
Praetorium Honoris

Saturday, June 15, 2024

All Things Must Pass ...

OAFS Photo
It was our little slice of heaven for a little less than a week.

Sea and Sky.

Surf and Sun.

Nature at it's finest.

Fun with the grandkids.

But like the man said, all things must pass ...

Back to work on Monday as we wind down to retirement.

Sigh ...

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OAFS Photo

OAFS Photo

OAFS Photo

Sarge, on the shore of Chesapeake Bay
OAFS Photo
Be seeing you ...


  1. Seeing those seashore photos, I kept hearing the "Jaws" theme Sarge............ :)

    1. We saw a ray yesterday, horseshoe crab, hermit crabs, cormorants, gulls, one great blue heron, and an osprey. Not to mention E-2 Hawkeyes, F/A-18 Hornets, an F-35, and no partridges in pear trees.

  2. Back to the grind....again... Have a good week!

    1. Supposed to be in the 90s this week. Hello summer.

  3. Sarge,
    "All things must pass", well, except for the memories. I'm thinking you and yours have some spectacular ones. The good news is you can pull them out whenever needed. break's over, back on your head. (An old fighter pilot joke that's not entirely family friendly.)

  4. Well deserved and well spent family vacation time and location. It does not get much better than that!
    Thanks for sharing some of it with us virtual family members. I hope doing so did not detract from time spent with actual kith and kin.

  5. Glad you got some time to get away, Sarge. To me at least, this seems like a lovely stopping point to the next six months or so now that you have made your decision.

  6. Good vacations never last long enough.

    Though looming retirement sounds good. Only, what, 7 more months? Seems like 7 years, doesn't it?

    As to 90's this week up there where you are, we'uns down he-yah are only supposed to be in the high 80's/low 90's for the next week. Of course, the weather-guessers predicted rain all this last week and it's dry dry dry, crunchy grass dry. Bastid weather guessers...

    1. Beans,
      Sorry, we Texans seem to be soaking up the rain lately. We've had about 10" since May 1st Which is wonderful as our grass is quite green, which makes the horses happy. However, it's still summer in Texas and the temps are in the high 90s. All well and good, however, there is a downside to rain. I believe in Florida it's called humidity. We'uns don't get a lot of that round here. Seriously, walking the hundred yards to the horse barn at 4PM requires a change of shirt on RTB. But, as I said the grass is green and the horses are happy, so...We will survive.

    2. South Florida got 1 foot of rain in a 24 hour period. We had... maybe half an inch all last month. Conditions are favorable for another state-wide inferno like in 1998.

  7. Looks lovely, Sarge. I've never been in that part of the country, but I can feel it.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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