
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Creativity Drought Continues ...

Screen capture from the video below
Dang ...

I am just not feeling it this week. I wonder if the Muse got caught up in some mass arrest in some far away country. Probably picked up while frequenting some seedy dive bar in search of material to inspire me.

I said, "raise the bar," not, "go to a bar."

Anyhoo, here's a couple of videos to tide you over.

This reminds me of high school when the gym teacher would play substitute for the math/science/social studies/history teacher. We always got to watch a film.

Good times ...

But these videos, from the incomparable Mike Rowe, are simply outstanding.

I'll try harder, the week is almost over.

Oh wait, I gotta do my taxes.

Standby, this could take a while.

Talk quietly among yourselves.

Stay out of the liquor cabinet, I've got security cameras.


  1. Taxes, oh..... thanks for reminding me Sarge. Just got this year's property tax papers yesterday and there's the upcoming street reconstruction payment due later this year......ouch! Thanks for the vids, distraction needed this early morn.

    1. The videos reminded me of the two times I got to ride carriers at sea, good times. Those kids work their asses off!

  2. Dealing with the government's confiscation program will "tax" (sorry) anybody's spirit, Sarge. Hope the Muse hasn't run afoul of the IRS; they've got powers Himmler would envy.
    The "incomparable Mike Rowe" indeed! I've been enjoying a lot of his programs lately and his recent podcast with Gabby Reese was especially good. I've also been watching naval stuff with "Drachinfels" (sp?) including one on the Great Lakes training carriers Wolverine and Sable.
    We'll be here, Sarge; though I can't promise that you may not find the contents of any unsealed whiskey bottles somewhat diluted when you return.
    Boat Guy

    1. I had to track that guy down, I think I've watched one of his videos before. He spells it Drachinifel, whenever I hear that name I think of Drachenfels in Germany, different spellings. I need to watch more of his stuff, I subscribed some months back but haven't been keeping up. (Yup, watched one, subscribed, then forgot all about it, grrr.)

      "Somewhat" diluted? I'd be disappointed in this crowd if they weren't heavily diluted.

    2. Well...if we dilute them past a certain point, we'd just as well finish them, n'est c'pas?

    3. Himmler? Heck, it has powers Лаврентий Павлович would envy.

    4. (With authority, how a bad day starts). From an older book I have somewhere, Hitler believed in astrology. The Brits were collaborating with their astrologers to predict bad things for Germany. More positive predictions were needed. There was a well-known female German astrologer. Early one morning, there was a knock on her door. There stood Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler. "We would like a word with you, Frau..."

    5. The Nazis were kinda goofy that way.

  3. OAFS (wait....that doesn't look good, does it?) SARGE, it seems that your muse is going to ground more and more frequently. As much as you are dedicated to your job it may be time for you to pull the plug. Creative juices drying up is one of the signs of burnout.

    1. I actually use OAFS a lot, it's an affectation of sorts.

      Hhmm, burnout, quite possible. I shall have to reassess my situation.

    2. When work shows up each morning and you're not actually raring to go it's time to look for the exit. I think most of us, not all, end up wondering how we got all of it done when we worked.

    3. I found the exit, it's just a little further than I thought. I'll make it.

  4. Good videos. Mr. Rowe does a great job interacting with the world.

    "Burnout." Shudder. Been there, did not like, prefer to never return. Took a long time to recover. It's better to avoid it. Even the booze tastes bad. I wish I could tell you how to avoid it, but it seems most roads go through there. Don't stop.

  5. It's your Friday isn't it? Enjoy!

    1. Oh yes it is! Definitely anticipating the weekend!

  6. Sarge,
    Don't sweat the small stuff, we'll be here when you're ready. As to the bigger stuff, hang in there, don't panic just handle it the best you can at that time. The big decision is "Go or Stay", once that's been made, along with the "When", it's pretty easy after that. Decisions made after the first one are easy to change, modify or ignore.

  7. Me too Sarge, me too. Not sure why I am suddenly bereft of things to write about. Partially for me at least, it is just the state of things right now that make it very hard to not right anything that sounds depressed or angry.

    1. Yeah, you're in the middle of a very big change, you seem to be handling well so far. Hang in there.

  8. Mike should have put on a brown shirt and lugged around some tie-down chains or jet servicing equipment. Now THAT's a dirty job!

    1. Yup, that would have given him an even deeper appreciation of the flight deck guys.

    2. He did do brown shirt work on the full episode. Used the little push bar to reset the wire.

    3. That's right, I believe that's in the second video.

  9. y'know (not that i've ever had the experience - I hate horses. get along quite well with the larger members of the cat family, but I've never been able to trust horses).
    I've heard tell of the time a cowboy went to saddle his horse, which just didn't want to go chasin' cattle that day.
    every time he came closer carrying the saddle, the horse just moved away and the faster he ran to the horse, the faster the horse ran away.
    I heer'd he finally put a couple of sweet apples near the corral fence (the saddle was now lying there on the top rail) and his wait weren't all that long 'til the horse came amblin' along to have a sniff at those delicious red globes.
    weren't nary too long 'til the cowboy was settin' on that saddle on his way to the lower forty.
    BTW: I've also heard tell that relaxation in a good armchair and dreams (a wee dram o' Scotch don't hurt none neither) has been known to draw the ornariest of Muses.

    1. Horses can be contrary critters. I've done a little riding, once you establish who's in charge, things are good. Provided it ain't the horse that won the election!

    2. I really like horses; though at this stage I need an hour on my back for every hour on horseback. I've always thought of them as kinda dumb dogs big enough to carry me and spare me some walking.

    3. I can't imagine what it would be like to ride now, at my age. I'd also pity the poor horse, I weigh quite a bit more than when I was in my 20s!

  10. Hope your not coming down with a case of the competency crisis. I hear it's going around. Pretty sure there's no vaxx for that.

  11. Relax Francis, it will come and as far as I know you cannot force it and also, editors cannot force it and also, oddly enough, not even your agent can force it. They all try though. They're quite a trial sometimes. I think a couple of Guinness for strength should do the trick although the real trick would be to slurp them down again at Shakespeare's.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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