
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Taking a Day ...

As yesterday's, perhaps cryptic, footnote indicated (this one - Editor's Note: 72nd revolution around this system's star commences today.), yesterday, May the 8th was my birthday. Okay, technically speaking it was the anniversary of my birthday, which occurred 71 years and 1 day ago.

So yeah, I turned 71 on Wednesday, the editor's note was kind of a "trick" statement. Which prompted one of my co-workers to say, "Why would you put it that way?"

True, why would I? (No doubt The Missus Herself has a theory regarding that. If it isn't an outright certainty.)

But I did. I also decided to take a day off from the story, not to worry it will continue Friday.

Probably. 😎

See you then.


  1. A birthday is a milestone Sarge, not a millstone. Lifting a cold one.......... :)

  2. Weird — I had no difficulty understanding your statement.
    Where I get confused is when I try to figure out how old my own offspring are… and their kids.
    My youngest will be 48 tomorrow, but I can’t possibly have a child that old.

    1. My youngest turns 40 this year. So yeah, I get that.


  4. As this blog's safety advisor, could I recommend a different Cake Aging Indicator plan (CAIP)? A larger candle (not huge, just larger) for every 10 years and 1 smaller candle for the intermittent years. For the first time this year, the temperature at Rancho Juvat was in the 90's. There were no weather anomalies in the area, so I can only account for the temperature by the photographic evidence of your birthday cake. Please take my suggestion to heart. I mean, think of the whales!
    Seriously, hope you had a good one and have many more.

  5. I wish you many more revolutions, though I'm not certain (from the vantage point of a dozen years) if that's a kindness or a curse.

    1. Depends on one's health really. If you're healthy living long is good, all sorts of health issues, then yeah, the alternative might be better.

    2. Health is the vital component, Sarge; may you remain so!

      Boat Guy

  6. I believe at a certain point, you should just stop keeping count and say "Old enough".

    1. There are no real rules, you can do that if you really want to... I'd think the hard part would be remembering to say "Ole enough" when someone asks you...

    2. TB - Concur but with the caveat that I'm sure I'll never reach the "old enough to know better" stage.

    3. Rob - I don't mind telling people my age, but yeah, "Rules?"

    4. Maybe it's the wrong time in history to use the word "rules", they don't seem to mean as much today, which side you're on seems to mean more... Maybe "guidelines" is a better way to say that?

    5. Ooh, guidelines, sorta the way Rhode Islanders view traffic laws. (Seriously, they have no clue.)

    6. Ya...guidelines... that's the ticket!

  7. As Simon and Garfunkel might sing:

    I've got no deeds to do, no promises to keep
    I'm dappled and drowsy and ready to sleep
    Let the morning time drop all its petals on me
    Life, I love you, all is groovy

    Old enough to know better, smart enough not to care. Been there done that.

    Celebrate and enjoy life. Trouble will still be there tomorrow.

  8. Congratulations on another trip around the sun, or the universe, or whatever.

  9. Why did you do it that way? Because... you're weird. It's the way your mind works. It's like the way I express molecules in an organic chemistry way while everyone else does it the 'normal' way (Hydrogen Hydroxide vs H2O, ifn you get my drift.) Or to make it cooler in the house do you turn the ac down or up (down means cooler to me)?


    (Traditional "Mongol" birthday song)
    Happy birthday.
    Happy birthday.
    Let the candles on your cake
    Burn like cities in your wake
    Happy birthday.

    1. To me, down means cooler, up means warmer, I turn the AC down and the heat up.

      Love the Mongol version.

      And thanks!

    2. Dang it! You HAD to do it!

  10. Hey, H.B. again! But really I just wanted to post some good news!
    I made two appointments with VA healthcare - on the computer - without a error message for the whole experience!!
    Just wanted everyone to know. Maybe they programmed it right!
    PS. I had a new friend think I was 96 the other day. I hope we're still friends when he finds out the truth! Lesse, if I am 96, I would have been an L/C or Bird back in the day. Oh! the thoughts that come to mind.

    1. You don't look a day over 60. 😎

      A government computer program that worked correctly?

      This is my surprised face ...

  11. Happy Birthday, Sarge! Old Coastie sends...

  12. Hey, it's your birthday. You can put it as confusingly as you want! 🤣

    1. "I'm an old man, I'm confused!" - Jerry Seinfeld's Uncle Leo

  13. Happy belated birthday to you, happy belated birthday to you, happy belated birthday to yoooouuuu, happy belated birthday to you!!
    And many more!!


  14. Happy Birthday, Sarge! Congratulations! You are now as old as I am. But in a month, I'll pull ahead again.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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