I may have at one time, explained my disdain for the Dodgers. The short story is I was a huge fan until 1958.

    Spending the holidays with family is the best thing since Otto Rohwedder sold the first the bread slicer Chillicothe, Missouri. Traveling for the holidays, not so much. We were fortunate to find decent weather during our stay in Wisconsin.

    1. Now that's a grudge! I hate the Chargers, and will maintain that until they're sold. After that I just will dislike them heavily.

    2. 1958?!?! Damn, they must have really pissed you off. (That's was their first year in L.A., right? Were you a Brooklyn Dodgers fan?)

    3. Tuna - I'm trying to think of a football team I just can't stand, lemme see ...

      Oh yeah, the Eagles. Don't ask.

  10. Gorram Blogger! htom, your comment got deleted while I was attempting to reply to it. No, "Are you sure" but it was just bloody gone. Not even a "by your leave ..."

    Anyhoo, htom mentioned Otto Rohwedder, the dude who invented the first bread slicer. Damn, talk about setting the bar for measuring greatness!


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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