
Praetorium Honoris

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

As Long as You've Got Your Health ...

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Apparently The Missus Herself and Your Humble Scribe do not have the sort of immune systems which can compete with day care.

Finnegan seems to catch every bug there is, which has never really affected his grandparents.

Until now.

When we departed the shores of the Chesapeake to return to the shores of the Narragansett (crossing over the shores of the Delaware upon the way) we both felt fairly healthy and in fine fettle.

Monday The Missus Herself awakened with a bad cold. As for me, Your Humble Scribe, I felt nothing more than a mild scratchy throat, which could easily be attributed to the long drive and the lack of sleep the evening before departure.

However ...

Tuesday I awakened with one nostril leaking like the seams of the Titanic, post iceberg collision, and a mouth so dry that the Sahara would feel like a wet towel in comparison.

After clearing the nostril and taking a hefty chug of H₂O, I felt a bit better. Enough to decide that another hour or so of sleep would be "just the thing."

Well, yes and no. I slept wonderfully but awakened to a head full of cotton. Classic "Ah, crap, I have a cold."

Now before any of you start channeling your inner CDC bureaucrat, Finnegan, who is subject to apparently every virus known to man, did see a doctor (The Nuke is hyper-protective of her brood, I daresay if she and a mother grizzly crossed paths in the wild, I pity the grizzly) and was diagnosed with the common cold. (Poor kid had a bout with pneumonia a month or so ago, so The Nuke wanted to make sure that had not re-occurred.)

Yes, yes, I know that there are 80 bazillion strains of something out there "going around." We have colds, I've had them all my life, I know what they feel like. As for the flu, I've had it twice (both in years when I missed my flu shot) and know what that feels like. (If you've never had the flu, you wouldn't understand, something to be avoided like, well, the plague.) I've also had the dreaded Covid and know what that feels like. (I had a mild case, knock on wood.)

Bottom line, I feel like a crap sandwich without the bread.

Posting might be a bit sparse over the next cuppla days as I am feeling rather uncreative.

Oh yeah, my garbage disposal crapped the bed on Monday. So I've got that going for me as well. Upon recovery, I shall replace it. Not my first rodeo, er, garbage disposal replacement. The one we've got now is the one I put in.

Twenty years ago.

I might remember how, we shall see.

Stay frosty my friends, perhaps I shall return on the morrow.

Or not.

I guess there's a reason it's called a RHINOvirus¹.

¹ I know, I know, not the literal meaning ...


  1. Soup, tea and warm fuzzy blankets STAT.

  2. About 40 years ago, give or take, my wife and her mom started a day care. A few months in they were both sick all the time. Doctor visits, tests, etc. Finally one of the docs asked, "Where do you work?" "We run a day care." At which the doc laughed as told them that they were going to be sick for the next two years because the kids pick up every bug that comes along and then share it with all they come in contact with.

  3. As already stated..... rest..... hot liquids...... rest...... plenty of tissues available......... did I mention rest?

  4. Get well soon, both of you. You’re on the prayer list!

  5. Rest up Sarge! It really is the best thing.

  6. I take it that Finn's gift didn't hit until the drive was complete? That would not have been a nice trip back.

    1. Yup, it did have the courtesy of waiting until the day after. I've learned over the years to be grateful for small favors.

  7. Let's see, searching my memory for exactly the same thing....maybe 4-6 weeks ago. My wife shared it with me.
    The flooding from one side only was a new experience for me, at least recognizing it, but maybe I am just a slow learner.

    Dayquil/Nyquil (or the equally effective and cheaper Wally World equivalents) really do a good job at making you a functional human.

    1. I'm living on that stuff right now. Keeps the nose clear and the mind motivated to do more than lay in bed and feel crappy.

      For which I'm grateful.

  8. I do love my grandchildren but I can't help thinking they are major breaches of International Law regarding chemical and biological warfare.
    Verminous little things they are (joking but why is everything they give you just so much more virulent?).

    1. Heh. We've occasionally referred to one of the grandkids as the outbreak money, she never seems to get sick but those around her do.

    2. Norovirus was good

  9. Walking Disease Vectors. Cute and neat walking disease vectors, but still...

    Nice thing is, you can be sick as much as you want and you don't have to go in to work or worry about how many sick days you have left.

    1. This, of course, is not permission to go out and actively catch every bug out there. No licking doorknobs, hanging around strange women, eating street foods and such.

    2. I am trying to avoid all of those things. But it's all this free time I've got ...

  10. So, you spent a week or so with 2 perambulating virus bags and expected what, exactly? Until they're 5th graders, your immune systems will both suffer, and benefit from exposure to the viral biome of the Severn River environs.
    Your grandsons are wonderful young men, and you are blessed. I’ve got 10, and we all survived. Be well soonest!

    1. Well, we spent two weeks with them at Christmas and emerged unscathed, guess our number was up!

  11. As an old knight bachelor before I married and had my own, I always referred to my nephews as disease vectors. My mother didn’t find that at all amusing. Hope you and your missus get better soon… I wasn’t wrong though and my precious never ever got sick because she was born and raised in Encinitas…🙂


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