
Praetorium Honoris

Wednesday, June 12, 2024


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So I had a mind to do some writing while on vacation, I mean I'd have the time, right?

Um, look at these pictures and tell me what you think I should be doing?

The view from the front porch.
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The front porch.
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The path to the beach.
Family members making the trek to the water.
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Almost at the beach.
The downed tree is rather poignant, I thought.
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The beach in sight!
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The beach.
It's private, we've got it all to ourselves.
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Looking north from the beach.
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The view from the bedroom.
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The pines.
I spend a lot of time listening to the wind blowing through those pines..
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The approaches to the house on the water.
It's quite a steep hill coming up to the driveway.
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This is inside the house, I suspect some wandering Greeks left it.
The grandsons think it's cool, as do I.
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So you might well suspect that there won't be a whole lot of blogging going on this week. There's just too much to do here. Yes, lying on the beach and frolicking in the water is something "to do." I 'spect I'll be busy with that all week.

Sorry, but the Muse demanded I take a vacation, I just can't keep up with her lately.

Permanent vacation?

Why not?



  1. Dude! Where's the BBQ grill and cooler?

    Have an awesome time, the world will still be here when you and the muse come back.

    1. Grill is on the side of the house, cooler is in th house, being restocked.

  2. Yeah! if the muse doesn't get downtime, like an fine bird, she just won't fly.
    16 years ago, at the ides of March, I sacrificed a sheep to Jupiter, asked Cassandra what was held in store, and told the better half I was retiring in two weeks.
    "Wait, we've gotta discuss this!"
    And sure 'nuf, on 1 April, a day dedicated to (From Middle English fole (“fool”), from Old French fol (cf. modern French fou (“mad”)), that was it!
    "Permanent vacation" - weell,,,, not quite - but close enough.
    Gathered my filthy lucre and turned it into a fluffle.

  3. Oh yeah, looking good there Sarge, that porch needs a lounger or two though........ :)

  4. BEAUTIFUL! Nice house and landscape, too.

  5. Permanent vacation? Work, as in going to work, is a powerful habit to overcome. It can be done...

  6. Looks to me that your Muse has another great idea!

  7. See? This is what we can do with retirement. This seems like a completely justifiable form of research.


  8. Sarge,
    Looks Fabulous! I think it'll be very hard to leave, but...
    As for Retirement, remember my Grand Canyon theory.
    Have fun and best wishes.

  9. AirBnB? Have fun.

  10. FANTASTIC! Well deserved sojourn for all involved. Looks like a GREAT property and superb location.
    Keep an eye on the Muse, they can be incorrigible when off the leash.

    Love the opening photo of the fireman/sheriff/oatmeal salesman pretending to be Air Force vet. I can even read it! Thanks for the mirror job.
    John Blackshoe

    1. When I posted that to FB yesterday, we were out and about and I didn't have my editing SW with me.

      Fixed it for the blog, of course.

  11. Looks lovely!! And, hey!! Save your receipts--when your current story lands on the NY Times best seller list, you can take off your expenses as research...boy, that Muse is pretty darn smart!!
    Truly--it looks wonderful...enjoy!!
    My count down is also commencing, because I have decided that there are waaay more things --- fun things even---to do that going to work just gets in the way of, and the stress that goes along with the work --- that stress, it's time for THAT to go along someplace else.



Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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