
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, August 26, 2024

Manic Monday*

 So...There I was** minding my own business doing computer things on my 10 year old computer with WIN10 on it.  I'm pretty happy with it, it gets me through the day fairly well.  Then I get a message popping up on the screen saying I have to upgrade to WIN11 and my files will be uploaded to the cloud.  That was the instant I was no longer a  Windows fan.  I'd been one since Windows first came out.  Talked it over with Little J whether I should go Linux or Mac.  Surprisingly, since he does a lot of his work on Linux, he recommended Mac for me.  

So, This here posting is being written on my MacBook Pro. 

I've had it about a week and am starting to teach my fingers the tricks of the trade for Mac and to forget the Window's ones.  For some reason they no longer work.

Yes, Beans, I still have my Win10 computer.  I'm migrating things over as best I can, but I had an awful lot on it and the portable hard drive plugged in to it.  Which is nearly full.  

Not quite ready to turn off my Windows machine,  as I still haven't got my fingers trained to the Mac way of doing things, but I'm getting there.

So, please forgive any horrifying mistakes there might be in this posting.

Mrs J and I had a pleasant surprise Saturday,  Little J and his gang called us. Now, I'm still a bit trapped in my own history and the "way things were".  I remember my first operational assignment to the 80TFS, "The Juvats" in December of '79 at Kunsan AB, ROK.  It was the first time that I'd not celebrated Christmas at my folks house. The weather was crappy, I hadn't flown much, not qualified in the D model F-4 and IP availability also impacted getting airborne.  So, I was feeling a bit down.  Somebody mentioned that one could phone home, but there was a charge to do so.  

I figured "What the heck? I'll surprise Mom and pull myself out of this funk!"  So I did.  Talked to them for about 10 minutes.  Perked me up quite nicely.  Then I got the bill.  $100 smackers.  I don't remember exactly, but that was a significant percentage of my monthly salary.  Suffice it to say, letter writing became the "normal" way of communication from then on.

That memory from 40+ years ago, came back as Mrs J and I sat on the sofa and chatted with Little J and family.  Not just vocal, but video also.  For about an hour or so.

The first 10 minutes or so were interesting.  Apparently, Miss B didn't recognize us on the screen, so was a bit shy and reserved.  Then, all of a sudden, the lightbulb went on and we were known entities.  I was once again referred to as "Papa Julio".

(Don't ask me how that epithet came about, but the Grandkids all call me that. So it is written, so it shall be!)

But it was very nice to chat with them.  They're settling in nicely, although still waiting for their Hong Kong Nanny to arrive.

The big event coming up this week is that MBD and The Rev are going on a marriage retreat (Swahili for a bit of He/She time alone) later this week.  MG and Leo will be staying with Papa Julio and Mrs J for a few days.  Should be highly entertaining.

And...Just Because.  Apparently, Leo has discovered a new music genre.  I think there's something to it.  I'm sure Beans will develop a new dance step for it!

 Peace Out, y'all!

* With apologies to The Bangles 

**Standard juvat opening line


  1. Replies
    1. StB,
      Will do, looking forward to a bit of Grandparent spoiling activities.

  2. Can remember when the cheapest time to call long distance was Sunday night.....Chicago back to Duluth. More grandkid time coming up, get plenty of rest before then juvat........ :)

    1. Nylon,
      Times sure have changed, haven't they?
      Rest, before, yep! Rest, after? Most definitely!!!!

    2. Times have indeed changed. I was in an apartment with two others my senior year of college. When we checked the price for a land line, we decided we didn't need one. Mom asked how she could get ahold of me. My reply was that if it was important enough, have the Sheriff (my Dad's cousin) find me. Otherwise, send a letter.

    3. Don,
      WELL, that would work, and probably did back in the day.

  3. Pretty machine. Leo and I have similar tastes in entertainment, if not music.

    Papa Julio? I'm guessing that's pronounced in a south of the border fashion?

    1. Sarge,
      Now, I would pay good money for a video of you on your hands and knees playing the door stop! I think we'd be over a million page views in a matter of minutes. Go for it!
      Official pronunciation Who- LEE'- Oh!
      Don't ask me, Call Signs are given not requested.

  4. Learning new hardware while learning new software!! Ugh!!!! You have my condolences sir! But it LOOKS pretty, so...hopefully your fingers will learn MAC easily...

    Self entertainment is an important life skill--glad to see Leo is an early learner!!
    Enjoy your time with the littles, and don't plan to do much the couple of days after except rest for sure!!

    My mother's father was, um, shall we say thrifty? I would call to say hi and see how things were going over in CT, if my gramma answered, we would talk...if grandpa got the phone, he was all how are you, we are fine, glad you called, come and see us soon, this is costing you money, good bye...all said in one breath with no pauses...the first 2 minutes of the long distance call were free, then it was a set rate per minute as I remember...I NEVER got my entire 2 minutes in when Grandpa answered...used to annoy the heck out of me. Like I said, "thrifty". Thanks for the memory!!


    1. Well, my current problem is my PC keyboard is on a rollout shelf on my desk directly below the Mac. For some reason, when I try to use that keyboard nothing happens on the Mac. Who Knew? ;-)

      Really looking forward to the GrandKids. Should be fun.

      Had to chuckle at the last paragraph. Your Granddad gave a whole new meaning to the word "Thrifty". Well done, sir!

    2. Anybody have luck doing this to stop the 'auto share' ?

    3. Not I and that's the primary reason for the change.

    4. On my Win11 machine, I just told the darned thing to not store to OneDrive (it was an option on setup.) And then I make sure to store to the SSD.

    5. Hmmm, I was led to believe that it was OneDrive or nothing. Interesting.

    6. You can set where to store things under Settings/System/Storage/Advanced Storage Settings/Where new content is saved. For stuff like Microsoft Office 360 it's a little more involved. But you can save to either OneDrive or your local machine. Whoever told you otherwise ...

      Let's just say, I wouldn't buy a car from them.

    7. Interesting, Thanks for the pointer. Although, I'm starting to like my Mac!

  5. Juvat, you remind me of the time I was abroad at school in Ireland and may have called home once during my time there. "There I was..." as the saying goes, standing in a phone both in Western Ireland with the pre-paid calling card from Price Club talking almost as fast as I could to limit the charges. Glad to hear everyone is settling in.

    Good to know about the Window 10 issue. I have a computer of similar age, vintage, and operating system and have no intent of having The Borg helpfully store all my files.

    1. THBB,
      Yeah, the only machine that I've experienced in my life that eats money faster than a pay phone is a slot machine in Vegas. My Dad retired from the USAF at Nellis and became the facilities engineer for Howard Hughes' hotels. He warned me about the slots, but, me being me...An expensive lesson, but I was still young, unmarried and a LT, so I had plenty of excuses, but the lesson took hold from then on.

    2. I don't know if they still have them, but nickel slots were the way to go (one nickel at a time). You still lost money, but it took longer.

    3. Don,
      Haven't been out there in about 20 years, since my parents passed., So, can't provide any intel there on. But, back int the day, you were right. It did take a bit longer to wipe you out.

    4. The one time I couldn't lose was the last night (of my only time in Vegas). I had about five $1 chips, and the exchange was way across the other side of the old MGM. Decided to get rid of them in a slot machine. I would just keep winning. Nothing big, dollar back or up a dollar. Took me about an hour and a half to rid of them.

    5. Don,
      As my Dad used to warn me, "They don't pay that light bill by losin'"
      just sayin.

  6. I'd be lost switching to an Apple product, but I don't like that all my files, are defaulted to being saved in the cloud, vice my hard drive. The Leo vid is cute, and those door stoppers are fun to play with at any age!

    1. Tuna,
      "defaulted to being saved in the cloud". Zackly! While I trust a lot of people, I definitely don't trust ALL people! So...

  7. I remember being too shy to talk to the long-distance operator. Those were the days... not.

    1. Beans,
      You? Shy?
      Say it isn't so!

  8. There was no way I could call long distance back then, so I had to write letters. Fortunately, I had duty every third day, and stood watches monitoring the radios in CIC. Lots of time, and privacy, to write. The pens and paper were free, too.

    The door stops like that provided much entertainment at my folks home because the cat knew where they all were and played them all.

    I have seriously considered switching to Mac the next time I need to replace the computer. It will definitely be a laptop.

    1. Skip,
      it took a few days, but I'm getting used to it. Not too much problem with the getting associated with it. Go for it my friend.

  9. Our dog used to amuse herself with the doorstop like that, but eventually grew out of it.

    Refreshing to hear Juvat and tribe busy doing all sorts of stuff with nary a medical event anywhere. Hope that is good for y'all.
    John Blackshoe

    1. JB,
      That would be a funny video also.
      Thanks, not quite out of the water yet, but things are going well and she's finishing quite a few of her medical business. PET check is next week and we shall see what we shall see.

  10. I called my folks twice a year from Japan. Itazuke (Fukuoka, Kyushu to Greenwich Conn.) Pretty clear connection, took considerable planning and near perfect timing. I think my dad must have paid for it, because I sure don’t remember seeing a bill.
    The grandkids videos will become more and more priceless. Laughter now, giving way to tears in 21 years. I know.

    1. D4,
      By the time I got to Kadena, the telephone service had improved significantly, and the price had gone down a bit. Still a bit expensive, but more affordable, maybe because I was a Captain not a new 1LT. We called Mom and Dad, several times a year, birthdays and major holidays. Course we also had kids who we wanted to establish a relationship with their Grand parents. Now? Free Video Chat! Ain't life good?


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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