
Praetorium Honoris

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

A Pause in the Action ...

OAFS Photo
Okay, once again Daylight Saving Time has left me tired and crabby (almost said "cranky," don't wanna set Joe off, you know how, well, cranky he gets). But yeah, we sprang ahead Sunday in the wee hours. (Not me, I reset my analog watch at 22:00, suddenly it's 23:00, time travel is exhausting.)

Anyhoo, it takes longer for me to adjust to this crap every year, but once I'm retired, who needs a clock? Then Uncle Sam can fuss with the clocks all he wants. I'll just roll over and go back to sleep.

So yeah, Jürgen is stuck in the East with his one-legged cousin Herbert, sitting at a back table in a small café in Dresden waiting for ...

I don't know yet. Might be cloak and dagger stuff, might be something completely innocent. The Muse has yet to reveal her plan as of yet.

So in the meantime, check out those plants above (The Missus Herself cultivates them, I just admire then). I really like them, good thing, the manse is inundated with 'em!

That book above is my current read, hard to put down. It's contributing to my tiredness as I keep glancing at my watch in the night hours and saying, "Just one more chapter, I can still get ..."

8 ...

7 ...

6 ...

5 hours of sleep.

Okay, time to put it down and go to bed. The next morning I ask myself. "Why?"

And the answer is always, "Why not?"

Be seeing you, gotta book to finish reading!


  1. I do that with a good book and I pay for it the next day.

    1. Well, I figured that the transition to DST was going to mess me up anyway. Might as well have a good book as company!

  2. Ah, the Joy of Reading, an activity that can be done of the benefits of retirement Sarge........ :) Mr. Coonts puts out some very good tales, let's hear it for Jake Grafton.

    1. I read myself to sleep every night. And one of the joys of going to ebooks, aside from the fact that I can read them without my glasses, is that I can turn the light off, snuggle down, and read until I fall asleep and the device falls from my hand. Don't have to turn a light off as I'm about to fall asleep, don't have to put a bookmark in and put the book on a shelf. Just drift off.

      Unless the electronic device falls from my hand and hits my face.

      Also, when I wake up a zero dark, I can pick up the device, read a few pages and drift off again. I can feel wide awake, chimp down in bed, read, sometimes less than a page, and be back asleep.

    2. Nylon12 - Via my books I can travel to strange lands, meet interesting people, and entertain myself for hours doing so. (What did you think I was going to say? There's an old GI saying about strange lands and interesting people.)

    3. Joe - For me it has to be paper.

    4. I have several books "in progress". A bedtime one is mildly interesting (my current one is a 1930's school geography), but not gripping enough stay awake to finish it. For me, paper is easier to pick up and put down (or drop). And if you can't sleep anyway, better to do something productive like reading.

  3. Zeus in a kilt on a unicycle! I'm NOT cranky! Obnoxious, yeah, that I am, but good natured about it!
    Ok...grumpy sometimes...and grumbly (is that a word and a state of mind?) but not....

    Hmmm.....maybe I do get cranky......

    1. Wrong Joe, you didn't chase the link, did you?

    2. I did. But figured I'd have some fun with it anyway.

      Didn't really need to follow the link to know you were talking about that bitter, violent, psychotic old man.

    3. Hahaha! (You got me. It was funny. I need to work "Zeus in a kilt on a unicycle!" into my daily speech pattern.)

  4. East Germany after the war but before the wall goes up... some of us never thought about a divided Germany without the wall! One of those before my time deals...
    It looks like spring out your front window... enjoy the day and the read!

    1. It's starting to feel like spring, I love it!

  5. It doesn't matter if we spring ahead, or fall back, somehow I manage to lose at least an hour of sleep every time. Sunday I woke up at 4:30 PDT for no reason at all. Today? Heading to Tampa, so of course I woke up far earlier than necessary.

    I'm reading the latest Mitch Rapp novel. I miss Vince Flynn.

    1. I tried so very hard to like the first Mitch Rapp novel after Vince died, just wasn't the same. Won't buy another.

    2. They aren't him, but entertaining I guess.

    3. If it had been anybody but Mitch Rapp I might have enjoyed it, but I had expectations, which weren't met.

  6. Sarge, we sadly had an early flight booked on Sunday - and then realized that DST was happening. It perhaps speaks to the complete dysfunction of government that even with this, a universally loathed item of virtually no importance, Congress still cannot act.

    1. There's noise being made about making DST permanent, Senate approved such a bill a while back, the House never voted on it.I lived in a place where we kept DST instead of "falling back" one year. It was extremely unpopular. It was essentially still night when the kids were going to school in the morning. Potential for accidents is high. Get rid of DST altogether, don't "make it permanent."

      If government is for it, it's probably a very bad idea.

      And Congress? They are useless.

    2. That would mean kids go to school in the dark almost all year round.

    3. I vote we just go back to "Time". That said, I also vote we go back to the Chinese Zodiac times. "I filled out the report at 0810" sounds much less epic than "There I was, fighting the Paper Demons of Bureaucracy at The Hour of The Dragon..."

    4. Tuna - That's exactly what happened. It's bad, very bad.

    5. Or...use the Hours of 3 Horologion...Prime, Tirce, Sext, Nones, Vespers, Compline, Nocturne, Matins.

      By my hand, at the second hour of sext, on this, the thirteenth day of March, of the Year of the Cosmos Seven Thousand Five Hundred and Thirty-two, the 12th Indiction.

  7. Sunday- Smacked by DST.
    Monday- Another hour stolen heading east to a different time zone.
    Tuesday- Repeat.
    I'm too old to be happy with any of the above.
    But I don't complain too much when reversing any of the above.

    Ditto the joy of books on the printed page.

    1. My vote is to keep standard time, no springing ahead, no falling back. It's all nonsense.

    2. There's a reason it's called STANDARD.

    3. My solution is to set my clocks ahead/back Saturday afternoon, so I am partially acclimated (resigned) to the time change. Keep standard time.

    4. Keep standard time!

      Daylight Saving Time, delenda est!

  8. Serious hatred of switching time garbage. Bleh.

    I like ebooks because it doesn't strain my hands, and it's easier to adjust the focus and size of the letters than with a paper book. Plus I don't have to find room for yet another book.

    Let's hope our hero gets his family out.

  9. TG fer DST; it reminds me that every day's another day gittin' closer to the geese travl'n' back north (Honk! Honk!), the traffic gets lighter, y' kin git to yur favorite waterin' hole in under 15 mins - n' git a table), and the beaches become pristine again (pristinate?).


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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