
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, September 30, 2024

Awww, Dentist for Tuna, juvat!*

 Yes, Folks, it is decidedly "Pick on Tuna" day here in the Lone Star State.  Why you ask?  Well, I found a video which I believe will serve him in good stead as he advances into the ranks of the "Elderly".  Now, using my artistic license, I define elderly as a moving variable (E).  The formula for that variable's value is thus:

E>1 + JA** (in years)

Now, there is a second formula which also defines Elderly.  That one is 

E=JA (in years)-1 

One can only be in one grouping or the others. This will be apparent shortly as this week's lesson to be learned is aimed at the second grouping.

So, on with the show. 

Mrs. J and I were in the truck headed eastword.  While we were not going TO Austin, we were headed to Dripping Springs which 20 years ago was a very small town well away from Austin.  Now, it's a suburb for the Austin Borg.  We were going to visit our friend from Texas Hills Winery.  I don't know if I'd mentioned her husband had passed away last year (it was a pretty rotten year all round).  She has just completed selling the winery and has bought a house in Dripping (the locals drop the "Spring" part).  Mrs J. needed to discuss with her the Wine River cruise coming up in November that our friend's going to be the MC for.  I wanted to drink a little wine.  


Dinner was excellent, as was the wine.  As we're heading home, Mrs J is surfing videos on her phone.  She's laughing quite hard and I ask what's going on.  She replied that she had found a video that I "HAD" to post on this morning's blog.

So it is written, So it shall be!

The video is the 12 commandments for Senior Citizens. I think they're funny, along with a modicum of truth contained within.

So, Tuna, take them to heart, learn them and feel free to start applying them because you're rapidly approaching the age at which they become truthful.

BTW, #5 is particularly accurate at least as as far as I'm concerned.

Enjoy and...Peace Out Y'all!

* Actually it's "Audentes fortuna juvat". Or, Fortune favors the Bold.   This was the "Motto" of the 80TFS "The Juvats" of which I was a member.  Youngest guy in the squadron.  Learned a lot from the "older generation" the 30YO Captains and the 40YO Majors. The attached title is just a thought I had on the way home from Dripping and it stuck with me for some reason.  Besides, Tuna doesn't get enough grief around here.  Thought I'd fix that a bit.  Sue me!

**You'll have to think about that one.  I'm not going to define it.


  1. Yah......#5 has hit here also, there's always one item forgotten........ :)

    1. Nylon,
      It started with grocery lists, which are sorta understandable. It’s now morphed into a pocket paper tablet and a small pen. If it ain’t on the list, well, the only hope it has is if it catches my eye and falls in the category of “Wow! Wouldn’t it be nice to have some of that?”
      I’ve recovered more data from a damaged hard drive than I have remembered from memory.

  2. Checklists? Who can remember checklists?

    1. Sarge,
      If I remember the checklist, I’m good to go. Unfortunately, I’ve discovered another problem.
      If I don’t throw the existing checklist away on leaving the store. After a day or two, I’ve got a few of them in the pocket with no way of figuring out which is the current one. Mrs J discourages me buying the items on all the lists at that point. What’s a guy to do? Not bring home a critical item our have multiple spare items in the pantry?

    2. Two is one, and one is none is my motto ;)


    3. Suz,
      Yes, but 3-6, gets a bit much. But...our larder is full if the next shortage occurs.

      At least we hope!

    4. I am a firm believer in checklists (as well as reminders post-it noted on my kitchen door). Among other things, I check a house daily for a friend and his wife for a couple months in the winter (also plants to water, and last winter a cat to attend [both had their own spreadsheet pages]). A heavy responsibility, so I arrive with clipboard and checklist. (so easy to create in Excel), to make sure I don't forget anything. Nothing bad is going to happen on my watch if I can help it. Last spring their water heater rusted out and started to drip. I spotted it (Checklist-each room in basement dry?) and valved it out before the dribble even reached the floor drain.

    5. Don,
      Checklist's got me through my flying career. I'm starting to reengage them in normal day to day life. Worked for one, why not the other.
      Just sayin.
      Agreed, nothing bad is going to happen on my watch if I can help it. Good policy for life.

    6. Thanks, Juvat!!! You flew, you know how important it is.

  3. I appreciate the ribbing. I may not yet be elderly, but I do feel it. I am in my mid-50s, but look mid-60's. Now I just need the sage wisdom that you and Sarge have. I fully resemble that #5, but have trouble remembering what the important item is before I find a pen and paper!

    What did the grape say when it got stepped on? Nothing, it just gave out a little whine.

    1. Tuna,
      That list thing and remembering is very big on my list of things I wish weren't. The 3" X 5" note wallet with small pen goes through a lot of pads of paper and still I forget things. Mrs J doesn't have much of that symptom so she's a big help also, although there is a small amount of frustration on her part at times. I try, but fail miserably frequently. Hang in there! and...No, you don't look you're in the mid-60's...Yet!

  4. #5 has hit here as well...sigh. I have an app in my phone that I put all my lists on, cause otherwise I don't remember them at all!!
    Although I am told I look like I'm in my mid 50's, I am a smidge bit north of mid-60's.


    1. Suz,
      Haven't quite mastered electronic lists. Paper works best for me (as long as I trash the list as I walk out the store. Else?

  5. Seriously considered ignoring this post.
    But I can’t.
    In order to be elderly it is necessary, first, to become an adult.
    Y’know, grow up?

    Just sayin’


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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