
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Survivors ...

World War I: transport of the wounded
Ugo Matania
I came across these interviews with two men who survived the Great War. An Irishman in the British Army and a German. Both were enlisted men, both saw things which would drive a modern fellow mad. Different times, much food for thought here.

All that then go back to peace time. Not sure how anyone could handle that. Many did, and still do.

Pray for peace.

But not at any cost, there are things worth fighting for.


  1. Good vids to post this day Sarge, drones are making it really tough for the PBI and grunts nowadays........ :(

  2. Someone’s peace is always disturbed.
    As long as there’s selfishness in the world, there will be a disturbance.

  3. Yes! these are old men who've had the good luck to see the world through the lenses of life's experiences: what glasses/lenses/vision did they have at 18/19?

    1. What always gets me is the insane horror of that war, then to repeat it (in a far worse way) 21 years later.

  4. It's strange how time streches and compresses over the years. I had a civics teacher in my sophomore year of high school who still suffered from being gassed in WW1. We thought he was really old at the time. To see WW1 veterans alive today puts s much different perspective on that.

    1. My great-grandfather fought in the Civil War, his son, my paternal grandfather, was in the Army during WWI, defending the Panama Canal, served under a guy named Eisenhower. Time flows, stretches, and compresses.

  5. I constantly wonder about war as a weird form of population control:
    they draft (or ask to volunteer) the best and bravest to put in harm's way, and leave the remnant to reproduce
    just my wry eye


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