
Praetorium Honoris

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Behind the Scenes

Przejście Wielkiej Armii przez Berezynę w 1812¹
Wojciech Kossak (PD)
Well, I was going to continue following the Grande Armée in retreat from Russia, but other events intervened.

I very rarely suffer from insomnia, but I do, on rare occasions. Friday night being one such occasion. Two of my old comrades from work and I were going out for breakfast Saturday morning. One of the people I hadn't seen since December, it was Friday night that I realized that there were some people at work that I missed. A lot. These two folks are at the top of that rather small list.

We were going to a new place, convenient to all those traveling, sort of a midpoint venue which had been said to be very good. So we went. It was good. I've never eaten that much breakfast. I was so full that I required no further sustenance that day.

Anyhoo, in my excitement at seeing old friends, my brain decided that a full night's sleep fell into the "optional" category. I got to bed well before midnight (unusual for me) but would sleep about 45 minutes then awaken to see if it was time yet. Of course, it wasn't. Finally at 0600, I judged the time to be close enough. The restaurant is perhaps 20 minutes from Chez Sarge. I got there a lot earlier than I needed to be.

Oh well, we had a great time and plans are afoot to do it again next month. We plan on doing this monthly. Good food, good friends - you simply can't beat that.

So, the story will continue, we're not done yet. Not until the Grande Armée is out of Russia will I "down tools" and find something else to write about. But today, I'm just too tired.

But I do have a video for you which covers Napoléon's retreat. My story is based loosely on the events depicted therein. It's part of a rather sizeable collection of videos over on YouTube. If interested, I invite you to go visit the channel and see for yourself.

Good stuff.

Bis Dienstag, meine Kameraden!²

¹ The passage of the Great Army across the Berezina in 1812. (Polish)
² Until Tuesday, comrade! (German)


  1. Hey Sarge! I don't know if you've read your Writer's Contract lately. It does say you get to 1) Have a Life, 2) Take a Break and 3) Enjoy Friends. We'll be here when you get back.
    See you soon.
    P.S. This past week sucked WX wise! Guess what I'll be writing (AKA Piss, moan and complaining)!

    1. Little Rhody cold here, teens at night, we were lucky if it hit freezing during the day. Not unusual further north in New England, but here? Feels unusual.

  2. There is a group that gathers on Sunday at various VFW posts for breakfast. The profits go to help local veterans. I look forward to these gatherings and is my way of giving back. I don't contribute at the national level; just local. The food is high fat and cholesterol. Bacon, sausage, scrambled eggs, biscuits, hamburger gravy, and green chile. Anyone who has gone through basic training will feel right at home.

  3. You made the right choices re gathering with friends.

    Your recent image choices, however, give me the shivers, and checking the thermostat to be sure it is set at extra toasty, so I don't end up like the poor SOBs out there trying to make the other SOBs die for their country. But, I guess cold, like REALLY FRIGGING COLD, is sort of a big deal in this episode, so we probably won't see any French Riviera topless scenery any time soon. (Unless Juvat's wine cruises stop there...)

    Thanks again for Rob Gale's Catalina post yesterday. Good stuff.
    John Blackshoe

    1. Rob does a great job out at the museum. I really should head out there one of these days. I miss Colorado.

  4. Why were they burning their flags?


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