
Praetorium Honoris

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Argh ...

‘Helmet fires’ (otherwise known as task saturation, mis-prioritization, situational awareness and channelized attention) can get the best of us, resulting in mishaps.
(photo by Tech. Sgt. Matthew Hannen / composite by David M. Stack)
Between a lack of sleep, multiple things going on at the paying gig, and (to top things off) Microsoft deciding that my computer absolutely, positively needed to be updated, right damn now, it was a heckuva day.

Though sorely tempted to blow off the update, I elected to go ahead. My morale went straight into the dumpster when after five minutes I look over to see "%5 Done."

Argh. Argh. And yes, argh again.

Also, causing me some vexation, I have two possible plot lines to explore in Uprising and cannot, for the life of me, decide which one to pursue next.

Ephraim Johansen, how does he know that operation name? Is he a traitor? A fraud? Some kind of behind-the-scenes super patriot? Does he actually work for the CIA? If not, who does he work for?

Captain Jackson has his doubts, as do I.

And in the Pacific, is everyone going to back off, lick their wounds, and proclaim how sorry they are?

Pretty unlikely.

So you see, the story is at a bit of a crossroads, what happens next?

At this point, your guess is a good as mine.

So ...



  1. Yah, those updates do take time don't they Sarge? As for the plot lines, leave a coin out for your Muse......... :)

    1. Nasssty filthy updatsess, we hates them.

    2. Which is why my primary OS is Linux. I log into Windows 10 once a week to update it and my Kaspersky antivirus.

    3. Not a fan, I use it at work, don't want to use it at home.

  2. D.) None of the above.

  3. I sympathize Sarge - for all the right reasons, this has been a remarkable unproductive week of writing. Life and all.

    My vote: "Godzilla enters the chat...."

    1. With a President named Nakagawa, that might just work.

  4. I have been running a flavor of Linux as my media and print server for over 20 years - 3 different older laptops. My current server box is running Zorin. If I have any problems with the OS on my laptop or the wife's I will be putting Zorin on them.

    1. I am not a big Linux fan, for various reasons.

  5. there is a way to utilize both to good effect
    Trust me! (heh)

  6. If you take the Pacific thing in a particular direction you can turn the story into a post-apocalypse tale without too much work....

    1. I know, and I find that prospect frightening.

  7. MS update process really sucks. It used to be that they would tell you "update is available" and you could initiate it at YOUR convenience. Now, the damn things just show up and infiltrate and gum up the works until you are forced to submit to the whims of the MS gods. Then it usually takes another restart or two before things settle down. So far, I have resisted all attempt to force installation of Windows 11, fearing it will be even more annoying. Frankly, old Windows XP was far beyond anything I ever needed, but when they end support [i.e.- they stop patching the bugs and vulnerabilities found in THEIR product] users have no choice but to throw the dice on a new version.

    I am enough of a Luddite that I refuse to even consider Linux or other options which would require reprogramming my decidedly non-technical brain to learn new tricks and forget old ones painfully acquired in the past.

    1. I know people who swear by Linux, I use it at work and tolerate it. But I'm with you, I'm not going to switch operating systems and deal with the myriad problems that involves. So for now, I suffer through the updates.

    2. Much of Windows actions ALSO work in Linux.

    3. Dude, it's my job working with this stuff. I know how it all works, I just prefer to NOT use Linux at home.

  8. Ahhh, Sarge, so it's gonna be one of those 'you choose the ending" books!

    1. Oh no! I hope I didn't give you that impression. I will admit that sometimes I find something in the comments that gets incorporated in the story, but let y'all dictate the plot? I wouldn't put that burden on anyone.

  9. No worries from my perspective. I get more reading done in a short time here on this story than I get in the book on my beside table. That's because I only pick it up as I go to bed and I barely get a page or two down before I crash. Your story is better than the formulaic Clancy derivative that I'm reading now anyway.

  10. You could end abruptly with " Then the meteor "

  11. Rumour has it that Windows is becoming a Linux interface. And the Y2038 bug is coming, our attempts to defeat it at Y2K were declared "not going to be problems."


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