
Praetorium Honoris

Monday, February 17, 2025

Busy again

What a week! Even Enrico Rastelli* could not have juggled all the things going on at Rancho Juvat quite as well as the Boss Lady has. Similarly, I don't think Steppin' Fetchet could have outdone me in the Lift and Carry role. Busy, Busy, yet somehow I slept well at night. However, the following mornings did require a bit of stretching as well as a hefty coating of Ben-Gay to get me started.

Two major projects in the process. First is renovation of our old house. The plan is to turn it into a BnB. It seems to be coming along nicely although, as with any project, there's been a hiccup or two (dozen). Our contractor is doing a great job while also warning us about and explaining how to overcome some of the problems that an older manufactured home might have. For instance, as anybody who's spent even a night in Texas will tell you, the water is hard. The shower in the master bath was pretty well caked in calcium. His guys tried every trick in the book to get it cleaned off and failed miserably. He then quoted us a replacement of the shower stall. Which we approved. The stall was taken out of the shower encasement, but could not be taken out of the bathroom. It wouldn't fit through the bathroom door.

Well....Nuts! The only way to get it out was to saw it into smaller pieces. However, the second half of the project...Well... Elmer's glue isn't waterproof.

So...We've now got a tile enclosed shower (or will have shortly, aka Today or Tomorrow). Looks pretty nice! But...There is a cost.

Not quite finished yet, needs grouting

As most of you well know.

The other project the contractor is handling is painting the house. Again, 20+ years, raising two kids through their teen years is hard on paint. Thankfully, this project is going quite well (knock on wood) and should be finished today, maybe tomorrow. Then it's clean up the area for the contractor and we can begin resetting the house into our BnB setting. Mrs J will mastermind that phase, I will resume my Stepen Fetchet role.


Oh, and by the way our 3200 cubic foot dumpster was filled to capacity when it was hauled off. Junk truly does expand to fit available space.

While going through boxes of stuff, deciding "keep" or "trash", I did find an interesting piece of memorabilia.

Weathered a bit, but...

As to the main house, we are also doing a lot of schlepping. Quite a bit of stuff in the attic and garage that we thought were treasures when were moving in, but in the ensuing years have lost a bit of their allure. Not all of it, but quite a bit. So, again, one side of the garage is keep, the other is "To da dump, to da dump, to da dump, dump, dump." (Sung to music)

My office is about 90% ready. The boxes of stuff packed away to depersonalize and declutter just need to be put in the storage closet. The stuff to dispose of is gone. Mrs J's office that she uses for her travel agent stuff is coming along nicely, However, she has to be a bit more careful on what she's throwing away than I.

So, I'm ahead in that horse race.

Enough griping, juvat! Tell us some good news!

Bien sûr, mon sergent!

There is a reward at the end of this operation. Mrs. J has put together a little vacay for the Family. On the 28th, She and I, MBD, The Rev, Magster and Leon' will be departing from Austin to a place named after an actor named Greenstreet. Little J, LJW and MissB will be joining us there. We'll spend a day or so, getting over jet lag, then boarding a cruise ship and explore that corner of the world for a couple of weeks.

I hear they make excellent wine down under.

The next Post or two will be interesting, I think.

Peace out, y'All!

*Enrico Rastelli is considered the World's most talented juggler. The linked site has a lot of interesting yet little known and near useless information on it. Good for a read while sitting on the pot. Ask me.


  1. Replies
    1. StB,
      I certainly plan to. Once onboard the heaviest thing I plan to carry is an adult recreational beverage, or maybe my buffet plate.

  2. While Mr. Rastelli is indeed talented, I rather favor Paul Conchas

    Sounds as if you had a very full few days, and will be taking a well deserved break. Engoy.

    1. Joe,
      Sorry about no comment. Apparently, one has to push the enter button for it to show up. However, that is an impressive picture you linked to. The man has some talent, that's for sure. I'm pretty sure is concentration ability is way up there also.

  3. Sounds like progress indeed, Juvat.

    I may be a little confused: Have you decided to keep everything as an Air BNB or is the intent to still sell?

    1. THBB,
      One hopes there's progress and the light at the end of the tunnel isn't the proverbial train.
      No confusion. The answer is "Yes". We are selling the property. The two current 4-6 person cottages are already BnB's. The renovation is intended to turn it into a 6-10 person BnB. We hope to get that done soon and start to have reservations so we can show income levels for the property. The buildings are far enough away from the Main House that it would take a rock concert in them to be heard in the Main House. I don't know anything about real estate, but our Realtor is excited about the idea. So...

  4. The more you write about it, the less inclined I am to ever move again.

    1. Sarge,
      If I could get MBD and gang to move here, I'd be siding with you. Unfortunately...but the next move I make after this one I'll be the "movee" and not the "mover", if you get my drift.

  5. Yep, the 'stuff' becomes less important when you have to move it all... I remember when everything I needed/wanted fit in a seabag...sigh

    1. Old NFO,
      Yeah, my move into and out of the college dorm was one suitcase and my stereo. Pilot training through my second operational assignment was the back end of my Vega. Then I got married. Thank goodness the AF paid for the movers. Really wish they'd do it ONE MORE TIME! My back would thank them as well as my bank account.

    2. I had an Army Reserve Lt as a college geology prof that did his active stint at White Sands. At the end of it, he noticed a clause that allowed officers to have "professional materials" shipped free. Two GI were straining at several very heavy footlockers. "What's in these things, rocks"? "That's right". They contained his geological sample collection.

    3. Don,
      Thankfully, very thankfully, we have no rocks in our belongings ( brains might be a different matter). Books however?

  6. Good to see the formulation of a plan and then the start of implementation, good news from the realtor juvat. Enjoy the cruise down there.....:)

    1. Nylon,
      Yeah, we're pretty excited about it. And it'll be nice to have the family all together on it, also.

  7. My wife and I have discussed getting a water softener, as mineral buildup is bad here too. The one downside is that it takes forever to get soap and shampoo washed out when you have soft water. The minerals tend to neutralize something in the soaps.

    1. Tuna,
      I believe they’re called “Suds”. I discovered their usefulness when we moved into the new house with its water softener. You’ll learn to love them. They provide an excellent excuse for using up all the hot water.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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