
Praetorium Honoris

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It's Snowing!

It's an acquired taste perhaps, but I love it when it snows. Blizzards need not apply, but this? I love it!

Don't know why, but this kind of weather makes me content. I feel like curling up with a nice cup of coffee and just watching the world go by.

That light in the parking lot, looks kind of like a small sun. One benefit of it is that when Your Humble Scribe prowls the upper passageways of Chez Sarge in the wee, dark hours of the night, I don't need to burn my own electricity. That "little sun" lights the way very nicely.

Supposed to be mildy snowy all week. I love it. Of course, it needs to ease up on Friday as the Missus Herself is winging her way to Cali, for to visit the grandchildren. Mustn't disappoint them, they are eager to see grand-mère. Hhhmm, as the Missus is Korean, that would be 할머니.

But for now, je suis très heureux.

(That would be "happy", 'kay?)

The pictures were taken with my Samsung Galaxy S III. I thought they were, how do you say, pas mal, not bad, n'est pas?


  1. You have a NICE yard. I take it your wife is into topiary in a big way? I say "your wife" coz you've indicated elsewhere she's the one that does the gardening.

    As for snow... you can keep it. And please DO. ;-)

    1. The garden is definitely her thing. I just move dirt and lift heavy things! And cut grass, not much of that now though.

  2. Ditto Buck's comment on the snow. ick, I also thought the backyard quite nice although desert brown can look quite pretty under the right circumstances. The desert has a peculiar beauty all of it's own

    1. Like I said, the love of snow is kind of an acquired taste. As to the desert, you can keep it. I'd heard people speak of the beauty of the desert and was open minded when I went to the desert for the first. Do not want to go back. Do not care for the desert at all. Must be an acquired taste.

    2. "Desert" IS an acquired taste, and it's one I've acquired in the last ten years or so. While the High Plains o' NM ain't exactly "classic" desert a la Arizona or the Mojave, it's close enough for gub'mint work. That said, there are times... especially in the Fall... when I miss livin' in the Northeastern Tier of the country.

    3. Sorry jib and Buck. I cannot abide the desert. Just too bleak for me.

  3. I'm with you. Snow is swell in limited doses. Looks like we're going to get a right ass-kicking down here come Friday, though.

    1. Yeah, Friday could be interesting. Especially as the Missus is supposed to fly that day. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Her flight is relatively early in the day, so it's really a question of timing.

      We shall see.


Just be polite... that's all I ask. (For Buck)
Can't be nice, go somewhere else...

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