
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Mental Health Break ...

Nach der Schlacht
Roland Strasser
The scene depicted in the painting above (from World War I) kind of suggests the state of my mental health at the moment. I'm spending far too much time thinking about what I'm going to write as opposed to living and enjoying life.

So I'm off to Maryland for a week or so and honestly, I have no plans to write anything while I'm down there.

I might ...

I might not.

I need a break from social media for the sake of my own mental health and well-being.

Read the folks on the sidebar, as with many of my "taking a break" posts, this might not last. But I can't type, my internet sucks lately (something I need to sort out with my ISP when I return), and I'm fed up with the world in general.

Type to hang out with my grandsons, do silly things, and watch children's programs on the telly.

I'll be back.


Be well.


  1. Enjoy the break, Sarge.

    Social media has become almost unusable. Were I not traveling and posting pictures, I would likely be off it altogether.

    1. Facebook is really bad these days, posts from people I've never heard of, ads galore, it sucks bad.

  2. Sounds as if you need to do some fishin'. Enjoy! Relax! Catch up on your reading! We won't burn the place down or raid your liquor cabinet.

    1. I don't fish but I'll find something equally relaxing.

  3. Speak for yourself Joe. "I have the spare key to the GOOD STUFF". LOL

    Seriously take care of yourself AF Sarg. We spend so much time taking care of others that we fail to do PM on ourselves.

    1. Thanks, Michael. (The good stuff, we have good stuff?)

  4. Going to echo Joe Sarge, fishing is good for emptying the mind except how to tackle those scaly underwater denizens. Have to wait two more months for the Opener in this state. I get to walk two blocks to cast a line, time to pick up my license from the local sporting goods store. Enjoy the Grandkid Time! We'll blather among ourselves.

    1. Haven't fished since I was a kid. It is relaxing but I don't have a need to bother the fish.

  5. You've earned a break after that last series.

    And, you are retired, with no obligation to anyone but yourself and family.
    Reruns are acceptable and enjoyable!

    I often try to pitch in during dry spells, but right now is my busy season, so unlikely to have anything soon.
    John Blackshoe

    1. There may be days with no posts at all. It's also an endeavor to slow down the spambots. How does the blog get 20,000+ hits a day yet the day's post gets 200 views? The world wide web is becoming a sinkhole of idiocy and criminality.

      Anyhoo, thanks, JB.

  6. As much as I enjoy your historical fiction and your forays into "what-if" alternate realities (like the story of the deep-staters and out-of-control federal bureaucracy trying to stage false flag attacks), I can appreciate that the muse cannot be ever-present and sometimes you need to step away to take care of important things...

    1. It has become necessary to do just that. I've been getting a little OCD lately about this blogging thing, gotta take a step back and regroup.

  7. In the end, nothing means anything if you don't take care of you...enjoy the break, make it as long as you need...ease yourself back into it when it's time...

  8. We'll keep checking in.

    1. Tuna might have something for tomorrow.

      Thanks, Dakota VIking.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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