
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Still in the Doldrums

So that photo shows how I feel Saturday night, pretty beat up, pretty tired, but game. I don't plan on striking my colors any time soon ...

But Lord, let this malady pass quickly.

Other than a Roman legionary wearing spectacles, I like this one (before I forget, go here to "build your own". I hope to feel this good on Sunday, which will be another day of mostly sleep. (2200 to 1000 over Friday night, a fairly solid 12 hours, which is why I don't nap, not enough time in the day.)

Monday I'm aiming for that Viking look ...

Look out world.

If you haven't glommed onto the central theme of today's post ... Yeah, not feeling it. Thanks to my mate down in New Zealand for finding that website. I love playing with that sort of thing.


  1. HA! I am entertained!..........:)

  2. Here's hoping for a great Sunday!

  3. "Doldrums" or "In Irons?"

    First photo, "Sonny, I ain't got the time or the patience to deal with you today" as you shove the bayonet out his back.

    Get well, mentally and physically. Gettin' old ain't for the weak or timid.

    1. The Doldrums is an area of fickle winds and sudden storms, It also means a period of stagnation. "In irons" means the ship is pointed into the wind, that sails are aback, and falling off to either side is recommended in order to regain the wind. My situation illustrates the doldrums to a tee.

      The healing occurs, just not fast enough for my tastes. Patience has never been my strong suit.

    2. Thanks. From what you've said about your situation it seemed to me as if you were heading into the wind, sails luffing, might have to launch the boats to bring the bow around some.

    3. Nope, not moving at all, frustrating as hell.

  4. Doldrums seems apropos. Fair winds and following seas come Monday, Sarge! Look for ya to be underway, making way by Tuesday.
    Boat Guy

  5. Sarge, I have to admit that some of the art I see from AI is pretty interesting (also pretty silly at times, but pretty interesting).

    Best luck on the rest. I had a long sleep last night as well - or at least, I made myself have a long sleep - so hopefully I can put this sinus curse to rest for good as it has been dogging me for over a month.

    1. Slept for about 12 hours Saturday into Sunday. Felt decadent but it felt good.

  6. Ah, yes, know how you feel. Been working with the pharmacy to get a med filled. Yesterday was The Day of Poo (as in feeling it) so I didn't call to check on the meds that were to be filled (promised by the manager no less) yesterday. Of course, call in today and find out that after confirming the rather expensive cost (beginning of the year bullscat) they're out of that med and won't be fillable till Wednesday and that's when I let out a four letter word for 'copulation' rather loudly, as my patience was bent over a grating and being flogged with a cat-o-9-tails and the captain of The Misery was considering keelhauling me and said Misery hadn't been beached and scraped for years...

    Two minutes later day manager is explaining to me I shouldn't use four letter words and then she got to hear all about it. Gave her the full broadsides and then warped the ship around and unloaded the bow, stern and other broadsides at her, in a cold, hard, miserable voice as to how we had set up the pills to be filled Saturday, just checking on them Sunday, confirmed the expense on Thursday, will be out TODAY and they are not the type of pills one can lollygag around and just 'skip.'

    So other than waking up Mrs. Andrew with my rather vocal four letter word, my day has gone... swimmingly. As in the sharks are swimming after my flogged body and I'm getting ready to be dragged under the ship for no other reason than it's the way my life goes.

    Sorry to hear that your days have not gone great.

    Hmmm... Maybe I'll cough up a chunk of lung butter while standing in the line and see if I get a decom team response like in "Monsters Inc." Yeah, maybe... not.

    1. Pharmacies, as of late, seem to care less and less about their customers. Guess they're pissed that they can't "work" from home.

    2. This is one of 'those' medications that the Affordable Care Act and The Lightbringer have made it all but impossible for certain individuals to relocate, as availability to the pharmacy is 'scheduled' by previous months' usages, and there's a weird 'not more than 2 days before the prescription is out can it be filled' and it's also one of those that availability is sketchy thanks to The Clintons and The Lightbringer sending all of our pharmaceutical companies oversees, like to the ChiComs. Worse is if she doesn't have a dose available it could potentially end up an end-of-life event but the bureaucracy doesn't want her to build up a stockpile of needed drugs because, obviously, she's a street dealer and selling her critical medications is much more important than, oh, say, breathing or pumping blood or other vital body functions.

      Just having one of those bad days, me getting stress-induced IBS and she getting stress-induced asthma.

      So tired of fighting the faceless, soulless bureaucracy. That wants me and mine dead. And to think Sarah Palin got a rash of excrement for calling out 'death boards' and other medical issues.

      Beans, it's the Lord's Day, calm down... Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, you're in a quiet mountain meadow with a stream flowing through it, feel the cold water washing over your hands, listen to the bubbles that break the surface that come from the faceless bureaucrat you're holding under the water, breathe in... breathe out......

    3. They don't want to kill you, that's more paperwork, they just don't care.

    4. Oh, they're actively trying to kill us via indifference and outright not caring. The bastids.

    5. Active as in actively setting the rules and regulations that affect us so negatively.

    6. Okay, maybe. (Do they actually make the rules? Rather different than indifference and not caring. But we're splitting hairs.)

  7. Crusty Old TV Tech here. Happy 3 Kings Day! Well, at least the day it is celebrated in the US Catholic Church, actual Epiphany was yesterday...

    For Sarge, I, Dr. Crusty, prescribe a round of further rest and frequent dosages of good Kentucky hooch. That usually kills whatever is fermenting in my bloodstream!

    For Beans, yeah, sometimes one must channel ones inner Gen. Lemay when the situation requires. Hope the pills come from the pill warehouse soon.

    1. I always go with the 6th, that's the day it was celebrated in the area of Germany where we lived.

  8. Hey, I like that earring look in photo 1. That would be good.

    I see a lot of people with nose rings, which just seems to be confirmation of woke idiocy and a deliberate F-U at conventional values. But, the earring is okay in my book.

    Leo, over there rebuilding Tally Ho has an earring, albeit near the top of the ear instead of dangling off the lobe. If anyone is not familiar with that channel, he is a master craftsman doing an amazing job rebuilding an old sailboat, literally from the keel up. The most recent episode covers some of the work being done on the standing rigging. That's the stuff that holds the mast and spars up and is pretty much permanent, as opposed to running rigging which the crew pulls on to hoist sails, trim yards, etc all the time.

    They have done about 150 episodes (new one every other Saturday), and each is enlightening and inspirational. Here is the latest one:

    Of course, I think the color should be haze gray, and it needs a few guns and gun ports.
    John Blackshoe.

    1. All right! Another thing to get immersed in!

      With the moustache, the earring seems to go well.

  9. I like the first picture--especially the scars on the left of your you a tough Napoleon-isque look... but I am feeling a lot more like the Viking one due to the snow in the eyebrows...have about 8" on the ground currently with another 4 hours of wet and heavy predicted...but the good news is it's supposed to hit 50 on Wednesday, so what doesn't get shoveled/plowed Mother Nature will take away.


    1. Around 3 AM is was looking like we were going to get a lot of snow, then it started raining. Now in the early afternoon we're getting heavy wet snow. The weather boffins say no more than 6 inches. But yes, later in the week it'll all be gone.

  10. Getting meds has become a hassle. Worse, if you fail to obtain the med (or they think you did) they sometime refuse to fill. There are days I think those in chrage are really smart ... and then I realize their luck is running out.

    1. Some places are getting really bad about that, the insurance bean counters are driving the bus.

      Profit über Alles!


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