
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Jumping the Gun?

Many of you might be saying, "Ah ha, the Muse is back, the story continues." And you wouldn't be wrong.

But it's going to be by fits and starts for a bit, it won't be twenty, or more, posts in a row developing and continuing the story I began way back in June of 2020 (wow, that was a while ago). I want to take this slowly and deliberately.

I was rereading some of the old book and realized that I really missed those characters I created in Almost a Lifetime and the new characters in the prequel, part one (yes, I really need a better title).

I will say this, reading Almost a Lifetime should be first, but it doesn't have to be.

I wanted to know more about those men (and the very few women in that book) so I started writing the prequel. Which introduced a number of new characters (even a couple of women central to the story). I like these new folks and want to do them justice.

That won't happen by rushing things. Slow and steady wins the race.

In other news ...

Yup, still retired, still enjoying life.

Celebrating 47 years of wedded bliss with The Missus Herself today. Didn't have a big ceremony on that day, in fact, there was no ceremony at all.

We went to Seoul, did a bunch of paperwork in a number of offices (American and Korean) and at one point our guide through the process turned to me and said, "Oh yeah, congratulations, you're married."

"Well shoot, did I miss something?"

"No, that last paper you both signed, that was it."

I rather wish we'd had some sort of ceremony, but after 47 years, still being married to the love of my life is enough for me. (Finding someone to tolerate me that long is probably a miracle of some sort.)

We went to dinner at Longhorn Saturday night (she has a baby shower to go to today), had a nice soup, excellent steak, and of course the company was incomparable.

That and the NFL playoffs beginning ...

Sorry, it's family tradition to go into the "Playoffs? Don't be talking about ... playoffs?" shtick everytime the playoffs are mentioned.

But yeah, the playoffs are on, so I'm watching. I do loves me some football.


  1. Congratulations on almost a half century of marriage! A long haul.

    Playoffs? FEH! It looked like the Chargers hired the Raiders to stand in for them. Except for the number of penalties....that was about the only bright stat for San Diego...Los Angeles. A very lackluster first quarter by both teams, then the Texans came to life.

    1. Yup, I watched that was very surprised at the Chargers not showing up. Terrible.

  2. Well Sarge and Missus Sarge, Happy Anniversary!
    “…and many more, on channel four…”

    I called an emergency meeting of the Chant du Depart Board of Directors last night. We passed a resolution increasing your story writing pay by 50% and increased your vacation days to 365 1/4 per annum, to give you more writing opportunities. Is there anything else we can do for you?
    (Sorry, a new Ferrari is not in the budget for the foreseeable future)
    Other than that, Mrs Lincoln, how was the play?

    Hey, it’s early on Sunday, my BS program is still booting!

    Cheers my friend and keep up the good work. See you tomorrow.

    1. We have a Board of Directors?

      I thought this was an absolute monarchy. Ah well, it was a good run. (Did I miss the revolution?)


  3. problem with "the play-offs" isn't the game(s), it's the blank-eyed monster: highly addictive, not to say weight productive - as the chair begins to suck you lower and lower into the cushion.
    but the major problem with the TV can be its highly destructive nature to the mind of a teller(writer)-of-tales.
    happy anniversary! my 50th passed a couple of years ago; the wife and I looked at each other that AM and we both said simultaneously, "Un-be-liev-able!!" and laughed.

  4. Congratulations on the anniversary Sarge, according to the "Modern" gift list for wedding anniversaries......books......right up your alley. Start saving for 50....that's GOLD!

    1. Books? I don't think she knows, I know I didn't.

      So books it is!

  5. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and happy Sunday!

  6. Happy 47th Anniversary! May you have many more!

    You didn't marry Miss Penny did you? For all the times I ate at her restaurant, I never met her husband. Then many years later in a civilian capacity, I delivered a cargo of Patriot reloads to Osan AB. We asked at the hotel if Miss Penny's had moved and the answer was that her husband had to retire and they all moved stateside.


  7. Congratulations! May you have many many more!

  8. Wedding anniversaries are something wonderful, but sadly less common than back in the day. 47 is a great achievement, not as a goal, but as just another milestone along the path to eternity. Congratulations to both of you and best wishes for many more.

  9. Happiest of Anniversaries Sarge!

    Likely we have come to love the characters as much as you do.

  10. Congratulations to you both on the anniversary, Sarge. It isn't how it begins, it's how it continues.
    --Tennessee Budd

  11. Crusty Old TV Tech here. Congrats Sarge! 47 years, The Missus must be quite patient. Coming up on 40 here in May, seems just like yesterday the whole thing, wedding at St. Joseph's, a few months of newlywedded joy (mixed with USAF pain) at Da Griff after, 47 years. Here's to many more. And, I applaud Musie and her Sarge whisperings. I could see my father on that train with Hernandez, could imagine the good old Army "hurry up and wait", and "if the Army wanted you to know where you were heading, they'd have issued you a personal navigator!". Waiting for more as the occasion strikes.

    1. The Missus Herself is the most patient person I know!

  12. Maybe at 50 you put down some vows that've you've been keeping for all these years and have those kids of yours throw a big party!

    1. Tuna #1 - Probably not, the topic has been brought up a couple of times over the years. Someone always vetoes that. (Not me.)

  13. Happy Anniversary! ⚘️🍷⚘️


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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